Forbes Park Wading Pool
Community Project
On one hot August day in 1943, Hespeler Mayor Jack Courtney and W.G. Johnson (Parks Superintendent at the time) took a walk through Forbes Park.
They noticed that children were wading and playing in the creek. They wondered how they help the situation. City budgets were tight and labour was difficult to come by due to the wartime efforts. They agreed that it was time for available community members should pitch in to help with a proposed project.
A call was placed to our very own Gordon Klager who bent some rules to get the power shovel and dump trucks sent to Forbes Park. A call went to the Kinsmen and I.O.O.F for volunteers. The community responded favourably to the idea. A prominent citizen, who wanted to remain anonymous, donated $25 worth of cement and $50 for the project.
In a matter of days, the volunteer-run project was completed and the local children were enjoying a wading pool that they could call their own. The photos included here were taken by Dominion Woollens & Worsteds employee Frank Johnston.
Story details provided by Lary Turner, Hespeler Heritage Centre.