Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited
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NO. 5
Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited
P/O Charles Klager
No. 1 G.R.S. – R.C.A.F.
Summerside, P.E.I.
Charles Klager was born in Hespeler on August 15th, 1912, and liked the town so well he never moved away. He attended Hespeler Public School and Galt Collegiate Institute.
In December 1930 Charlie commenced his service with D. W. & W. as a productive worker in the Knit Goods Section. He continued at this work for three years and then was transferred to the General Office where he was a costing clerk. He made steady progress at this work and advanced to the position of Chief Cost Clerk. He continued in this capacity for two years. In September 1938, he was moved to the Time Study Department. He became supervisor of this department and was working there at the time of his enlistment.
Charlie took an interest in all water sports, and was fond of landscaping the grounds around his home. He took an active part in church work and was a member of his church choir for a number of years. He is a member and past president of Hespeler Kinsmen Club.
On August 17th, 1942, he enlisted with the Royal Canadian Air Force. He was sent to Manning Pool, Toronto, and after leaving there, took the various stages of his pilot’s course at Victoriaville and Cap De La Madeleine, Quebec, and Vulcan, Alberta where he received his wings and the commission of pilot officer on August 16, 1943. He is now taking an advanced course in navigation at the General Reconnaissance School in Summerside, Prince Edward Island.
Wing Commander Hillock, who has been serving overseas with the R.C.A.F. for the past three and a half years, officially opened the Fifth Victory Loan drive at D. W. & W. on Monday, October 18th. Accompanied by Mr. Karl Homuth who introduced the speaker, Wing Commander Hillock addressed four mass meetings in the plant.
Wing Commander Hillock was a member of the first R.C.A.F. squadron to reach England. In his address he told of some of the experiences he encountered during his three and a half years of operational flying. When the blitz started he volunteered for day fighter work and later was transferred to night fighting and intruder work over France and Germany. This consisted of wrecking railways and other means of transportation and communication, checking ack ack positions, etc.
He concluded by saying, “We can’t fight without equipment and we are depending on you people on the home front to supply this equipment. You do your part and we’ll do ours.”
As this is written the Fifth Victory Loan campaign is finishing its first week with orders being taken at a slightly greater rate than in previous campaigns and with prospects of meeting at $82,300 quota fairly bright. Quota is $10,000 lower than before due to reduction in staff.
R183855 LAC Edgar Stremble
Manning Depot,
Edgar Stremble was born in Hespeler on August 30th, 1924. He became a member of the D. W. & W. staff on September 19th, 1939 and enlisted from the Weave Room on October 2nd, 1942, with the Royal Canadian Air Force. At the present time he is stationed in Toronto, taking a course in radio.
R139464 LAC. Alfred Scheffel
M.P.O. 107 – R.C.A.F.
Centralia, Ontario.
Alfred Scheffel was born in Hespeler on August 10th, 1918. He became a member of the D. W. & W. staff on February 21st, 1935, and enlisted from the Warping and Drawing-In Department on December 5th 1941, with the Royal Canadian Air Force. He is now stationed at Centralia as an air frame mechanic.
B130579 Pte. George Aitken
H.Q. 11th Canadian Infantry Brigade
Canadian Army Overseas.
George Aitken was born in Galt on April 20th, 1912. He became a member of the D. W. & W. staff on October 14th, 1932, and enlisted from the Cloth Dry Finishing Department on July 18th, 1942, with the 2nd-10th Dragoons. Overseas since November 1942, he is serving with the 11th Canadian Infantry Brigade.
The Editor:
I have just received your July issue of the mill paper. After reading Sgt. Fuller’s letter, I must say I don’t quite agree with him in his views on “what’s wrong with the mill paper.”
Personally, I think, let well enough alone. Your paper has been interesting and is very much appreciated over here.
True, a picture of the new theatre, or changes around town, or the new town council would be very interesting, especially to the fellows who have not seen home for four years.
As far as machinery goes, what’s wrong with it? We like to know what changes go in in the mill as well as around town.
Baby pictures? Well, that’s something else. If it’s a picture of a son or daughter of a man in the service—O.K. as it provides room for a bit of good natured kidding if his pals in his unit see the picture. Besides, what man is not proud enough of his children to show his friends their picture. But baby pictures of anyone not in the service—no.
Of course though, I should realize Sgt. Fuller is not a family man, or is he? I’m not sure.
