mill maintenance

The best team of maintenance workers anywhere on God’s green earth.

It takes a Village

Literally it does take a village to run Dominion Woollens & Worsteds. We have the finest maintenance team in the British Empire…hands down.

Each and every day our teams of boiler engineers, plumbers, pipe fitters, welders, electricians and all the maintenance staff that work hard on our advanced and finicky machinery – all to keep our materials moving out the door. Our troops thanks you. The tailors who purchase our product thank you. And we thank you!

Helping build something great. Mill Maintenance Workers

Mill Maintenance

Mill Maintenance

Mill Maintenance

Mill Maintenance

Mill Maintenance

Mill Maintenance

Mill Maintenance

Mill Maintenance

Without our highly trained and dedicated maintenance team, we would never prevail.

Electrical | Water | Welding | Pipe Fitting | Heating

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