Fast Forward Lorne From

We bring you this Fast Forward on the latest information we could find.

Lorne From

Lorne Ray From was born October 8th, 1923 in the Hespeler / Breslau area. He lived in the area until he was enlisted in the army in 1941 at the age of 18. After his service, he worked at Dominion Woollens & Worsteds, Limited. Lorne continued his life marrying Lorrine Moss, of Galt, Ontario in 1955. They bought a house and moved to Georgetown Ontario, where they continued to reside the rest of their lives.

Lorne worked for Smith & Stones in Georgetown. Plax Canada in Burlington branched off from Smith & Stones and he continued his career with Plax Canada until he retired in 1988 at the age of 65.

Lorne and Lorrine had two daughters, Wendy (born 1958) and Lynne (born 1962).

While in the army and waiting to be transferred to a new training base in Montreal, he stopped into a magic shop. This is where his love for magic began. He became an amazing magician, performing for family, friends, schools and at his local church. His other passions included; tinkering and fixing clocks (he had many clocks in the house), fly fishing (making his own flies), spending numerous hours completing large sized puzzles, and baking. One might say he had a lot of patience and attention to detail. Lorne had a big heart and loved his family.

Lorne From Record DWW

Lorne From in uniform

Lorne From in his Magician attire

A proud-looking Lorne in his magician’s attire.

Lorne From in his Magician attire

Performing magic for his audience.

Lorne From Paystub from 1945 - Found at the Mill December, 2020

This pay stub was discovered on the third floor of the stone tower at the Mill in December 2020. It was found buried under years of bird droppings. Estimated date of 1945/46.

Lorne From and Family

Lorne From, wife Lorrine From (Moss) holding daughter Lynn with daughter Wendy.

Lorne From

Lorne lived happily surrounded by his loved ones in Georgetown, Ontario until his passing on January 18th, 2016 at the age of 92.