NO. 8

Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited


William Newnes

A99366 Pte. William Newnes

No. 10 Canadian General Hospital,
Canadian Army Overseas.

Bill Newnes was born in Grangemouth, Scotland, on October 16th, 1915. He received his education at Queen Victoria Military School, Dunblane, Scotland. Fourteen years ago he came out to Canada and settled in Hespeler where he lived until the time of his enlistment.

Bill’s first job was with the Hespeler Furniture Company, but the textile industry drew his interest and he joined the D. W. & W. staff in January 1939. For approximately two years he was a winder in the Cheese and Filling Winding Departments, and then in April, 1941, he commenced learning automatic loom weaving. He continued as a weaver until he enlisted.

Bill loved music and was a member of his church choir before enlisting. In the line of sports he was particularly fond of skating.

Following in the footsteps of his father, who was in the London Scottish Regiment in the last war and is also serving in this war as captain adjutant with the same regiment, Bill enlisted on May 24, 1942, with the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps. He enlisted for base hospital work and received his training at the military hospital in London, Ontario. He went overseas in December, 1942, and since his arrival over there has been stationed at No. 10 Canadian Base Hospital, England. His wife resides in Hespeler.



Pte. Fred Baker was singled out for bravery by his company sergeant major, G. H. Kidd of Moose Jaw, related a war correspondent in a despatch from Italy.

According to the despatch, which tells the story of the Canadian attack on German positions before the Arielli river, Pte. Baker crossed 20 yards of open ground under enemy fire to rescue a wireless set after his own had been smashed by machine gun fire.

Some of the Canadian infantrymen who took part in Mondays (Jan. 17) attack against well-defended German positions before the Arielli river look upon the return of so many men unscathed as a “miracle”, writes Douglas Amaron, CP war correspondent.

Pte. Baker is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baker, Hespeler. Prior to his enlistment on September 14th, 1939, he was employed in the Weaving Department. He went overseas in October 1941.



Word that their son, Pte. Reginald Jiggins, has been wounded in action, was received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Jiggins, 309 Fountain Street, Preston. The message from the director of records, Ottawa, read in part: Sincerely regret to inform you. Pte. Reginald George Jiggins officially reported wounded in action Dec. 31, 1943. Remaining on duty with unit.” The final sentence of the message is taken to mean that the wound is of a minor nature.

The last word Mr. and Mrs. Jiggins received of their son was a letter dated December 14, at which time he was in Africa. It is believed he was in Italy when he received his wound.

Born in Preston, March 23, 1924, Pte. Jiggins lived there all his life until his enlistment as an infantry reinforcement member on January 15, 1943. Prior to his enlistment he was employed in the Weaving Dept. as an automatic weaver.

Pin Up Girl

Peggy Anderson

Peggy Anderson (Burling & Mending).


Doug Johnson

R256019 LAC. Doug Johnson

R.C.A.F. Overseas

Douglas Johnson was born in Hespeler on December 6, 1924. He joined the D. W. & W. staff in August, 1940, and enlisted from the Woollen Spinning Department on April 26, 1943, with the R.C.A.F. He took an armament course at MacDonald, Manitoba, and was posted overseas on December 14, 1943.

Ralph Ireland

A602162 Pte. Ralph Ireland

No. 6 Ordnance Depot, R.C.O.C.
“V” Group, Halifax, N.S.

Ralph Ireland was born in Puslinch Township on June 2, 1909. He joined the D. W. & W. staff in March, 1926, and enlisted from the Cloth Dry Finishing Dept. on August 1, 1942. At the present time he is a textile refitter attached to the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps at Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Ronald Lindhorst

A61802 Tpr. Ronald Lindhorst

“C” Sqdn., 17th D.Y.R.C.H.
7th Recce. Regt.
Canadian Army Overseas

Ronald Lindhorst was born in Hespeler on April 23, 1922. He joined the D. W. & W. staff in October, 1936, and left when called for military training on August 24, 1942. He enlisted for active service from the training centre and has been overseas since May 9, 1943.

D. W. & W. Blood Donors

146 D. W. & W. employees have enrolled as blood donors, 94 men and 52 women. Up to January 24th, 1944, these donors had contributed over 400 pints of blood to the Red Cross Blood Clinic in Galt, and are still going strong. Every Tuesday and Thursday a group of employees travels to Galt to make a donation.

44 of these donors have qualified for their bronze badge, having made three or more donations. 

