Merv Himes

Merv Himes We bring you this Fast Forward on the latest information we could find. Birth: Merv Himes was born on 16 April 1919.  Death: He died on 19 December 1990 at Collier, Florida, at age 71.  Note: Merv Himes had a real estate business in Galt. He also led a big...

Toronto Maple Leafs

Toronto Maple Leafs Enjoy this Fast Forward and see what we learned about the Toronto Maple Leafs in the future. The Toronto Maple Leafs will go on to win the Stanley Cup this year (1942) and will continue to do quite well throughout the 1940’s and 1950’s....

Parking Lot

Piecing It Together for the Parking Lot In our PIT stop feature, we assemble additional pieces of the puzzle. Readers are able to learn more about the mill, its employees and the Hespeler community at large. Articles D. W. & W. News, Sept. 1941...