Anyway give credit where it’s due Ted, they are doing their best for us and they can’t put everything we’d like to see in one paper.
Well, cheerio for now.
Yours sincerely,
A31356 Gnr. Frank Coulton,
100th Bty., 4th Lt. A.A.
Canadian Army Overseas.
The Editor:
The ever welcome D. W. & W. News has just arrived, and also the cigarets. For both of these I am deeply grateful and extend my many thanks to everyone.
Each edition I look forward to receiving, and for such a small paper it contains everything of interest. There have been many changes, even since my last leave, but the “News” has brought everything up to date.
Since my arrival here I’ve met a couple of chaps from home, one being Harold Hartrick. Each time we happen to meet our conversation is all about Hespeler. That alone is an interesting subject to us all.
Impressions are much as I expected, and apart from that there are many interesting sights. Everyone wherever they may be feels the same, and are looking forward to the day we will return.
If you can find a spot to publish my letter, I’d like to extend my best regards to those other chaps, and wish them all the best of luck. To “Middg.” might I add, we are really looking forward to another reunion.
In closing may I again express my appreciation and wish all the best of luck.
R84360 Cpl. “Ted” Cakebread
C.A.P.O. No. 5, Newfoundland,
R.C.A.F. Overseas.
Saturday afternoon again so I must take time out to express my appreciation for the D. W. & W. News and the cigarettes which I have received so very regularly for more than two years.
The paper is really something to look forward to receiving and several of my chums who have never been to Hespeler never miss reading it. As for the cigarettes, well there’s just no way of explaining how everyone over here appreciates them. For some time now I have been smoking “Wild Woodbines” (when I could get them) but this morning D. W. & W. came to the rescue once more with 300 “Sweets”. I’m smoking one now and it’s sure a pleasant change.
Well, the news from the Mediterranean does sound pretty good and rather promising, but sorry to say, I’m still in England. It’s hard to tell just when and where the next move will be, but I still have hopes and we are all looking forward to that final drive that will bring victorious peace and of course, bring us back to our old friends and old jobs.
Must close now, so my heartiest thanks to those responsible for the cigs and thank you again for those most welcomed copies of the news of the plant.
Yours sincerely,
B85416 Gnr. Bruce McLaughlin,
16th Fld. Batty., R.C.A., 12 Regt.
Canadian Army Overseas.
The Editor:
Just a brief and rather belated letter to thank you for my copy of the D. W. & W. News and I do hope for a continuous receipt of the same as I find it very interesting and especially more so since my arrival over here nearly three months ago.
I paid a visit to Tom Richardson and Nig Inder’s abode and to be sure Nig. was in a very comfortable place when I arrived, (bed).
We have just been initiated to the sound of the air-raid sirens, but fortunately the visits were very brief and no bombs dropped.
As I want to get this away as soon as possible I close with best regards to all my former work mates and express once again my thanks for the News.
Yours sincerely,
A67849 Gnr. Robert Inglis,
63rd Bty., 19th Cdn. S.P. Regt.,
R.C.A., 5th Cdn. Armored Div.
Canadian Army Overseas.
Inserts (left to right): Clarence Arndt (Air Force), Bob Homuth (Army), John Wildman (Navy), Back row: Ernie Lee, Gilbert Povey, Fraser Nightingale, Buck Hillis, Ronald Masterson, Elmer Trommer, Centre: John O’Halloran, Rev. Mr. Weir (President), presenting From trophy, Walter Kitzman. Front row: Fred Beesley, Fred Stahlbaum, mascot Doug. Hillis, Carl Krueger, Emerson Leslie.
Mark Kohli who was called for military training was presented with an identification bracelet, a money belt and a bill fold on behalf of the office staff before leaving to report for duty in London.
George (Ted) Barron was among the graduates who received their wings and commissions from Wing Commander Ingram at No. 14 S.F.T.S. Aylmer, on Friday, Oct. 1st.
Audrey (Wilbur) Liscombe, was married on Oct. 27th, was presented with a Duncan-Fyfe coffee table on behalf of the Burling & Mending Dept.
On Saturday, Oct. 9th, when Ruth Zvaniga left to enlist with the C.W.A.C., she was presented with a fountain pen by the Worsted Drawing Dept.
Enlistments for this month include Ruth Zvaniga and Harold Wamsley with the Army. Also Harry Tideswell, Wilbert Wiechers and Bob Homuth who were called for military training, are now on active service.
