Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited
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NO. 3
Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited
POST OFFICE—Miss Anna Runstedtler, acting postmistress, continues to take care of “languishing ladies” who are wearing the steps thin calling for their overseas mail.
PUBLIC LIBRARY—Where you learn that crime does not pay; that history repeats itself; that love is blind.
C.N.R. STATION—The old 8.15 stops by to say a friendly good morning to Bill Brent and Dode Henderson.
PUBLIC SCHOOL – Dear old golden rule days – the rule was applied where it did the most good.
To some it brings back memories of former Principal J.D. Ramsay; to others our present principal, G.A. Smith.
TOWN HALL—These days the place vibrates with the personality of Mayor Jack Courtney busily engaged in his executive duties.
Most of us will agree that the letters received from our men and women in uniform make exceptionally good reading. Truly the pressure on the public to write, and to write often, has paid some handsome dividends in the form of interesting replies. Previous newspaper space is devoted to them. Wartime correspondence provides the theme for many a magazine article. As for the “News,” the space given to “In the Letter Box” indicates how we feel about it.
But often a letter will have a little more than that interest value – it will be thought-provoking. One such letter has been received from Sergeant Ray Reynolds, who has been away for four and a half years. In part, he writes:
“Just a bit of news about myself. My wife is keeping fine and our two and a half year old daughter is a perfect picture. I suppose all parents say that though. We are all anxious to see Canada and I’m sure it will be a proud day for us when we can introduce our wives and children to Canada.”
“Enclosed is a snap so you can see how our young Canadians are growing up over here.”
It must be a “proud day”! Governments, municipal councils and many other organizations are busily planning for the day when our boys and girls come home to stay. Jobs and housing hold top places on their lists and certainly that is where they belong but some provision must be made for a real welcome for those little families who see their new home for the first time.
Still, planning can go just so far –a welcome must come spontaneously from the hearts of the people. And for this what better field exists than the streets, stores, churches and homes of a small town.
“It will be a proud day for us when we can introduce our wives and children to Canada.” How about it, Hespeler?
We are glad the wounds in neither case are serious and hope by the time you receive this paper you are both in the “pink” again.
Pte. Audrey Arndt, home on embarkation leave least month, paid a farewell visit to her friends in the Worsted Spinning Dept. The best of luck, Audrey!
Fred writes from France as follows:
“Just a few lines to thank you for all the cigarettes and the paper which I have been receiving regularly each month, especially the paper. And say – do the boys ever like the girl named Shirley Wyatt! And by the way, I cut Lorna Keetch’s picture out of the paper and pasted it on the side of my carrier on the way from England to France. She has come all the way through the invasion of France but has taken an awful beating from the rain. However she is still smiling. There isn’t a great deal of news to tell except that it rains often, and it sure rains a lot of shells. I have dug more since I landed in France than I ever did in my life before and I mean fast digging, too. Jerry doesn’t send many planes over except at nights and on cloudy days, but that is too often for me. Incidentally, is this ever a hard place on pants. I have only had mine off eight times since “D” day, so now I know why we used to work overtime making khaki at the old mill. Please give my regards to the Mule Spinning Room staff, and I sure hope that we will soon be back at the mill working again.” Thanks for your letter, Fred. Please write again.
One reason why we of the Union like this column is because it gives us the chance to speak to the boys and girls on active service. Union members in the mill get our own paper which covers our activities and view point thoroughly, but this column is one of general interest.
A good many of you who have been away three years or more in the services may wonder what changes have taken place. Letters and pictures tell only part of the story. So let’s take a walk down to the mill (imaginary, of course) and see what is going on.
Before we can go into the mill we must get a pass from Fred Hutchings. War measures to keep out unwanted guests. Getting a pass for anyone on active service is a mere formality, Fred remembers all you folks, most of you by your first names. By the way, there’s a girl in Fred’s office who is very easy to look at, if you send us a stamped envelope we will tell you her name and phone number. The rest will be up to you.
