MARCH 1944

NO. 9

Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited





Bob Amos was born in Toronto on October 12, 1919. He attended John Wanless Public School and North Toronto Collegiate and Business College. He also holds a certificate for general accounting and office management from the International General Accountants’ Association.

Before coming to Hespeler Bob was employed at the Franklin C. Legge Organ Building Company, Toronto. After passing civil service examinations he worked in the Meteorology Office on Bloor Street, Toronto, and then accepted a position with International Business Machines in Toronto. On May 1, 1941, he became a member of D. W. & W. Accounting Department staff. He continued in the capacity of cost clerk until the time of his enlistment.

Bob had several hobbies, namely, book binding, sketching and music, being a student of both piano and pipe organ. His favourite sports were golfing and archery. He was an active member of the Hespeler Kinsmen Club, and took a keen interest in church work. Previous to his enlistment he had been a member of the Reserve Army since 1939.

In January 1943, Bob enlisted with the Royal Canadian Air Force and reported for duty at Manning Pool, Toronto. From there he was transferred to Hagersville where he remained until posted overseas in August, 1943. He is a clerk accountant in the R.C.A.F. pay office.


How Many Will Find Work In Hespeler

Everyone is interested in prophecies of what will happen to Hespeler and the mill after the war. Of course, it is all guess work but some very encouraging opinions have been given recently. The town has sponsored a Post War Planning Committee to do some intelligent guessing on the subject, and the members have been asking a lot of questions of manufacturers and merchants and putting the answers together to see how they add up.

You are not interested in all the details but, on the whole, the answers seem to indicate that nothing very disturbing is in prospect. Manufacturers here apparently can handle peace time business with no delay or lay-offs due to change over and, while no increase in the size of Hespeler plants is expected, there will be many jobs to fill just in bringing staffs up to the number required to operate at a reasonable peace time production. Enough jobs, in fact, not only to take care of all the boys and girls in the Services but for as many of the new workers, who have come in the help out during the war, as wish to stay.

Hespeler may also have in prospect a season of home building. If other estimates are correct, many new houses will be needed to accommodate the people required to man the industries. It all sounds good. Let us all try to make it come true.

Day Shift Party

Dot Thomson (Burling and Mending) and Sgt. Air Gunner McDougall of Toronto

Dot Thomson (Burling and Mending) and Sgt. Air Gunner McDougall of Toronto cut a rug at the day shift dance.


Russell Dahmer


No. 3 C.I.R.U.
Canadian Army Overseas

Russell Dahmer was born in Reid City, Michigan, on March 21, 1920. He became a member of the D. W. & W. staff on March 14th, 1935, and left the Filling and Winding Department on August 20, 1941, when called for military training. He enlisted for active service from the training centre and has been overseas since September, 1943.

Audry Arndt


C.W.A.C. – Meredith Barracks,
565 Talbot St., London, Ontario.

Audrey Arndt was born in Glen Christie, Ontario, on July 11, 1923. She became a member of D. W. & W. staff on August 12, 1941, and enlisted from the Worsted Spinning Department on September 18, 1942, with the C.W.A.C. She is switchboard operator and is stationed at London, Ontario.

William Lamb


No. 1 B. & G. School, Jarvis, Ontario

Bill Lamb was born in London, Ontario, on June 19, 1922. He became a member of D. W. & W. staff on May 11th, 1939, and enlisted from the Cloth Examining and Shipping Department on July 4, 1941, with the R.C.A.F. He went overseas as an air gunner in October, 1942, and returned to Canada in May, 1943. He is now taking an armourer’s course at Jarvis, Ontario.

Bowling News

With the assistance of the Recreation Club the night shift girls have organized eight bowling teams. Every Wednesday afternoon four of these teams travel to Preston to the bowling alleys. These girls have really worked up some very keen competition. Here are the standings as at February 23rd:

Night Hawks
Happy Gang
Black Hawks
Games Won
Points Won

Individual records show Beth Walsh and Eileen Weber leading in high single with 210 and 207 respectively while Beth Walsh with 531 and Georgina Mills with 523 lead in high three games rolled.

In the handicap field Orma Hickling leads high single with handicap with a 236 total and Marjorie Mick holds down high three with handicap having a total of 585.

Active Service Addresses

A11166 Pte. Fred Baker,
H.Q. Co., Sigs., Perth Regt.,
(C.A.) C.M.F.

