Piecing It Together Piecing it Together for Patrick McLaughlin

In our PIT stop features, we assemble additional pieces of the puzzle. Readers are able to learn more about the mill, its employees and the Hespeler community at large.

Patrick McLaughlin

Patrick McLaughlin receives first aid training in 1943. (D. W. & W. News, March 1943)

On June 21, 1940, Dominion Woollens employee, Mr. Wesley Warne would seriously injure himself in the Garnett room. If it weren’t for the quick actions of Patrick, Mr. Warne may have lost his life that day. Without hesitation, Patrick sprang into action and skillfully applied a tourniquet to the injury.

Due to these outstanding efforts, Mr. Warne and Dominion Woollens and Worsteds will be forever grateful.

*Note: Mr. Francis Wesley Warne (b. 1883) will live another 18 years beyond the date of that accident. He passes away in 1958 at the age of 75.

Attached below are two letters of appreciation sent to acknowledge Patrick’s actions.

Letter of appreciation to Patrick McLauglin
Letter of appreciation to Patrick McLauglin