Drawing, spinning and twisting

Producing our finest materials, Worsted yarns

Drawing and Spinning and Twisting…oh my!

We are laughing out loud at that headline. Fans of Judy Garland will certainly understand the reference to the movie that graced our Queen’s Theatre only a few years ago.

Drawing wool is the process of straighening loose wool fibres.

Spinning & Twisting wool is where we draw the wool fibres out and twist together to form a yarn. The yarn is then placed on bobbins or cones for further processing.

Worsteds production

Worsteds production

Worsteds production

Worsteds production

Worsteds production

Worsteds production

Worsteds production

Worsteds production

Worsteds production

Worsteds is our finest cloth. Its product is in the hands of highly skilled workers.

Pride in quality

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