P/O George Barron
R.C.A.F. Overseas.

A105841 Pte. Maurice Bruce,
“C’ Coy., Perth Regt.,
(C.A.) C.M.F.

V38366 A/B Jack Chapman,
H.M.C.S. Prince Henry,
G.P.O. London, England.

A105269 Pte. Eric Dyck,
24th Cdn. Fld. Amb., R.C.A.M.C.
(C.A.) C.M.F.

R275449 Ac2. Kenneth Ferris,
R.C.A.F. Depot – M.P.O. 702,
Moncton, N.B.

Violet Bell

Violet Bell filling magazines in the Weave Room.



Irma King of Teeswater to Gnr. Fred Coughlin, home on furlough from Kiska, where he has been stationed with the Canadian forces.


Feb. 20th, a son, Charles William, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gowing.

Wren Velma O’Hanley, hove on leave from Deepbrook, Nova Scotia, visited the mill on Feb. 16th. 

Robin Lowe and Albert Christian have been called for military training. 

The boys in the Woollen Yarn Stores were glad to see Jack Alexander around the plant. Jack is stationed at Sydney, N.S., and came to see the gang while on furlough.

Alf. Horne was a member of the graduating class of No. 9 B. & G. school at Mont Joli, where he received his wings as air gunner, on Thursday, Feb. 24th.


Army………………..…. 115
Air force ………….…… 74
Navy………..………….. 14

Night Watchman

Morley Kitchen

Morley Kitchen has been night watchman for thirty years.

Day Shift Party

On Saturday, Feb. 12th, over 300 employees turned up at the card party and dance, organized by the Recreation Club for the day shift, in the Oddfellows’ Hall. Some fifty aircraftmen from the Galt Aircraft School were in attendance.

During the early part of the evening euchre was in play, prize for high score going to Fred Humphreys, consolation prize to Jim Ball, and Mrs. John Mclaughlin was awarded the prize for lone hands.

Following the card game, dancing got underway. Highlights of the evening’s dancing were the “Conga line”, and a square dance—no hillbillies—but how they could square it off!

The evening wound up with refreshments and sing song.

To the Recreation Club committee and the girls who prepared the refreshments goes all the credit for a successful party.

This was the first in a series of parties which the recreation Club is planning to organize.


The Editor:

It is quite some time since I last wrote to you, but you know how it is. I keep putting it off until tomorrow, however, I have finally gotten around to it.

First I want to thank you for the smokes and mill paper that I have been receiving each month. Since landing in Italy, I have been out of cigarettes except for the issue from the army which isn’t very many. On Wednesday I received the September shipment of smokes from D. W. & W. and were they ever welcome. Well you can guess just how welcome they were. It took them a long time to get here but the most important thing is that they arrived. I received the September edition of the paper before leaving England.

This is quite a country over here. It is so different from Canada. The town we are in at present is not too bad and the people look rather well dressed. But in some of the towns and especially the larger places where there has been a lot of fighting I have seen some awful looking sights. You would not believe it unless you saw it with you own eyes. I thought England was hard hit in places but it was nothing like what I saw in one city over here.

I think the only thing they grow over here is olives and grapes. At least in the district that we are in that is all. There is no limit to the wine over here. You can go into nearly any doorway and buy it. Some of it is very good too. . . And there are all kinds of nuts, almonds, walnuts, and peanuts. Some places you can get a pail full of shelled almonds for only a few lire. A lire is worth about a cent in Canadian money.

Well I will close for this time, but I want to thank you again for the smokes and paper. I look forward to getting the paper to keep up with the happenings at the mill and around home.

Wishing the D. W. & W. and all its employees the best of luck.

Yours sincerely
B130579 Pte. George Aitken,
H.Q. 11th C.I.B.
(C.A.) C.M.F.

The Editor:

I was ever so glad to receive your welcome present of 300 cigs and would like to thank you for your thoughtfulness in remembering me. I’ve also received the mill paper regularly and it gives me a lot of memories of all the gang.

During my brief visit in England I enjoyed visits to Dundee, Glasgow, London, Edinburgh, etc., and before long learned to appreciate the people, the country with all its beauty, and different little ways and customs.

Just now I’m stationed in North Africa with people of all different customs and a country of an entirely new nature to me.

