Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited
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News for our local workers and the courageous men and women serving in the War effort
We are sad to report that our long-time friend and employee, Christian Linder, has passed away. The next Victory Loan drive opens on the eighteenth of this month. The HAKS lose in the finals.
The softball teams always have a cheering section. The housing shortage becomes acute. An understaffing means a shortage of woollen goods for the Services and civilians as well. Saving fuel by collecting waste steam from the mill.
The Whole Town Chips In to Build a Wading Pool in Forbes Park for the Youngsters. Eric Zvaniga, who received a head injury as a result of an accident in the Woollen Card room, has been removed to the Toronto General Hospital.
The regular monthly meeting of the W.W.U. was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday, July 7th, at 7.30 p.m. Among the items of business discussed and approved was the setting up of joint production committees throughout the various departments of the mill.
An older photo of our Mill. James Allan of Hespeler was the winner of the $150 Victory Bond. We write to the troops and introduce you to your new Town Council.
Easter Parade with Irene, Ruth, Margaret and Phyllis. D. W. & W. Airman Saved When “Harvester” Sunk. Sergeant Instructor Ken Parr, despite the loss of a foot amputated a year and a half ago after a crash, is in the air again.
We need to be aware of a dangerous traffic hazard. The Royal Canadian Mounted recommends fingerprinting every employee. The Works Council may be disbanded.
Pride in the quality of materials coming from Dominion Woollens. The McLaughlin family has 3 boys overseas. Congrats to Karla Shykoski on her marriage.
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