Pte. Elsie Highton to Pte. Leonard Nagle of the Provost Corps, London.
Margaret Robinson to Aircraftman William McKittrick. Reside in Thornbury.
Hazel House to AC1. Dolph Little, who is stationed at Halifax, N.S.
Jessie Scott to Hugo Hamp. Reside in Kitchener.
Beulah Falle to Rev. John Moran. Reside in Kingston.
Irene Bartley to Bob Nelson. Reside in Hespeler.
Sept. 7th, twins, Arthur and Arlene to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ziegler.
Sept. 13th, a son, Gordon Douglas, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pannabecker.
Sept. 20th, a daughter, Anna Jean, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beesley.
Jessie (Scott) Hamp, whose marriage took place on Sept. 25th, was presented with a crystal salad bowl, when she was guest of honor at a gathering of the members of the Payroll Dept.
John Foss, who left on Sept. 15th to report for duty with the R.C.A.F., at Hamilton, was presented with a signet ring on behalf of the Top Mfg. Section.
Enlistments for this month include Shirley Harlock, Annie Stoddart, Jean Masterson and Kenneth Ferris with the Air Force, Jack Caswell with the Army, and John Wildman with the Navy.
Saturday afternoon again so I must take time out to express my appreciation for the D. W. & W. News and the cigarettes which I have received so very regularly for more than two years.
The paper is really something to look forward to receiving and several of my chums who have never been to Hespeler never miss reading it. As for the cigarettes, well there’s just no way of explaining how everyone over here appreciates them. For some time now I have been smoking “Wild Woodbines” (when I could get them) but this morning D. W. & W. came to the rescue once more with 300 “Sweets”. I’m smoking one now and it’s sure a pleasant change.
Well, the news from the Mediterranean does sound pretty good and rather promising, but sorry to say, I’m still in England. It’s hard to tell just when and where the next move will be, but I still have hopes and we are all looking forward to that final drive that will bring victorious peace and of course, bring us back to our old friends and old jobs.
Must close now, so my heartiest thanks to those responsible for the cigs and thank you again for those most welcomed copies of the news of the plant.
Yours sincerely,
B85416 Gnr. Bruce McLaughlin,
16th Fld. Batty., R.C.A., 12 Regt.
Canadian Army Overseas.