The people here are Arabs, Moslums, and French, and the country is mountainous, rocky and sandy. Sometimes I wish I were a mountain goat to climb the mountains we do every day. But it’s thrilling to look below and marvel at the work and labor that His Majesty’s forces have done and are doing to pave the road to victory. Our camp is just a sand bed and we live in tents, but learned to appreciate it like the Queen’s Hotel. The food is good and we certainly have had our fill of oranges, dates and tangerines.

Let me once more say thank you for your gift. Keep the looms rolling and my best wishes to everyone.

Pte. Reginald Jiggins, A105803,
“E” Coy., No. 1 Bn.,
No. 1 C.B.R.D.,
C.A. – B.N.A.F.

Good Weaving Starts Here

Scott Dickie

Scott Dickie guarantees that every reed and harness is perfect before it goes in the loom.


Word has been received by his wife here of the promotion in England, where he is serving with the R.C.A.F., of Robert Hughes-Games to the rank of Flying Officer. Congratulations, Bob.

A lovely silver cream and sugar were presented to Irma (King) Coughlin by the Worsted Spinning, Twisting and Drawing Depts. (night shift), in honor of her marriage which took place Feb. 7th.


Bette Heinmiller is at her home in Gorrie with the mumps.

Emily Ferguson has returned after a rest at her home in Gorrie.

Marjorie Thompson, Madeline Murray, Marion Liscombe, Hazel Baker, Florence Wheeler, Marie Redfern and Laverne Bieszcz are among the new girls who joined our happy family recently.

—Eileen Gibbons.


Leonore Edler spent a week recently at her home in Seaforth.

Four new girls joined our happy family this month, Laura and Florence Palmer of Grand Valley, and Leonore Ward and Esther Gardiner of Owen Sound.

Norma Lindsay left our family Saturday, and has accepted a position in Durham.

The girls have certainly made good use of the rink during the past month.

—Viola Jaques.


The annual meeting of the W.W.U. was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday, March 1st. A complete review of the year’s activities was given by the president. Also an analysis of the War Labor Board and Selective Service’s latest ruling regarding the worker’s status. The president pointed out how difficult it had become for any labor organization to function under the old labor court set-up, proposed by the Federal government held out for the workers all over the country. The Selective Service could stand a renovation job too. The onus has been placed on the employee. He cannot quit his job—they have complete control of everyone—and the worker has no right to appeal their decisions. This cannot be considered a good policy in our supposed democracy.

A financial report was tabled by the treasurer. It is good to note how well the funds have been handled and the comfortable surplus on hand.

The working conditions throughout the mill, the working of the Safety Committee and the Recreation Club were all thoroughly covered. The work of the stewards was checked and the thanks of the Union passed on to them. They have had a hard job to do and have done it well. Some seem to think the stewards’ sole function is to settle personal grudges and to help some individual’s own plans of advancement. We, of course, have always worked on the idea of what is good for the majority, not for the individual. We have never let membership sway us and it is our boast that everybody gets the same break.

What the coming year holds for us we do not know, but it is expected that new labor laws will be set up for Ontario. We can only hope that they will be to our advantage.

An appeal for the co-operation of all the workers was made, not for the Union alone, but for the community. They were asked to get behind the local Post War Reconstruction Committee, to get the ball rolling so that when the lights go on again and the gang comes home we will have something, worth the sacrifices they have made, to give them.

We would enjoy hearing your thoughts on our Newsletter.

We appreciate comments from our men and women based in Canada and overseas. If you have anything to add, we encourage you to also leave a comment here. If you'd like to contact us privately, please write to our switchboard operator. Our Office will respond to your letter as time permits.

1 Comment

  1. Leslie McIntosh

    Just a line to thank you for the paper which I have been receiving regularly since I entered the Army and for the cigarettes which really are appreciated.

    I suppose you are having a real winter over there now. I for one really miss the snow as you don’t see any over here.

    I guess the mill is the same as ever, except for a number of new faces, but even then it would be the same. Say hello to all the old gang in the Weaving and Winding departments where I used to work and tell them to keep up the good work. I figure we’ll all be back soon and Hespeler will be a pleasant sight for all the chaps over here.

    Well I guess I’ll sign off now, so thanks again for everything and all the best for ’44.

    A105242 Gnr. Leslie McIntosh,
    No. 2 C.A.R.U., C.A. Overseas.


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