Fast Forward Merv Himes

We bring you this Fast Forward on the latest information we could find.

Birth: Merv Himes was born on 16 April 1919. 

Death: He died on 19 December 1990 at Collier, Florida, at age 71. 

Note: Merv Himes had a real estate business in Galt. He also led a big band which played at Roslyn Grove on the Preston-Kitchener highway back in the 40s and 50s.

Merv Himes died in Florida and is believed to be buried there. 



Merv Himes

Merv Himes

Merv Himes with wife Erna

Merv Himes with wife Erna at right


Galt’s Merv Himes ‘Band in Demand’ (by Rych Mills in Waterloo Region Record)
Sweet Melodies and a Smooth Dance Floor (by Rych Mills – Special to The Record)