Now we go up to the stairs to the Winding Room. Did you notice that “Miff” Whener is not in the Sales Room. He is in the Yarn Shipping now. Well, look who is still here in the Winding Room? Sure, it’s Fred Berrington. He looks happy these days because the war news is so good, but his hair isn’t getting any more plentiful. He may ask if you have seen Alf. lately. Alf. is in Normandy. And who is that chap at the perch, hunting for miss-picks and wrong draws? Yep, it’s Ernie Hartrick. Still good natured and smiling but not getting any slimmer. There are plenty of girls busy winding but most of them will be strangers to you. At that, you will want to stop a minute to look them over. Why not, it’s a free country. Hilda Karch and Alice Bruce will say hello if they aren’t too busy getting yarn for the winders. Hard working girls are these two. Oh yes, there are some new mechanical winders that are well worth looking at, after you have finished giving the girls the once over.
Well, have you liked your imaginary trip so far? Perhaps we will visit the boys and girls in the Weave Room next month.
Referring to the June issue of D. W. & W. News Reg. writes: “I was reading about all the war materials they make in Hespeler and I must say that you people certainly do your share. You sure are right about the cloth you make and how it stands up. I wore the same uniform for six months in mud and rain. I slept in it—in fact I just lived in it until about two months ago when we got a lighter summer issue. But my old faithful khaki uniform is in my kit bag until cooler weather. Well, after about nine months of this Italy I wouldn’t mind a change, but as long as we know the folks at home are thinking of us we will finish the job and then see you all again back home. Wishing all of you and all the boys and girls of the plant the best of luck.” Thanks Reg., write again.
Can. R161003 LAC. Seeley M.W.
Squadron No. 434,
R.C.A.F. Overseas.
Murray tells us how much he enjoys the cigarettes that have come through, and continues, “We are having very nice summer weather here now. Everyone is expecting the war to finish this year, so here’s hoping. Then the children over here won’t have to ask ‘have you got any gum, chum?’ Well, I must close for now, Cheerio.” Glad to hear from you, Murray.
A37994 Cpl. Ellis B.J.,
Cdn. Section, G.H.Q.,
2nd Echelon, A.A.I.
Canadian Army, C.M.F.
Bruce writes: “Your smokes are still coming in most regularly. Many times they have arrived to save the day, just when the cigarette famine would be getting acute, so I am able to produce proof to the ones around me that I work for a firm where they don’t forget. My chest expansion increases considerably when your paper comes in also, as all here who have had the pleasure to read its lines, marvel at the spirit and attitude taken by all concerned over there. My way of explaining Italy would not be eligible for the feminine sex to read, so will leave that for your imagination. Looks like all for this time, and thanks again for everything.” Many thanks for your letter, Bruce.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Morlock are the proud parents of a son, born on August 5th. To keep that “family” name going they are calling him “Peter” Kimberley.
Congratulations to Elmer Trommer whose marriage to Aileen Odbert took place on August 17th. Elmer was presented with a combination smoking stand and magazine rack by the members of the Cloth Finishing Dept.
Ruth Murray of the Invoicing Dept. became the bride of LAC. Jerold O’Connor of Red Deer, Alberta, on August 19th. We wish you every happiness, Ruth. Prior to leaving she was presented with a wall mirror on behalf of the office staff.
On July 31st the members of the Woollen Spinning Dept. enjoyed a weiner roast at Idylwild. From all reports a good time was had by all.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ball have received word that their son who is serving overseas with the R.C.A.F. has been promoted to the rank of flying officer. Congratulations, Ron!
P/O. Earl Constant, home on furlough from the Bahamas where he has been stationed for the past ten weeks, called in at the mill recently. Earl expects his next posting will be India.
Congratulations to Banks Duncan on his marriage to Cavell McEwen of Preston, on Aug.12th.
The members of the Woollen Spinning Dept. join in expressing their sympathy to Elmer Schmidt who lost a brother during the invasion in France. Just a short time ago Elmer lost another brother while on operations with the R.C.A.F. over Germany.