Gnr. Jack Woods, home from overseas, spent a short furlough at his home here before reporting at London.
Battery Sergeant Major J.L. Giroux, Toronto Accounting Dept., has just returned, after two and a half years in England, to an assignment as artillery instructor at Petawawa.
Hazel Small to Hugh Murray. Reside in Arthur.
Audrey Wilbur to Aircraftman Frank Liscombe. Reside in Hagersville where Aircraftman Liscombe is stationed.
Edith Waring of Toronto to L.A.C. William Turner who is stationed at Clinton, Ontario.
Olive Humphreys of Crawley, Sussex, England, to Bdr. George Oliver, who is serving overseas with the R.C.A.
Fay Lois Sweeney of Ocean Falls, B.C., to Cpl. Jack Crawford, who is stationed at Patricia Bay, B.C.
Oct. 12th a son, James Patrick, to Mr. and Mrs. John O’Halloran.
Army……………………. 109
Air force ………….…… 74
Navy………..……………. 12
The Employment Office is beginning to worry about the large number of people who work here for a short time, then for no reason at all leave. What’s the trouble?
From the angle of the older employee, we wonder if it is because the employment officers who scour the country for help are misrepresenting the facilities for recreation in the community. We know that the town is dead. We have never attempted to liven it up: it has suited us. But a stranger coming in wonders what to do after working hours. This has been a drawback to this town for years. None of the manufacturers have ever given it a thought. After a worker leaves the plant their interest in them stops. This is not the way it should be. If they want to maintain an efficient staff, they should assume some of the responsibility of seeing that their leisure hours are taken care of. Now I don’t think it is entirely up to the Union. We have tried to organise things but the response is rather discouraging. If the whole community were to cooperate we feel that this situation could be corrected. We would suggest that all the churches, class groups, fraternal orders, merchants, town council and all the manufacturers get together and do something to correct this condition. The old ideas have to be scrapped. The employer now should see to it that his help has some kind of sport or entertainment after working hours, if he expects to maintain production and retain an efficient staff. We are ready to do our share and more.
A word to the wise should be sufficient. A complete absentee record of every employee in the mill is being kept. Every hour or fraction of an hour you are absent is being recorded and will be checked against your holidays for next year. If you want time off, get permission from your foreman of forelady. If unable to do this because of sickness in the family or yourself, phone Mr. Hutchings’ office as soon as possible. This is your safeguard against losing next year’s vacation.
Have you bought all the bonds and more than you can afford?
President, W.W.U.
We appreciate comments from our men and women based in Canada and overseas. If you have anything to add, we encourage you to also leave a comment here. If you'd like to contact us privately, please write to our switchboard operator. Our Office will respond to your letter as time permits.
Our community invites you to share this with your community
It has been a long time since I last wrote to thank you for your smokes and papers, but a number of things have been happening to take my mind off writing letters to anyone—especially getting married to the Miss England No. 1 (of the century). That such an occurrence only takes place once, my knees are ever so grateful.
Your cigarettes and papers have been arriving O.K. but not as regularly, due to some mix-up along the line. There have been times when any one of us would gladly have volunteered to work in the kitchen just for one cigarette (had we liked working in the kitchen). There is plenty to do over here at present and we hope it leads to something more interesting. The weather is still as that of Florida Beach, but the nights are good and cold (here comes those red flannels again).
Your paper is still “old faithful” to us even though the faces are not. It’s a treat to see Mayor Courtney swinging his weight for the public—can he still swing a baseball bat? The wading pool in the Park is an up-to-date idea.
Gnr. Alex McLaughlin is our cook as you probably know, and isn’t doing my stomach much good. He only sleeps next door to me but I haven’t the heart to tell him. Would you put it in black and white for me? I don’t doubt that Alec can read. He’s a swell guy.
There are seven of us in this Regiment as you know, and you can bet there’s a lot of arguing that goes on. If there’s still anyone who hasn’t heard of good old Hespeler in this Unit, then we assure you that it won’t be for long. There are some who know it as the gasoline station just outside of Guelph and there are some of the more educated ones who know it as their first ticket for speeding. In a little while we’ll have them talking Dominion Woollens and Worsteds.
To make a long story short, and you very happy, I just dropped in to thank you for the kindness received from you.
Yours sincerely,
A35344 Bdr. George Oliver,
16th Field Batty.,
12th Field Regt., R.C.A.,
Canadian Army Overseas.