40 have qualified for their silver badge, having made six or more donations.

Allen Wilford and George Oliver head the list, having made eleven and ten donations, respectively.


Alverna Berrington

Alverna Berrington, drawing in a piece dye warp.



The Editor:

I received my first copy of the D. W. & W. News last week and chocolates today. Thanks a million. It’s wonderful to get all the news of the mill. Anyone knowing me will know how much I appreciated the chocolates, and I’m afraid my reputation for eating has even increased in the Air Force. When the girls saw me with the chocolates I immediately became the most popular girl in the barracks. There was a mad rush, but I came out of it alive and with most of my chocolates.

I like my wireless course in spite of all the studying it requires. I like Montreal, too, but of course it can’t compare with Preston. I’m still plugging for my home town.

Well thanks again for the paper and chocolates.

Yours sincerely,
W315479 AW2 Shirley Harlock
No. 1 Wireless School,
Montreal, Que.



Dec 29th, a son, Gordon David, to Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Shoemaker.

The Burling & Mending Dept. has a “milk bottle” fund. Every pay day the bottle goes the rounds for pennies. During 1943 they collected $54.00 which was contributed to the “Aid to Russia” fund, and the Greek and Chinese “relief” funds. Since this fund originated, about three year ago, a total of $171.72 has been collected.


Margaret Crawford spent the weekend with friends in Stratford.

Evelyn Hesch and Ilene Weber spent the weekend at their homes in Mildmay.

Laura Bruce was a weekend visitor at her home at Grand Valley.

Margie Laing of Woodham, a former member of our happy family, spent the weekend at the Hall with Gladys Shier and Viola Jaques.

Maxine Ball spent the weekend with friends at New Hamburg.

Edna and Norma Lindsay spent the weekend at their home in Durham,

Edna Rolls of Moorefield spent the weekend at her home there.

Dorothy Fields was a weekend visitor with friends in Hamilton.

Evelyn Drury spent the weekend at her home at Grand Valley.

Ruth Ritchie spent Sunday at her home in Grand Valley.

—Viola Jacques.


Lorna Westlake underwent an appendicitis operation in the Clinton hospital on January 12th. Hope to see you back soon, Lorna.

—Ruth Hodder.


As Eileen Gibbons has returned to her home in Southampton with the mumps, Emily Ferguson is taking her place as reporter for Hillside Lodge. The girls enjoyed skating at the mill rink during suitable weather. They are eagerly awaiting the next dance. So far these dances have proved a huge success and have been enjoyed by all.

—Emily Ferguson.


The Editor:

Just a few long overdue words of thanks for the mill paper and the cigarettes which I have been receiving right along.

As for the paper, I can say I thoroughly enjoy reading it although it does make me a bit homesick at times. I am sure we are all hoping for the time when this “mess” will be cleaned up and we can return to a normal and, we hope, a better life.

Thanking you once again and wishing your firm every success in the coming year, I remain

R89965 Ian Reid,
128 Airfield H. Q.,
R.C.A.F. Overseas.

Canadian Winter

Lenore Edler (Mule Spinning) and Phyllis Hill (Filling Winding)

This is the way all hands amuse themselves this winter. – The girls? Lenore Edler (Mule Spinning) and Phyllis Hill (Filling Winding).


The first annual meeting of the Woollen Workers’ Union will be held on Wednesday, March 1st, in the council chamber of the Town Hall.

Reports of the committees, and the financial statement will be given. Matters of importance to YOU as a member will be discussed.

Remember the date – March 1st – at eight o’clock.

This is YOUR concern. Plan to attend. A further reminder will be circulated about you at a later date.

President W.W.U.

New Shipping Building

New Shipping Building

Shipments are now loaded from a new building right at the finishing room.


Emerson Leslie, who was called for military training, was presented with a pen and pencil set by the members of the night shift in the Worsted Spinning Dept. before leaving to report for duty in London.

LaVone Kitchen was present with a tri-lite table lamp by the office staff when she left the employ of the Company.

The gang in the Woollen Card room presented Ed. Paulitzki with a Sheaffer pen and pencil set and a money belt when he left on Jan. 11th to report for duty with the Army in London.

Congratulations to Doug Midgley and Bert Picken, who have recently been promoted to the rank of Flying Officer. Doug is at present instructing with the Royal Australian Air Force at a base in Britain, having completed a tour of thirty-four trips over enemy territory, and Bert is serving with the R.C.A.F. in India.