On the evening of Aug. 1st the girls from the office gathered at Hillside Lodge to honor Ruth Murray O’Connor, bride of last month, at a cup and saucer shower.
Albert Snyder of the Weave Room has enlisted with the Army and is stationed in London.
Last month the members of the Woollen Spinning Dept. bade farewell to Dave Dalgleish. Dave is retiring after 24 years’ continuous service with the company.
Anne Welsh of the Cloth Finishing Dept. was advised that her husband, Pte. Wilbert Welsh, has been wounded in action overseas. The nature of the wounds was not specified. Pte. Welsh enlisted with the R.C.A.S.C. at the outbreak of war in September 1939 and went overseas with one of the first contingents of Canadians in December of that year. He was a member of the Twisting Dept.
Howard McKellar reported for duty with the Army in London last month.
F/O. Robert Hughes-Games, previously reported missing while on operational duties with the R.C.A.F. overseas, has been interned in Sweden. According to reports, he “bailed out” from a Lancaster bomber, along with the other members of the crew, when returning from a raid on Stettin, Germany.
Rifleman George Edmonds, son of Mrs. Ethel Edmonds, has been awarded the Military Medal for bravery shown in rescuing a wounded comrade after having received a head wound himself, in action in France.
We are proud of the fact that this is the second Military Medal awarded to Hespeler boys.
Congratulations, George, and our wishes for a speedy recovery.
“My mail has been coming through a bit better lately to what it has been, so I feel much better for that. One of the things a fellow looks forward to getting most is mail, especially when you are so far away from home and enjoy keeping in touch with all the events happening back there. I am out of the hospital now, as perhaps you already know, and am back on the job again. I am looking forward to the day when we will have this job finished and I will be back in good old Hespeler and back working in the mill again. It won’t be long now for the boys are doing a wonderful job as you can see. Please remember me to all my friends in the Spinning Room, especially Carl Krueger.” Thanks Howard. We agree.—All the boys and girls are doing a magnificent job.
Gnr. Bruce McLaughlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin, was killed in action in France on August 14th. He was born at Puslinch on October 24, 1920, and was employed in the woollen card room at the time of his enlistment in the Army Service Corps in May, 1941. Gnr. McLaughlin went overseas in November, 1941.
Word has been received that Pte. Harold Gilkinson, recently reported missing in action in France, was killed in action on July 21st. Harold, whose home was near Palmerston, was living in Hespeler and was a member of the Cloth Finishing Dept. at the time of his enlistment.
Our sincerest sympathy is extended to the bereaved of both boys.
Army……………….…. 120
Air force ………………. 75
Navy………..………….. 17
We appreciate comments from our men and women based in Canada and overseas. If you have anything to add, we encourage you to also leave a comment here. If you'd like to contact us privately, please write to our switchboard operator. Our Office will respond to your letter as time permits.
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Having received your paper as regularly as can be expected under existing conditions, I realize I should send my thanks to you, and all who are making this small package of ‘dynamite” possible. When mail comes in and the large brown envelope is on my desk, my thoughts immediately go back to that “large brick pile,” the good old D. W. & W. Four years is a mighty long time, but I could never forget my happy days spent between those huge walls. I feel quite safe in saying, everyone away from home now would give almost anything to be even bobbin boy again. There’s no place like home.
Since I’ve joined the service, I’ve travelled far. It has been very interesting, but at times rather lonely. All in all, I would not have missed a day of it. I had the fortune of seeing Rome. What a grand city! What grand women!!! I think it would be a great place to live in peace time. They have everything!!! (Bar nothing!!!)
To try and let you in on the life, as I see it. At present the radio is playing and anyone not interested in the program is out with the volley ball or horse shoes. The old saying “All work and no play makes Johnnie a sad boy” is taken into consideration. Thanks Auxiliary Services.
Best I cut the chatter and get on with the work. They may take a dim view should it not be finished.
Cheerio friends, and may you carry on the good work.