Lloyd Beer
Lloyd Beer was born in Hespeler twenty-three years ago and has been a Hespelerite ever since. He attended Hespeler public school and the Galt Collegiate Institute and Vocational School.
On leaving school he entered the Winding Department at D.W. & W. where he worked at night. Seven months later he joined the Weave Room staff as a floor man, and after some time on the floor he commenced weaving automations. For the length of time he had been weaving he was doing exceptionally well and allowed every sign of becoming a first-class weaver.
Lloyd was quite active in hockey and lacrosse circles and was also a good musician, having played for some time in a local orchestra.
He enlisted September 9th, 1939 with the 29/40 Btty., 11th Field Regt., R.C.A., Guelph, and is now overseas. He was married in December, 1939.
The uniform Lloyd is wearing was the style used before the new service uniform was issued.
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