LAC. Bud Beckman, home on leave from Ucluelet, Vancouver Island, visited the mill on Jan. 21st.

The staff of the Burling and Mending Dept. held a skating party at the Recreation Club rink on Jan. 12th, followed by refreshments and a social time at the Memorial Home.

Glad to hear Herb Eltherington is on the road to recovery after an operation for appendicitis.

The members of the Worsted Yarn Mfg. section held a skating party at the Recreation Club rink on Jan. 24th, and later adjourned to the home of Ed. Davidson for hot dogs, doughnuts and coffee.

Alfred O’Krafka was a member of the graduating class at No. 5 Service Flying Training School on Thursday, Jan. 27th. In addition to receiving his wings he was commissioned as a pilot officer.

Pte. Ruth Swaniger was among the 19 clerks who graduated at the Kitchener C.W.A.C. training centre, and is now awaiting posting.

Active Service Addresses

A105789 L Cpl. Jack Alexander,
“A” Coy., No. 9 Plt.,
1st Btn. Erockville Rifles,
Sydney, N.S.

V-72G08 D. A. Barclay,
H.M.C.S. Star,
Hamilton. Ont.

Capt. Chas. H. Barrett,
H.Q. 9th Canadian Infantry Brigade,
Canadian Army Overseas.

R183937 Sgt. Robert Burn,
No. 3 P.R.C.,
R.C.A.F. Overseas.

A64172 Pte. John Cain,
No. 1 Cdn. Convalescent Depot,
Canadian Army Overseas.

P/O Earl Constant,
No. 1 G.R.S.,
Summerside, P.E.I.

A105806 Pte. Wm. cox,
No. 1 C.S.R.U.,
Canadian Army Overseas.

A89015 Pte. Karl Cusack,
3rd Canadian Inf. Troops, W/S,
Canadian Army Overseas.

A105843 Pte. John Durnford,
“E” Coy., 2Bn.,
1 C.B.R.D. – C.A.,
B.N.A.F. — C.M.F.

A108865 Sigmn. Gordon Davis,
M.P.O. 312,
Barriefield, Ont.

B84186 Pte. Edmonds, W. G.,
No. 4 C.I.R.U.
Canadian Army Overseas.

R-173353 LAC. Fleishhauer, L. G.,
C.A.P.O. No. 5,
R.C.A.F. Overseas.

A61133 Pte. Jack Greig,
“C” Coy., Irish Regt. of Canada,
Central Mediterranean Forces,
Canadian Army Overseas.

S.B. Chief Petty Officer Robert Johnson,
c/o R.C.N.,
H.M.C.S. Protector.
Point Edward, N.S.

We would enjoy hearing your thoughts on our Newsletter.

We appreciate comments from our men and women based in Canada and overseas. If you have anything to add, we encourage you to also leave a comment here. If you'd like to contact us privately, please write to our switchboard operator. Our Office will respond to your letter as time permits.

1 Comment

  1. George Aitken

    It is quite some time since I last wrote to you, but you know how it is. I keep putting it off until tomorrow, however, I have finally gotten around to it.

    First I want to thank you for the smokes and mill paper that I have been receiving each month. Since landing in Italy, I have been out of cigarettes except for the issue from the army which isn’t very many. On Wednesday I received the September shipment of smokes from D. W. & W. and were they ever welcome. Well you can guess just how welcome they were. It took them a long time to get here but the most important thing is that they arrived. I received the September edition of the paper before leaving England.

    This is quite a country over here. It is so different from Canada. The town we are in at present is not too bad and the people look rather well dressed. But in some of the towns and especially the larger places where there has been a lot of fighting I have seen some awful looking sights. You would not believe it unless you saw it with you own eyes. I thought England was hard hit in places but it was nothing like what I saw in one city over here.

    I think the only thing they grow over here is olives and grapes. At least in the district that we are in that is all. There is no limit to the wine over here. You can go into nearly any doorway and buy it. Some of it is very good too. . . And there are all kinds of nuts, almonds, walnuts, and peanuts. Some places you can get a pail full of shelled almonds for only a few lire. A lire is worth about a cent in Canadian money.

    Well I will close for this time, but I want to thank you again for the smokes and paper. I look forward to getting the paper to keep up with the happenings at the mill and around home.

    Wishing the D. W. & W. and all its employees the best of luck.

    Yours sincerely
    B130579 Pte. George Aitken,
    H.Q. 11th C.I.B.
    (C.A.) C.M.F.


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