NO. 2

Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited


Donald (Pete) Morlock

Cpl. Donald “Pete” Morlock

No. 5 Bombing & Gunnery School
Dafoe, Sask.

Pete Morlock was born in Toronto on March 25th, 1920. His parents left the city in the Fall of the same year, moving to Hespeler and Pete made this his home town until enlisting. He attended Hespeler Public School and Galt Collegiate Institute and Vocational School.

Pete commenced work at the Stamped & Enamelled Ware plant in Hespeler but after a short time joined D. W. & W. Worsted Yarn Spinning staff in September, 1936. He left this department a few months later to take a position in Carroll’s store, but finding the manufacture of textiles more fascinating than retail store work, he returned to D. W. & W. and joined the Woollen Yarn Mfg. warehouse staff. He continued at this work until his enlistment.

Pete was always a good sportsman, and particularly enjoyed field sports. He was well known in lacrosse and baseball circles, having been a member of local teams for a number of seasons.

He enlisted with the Royal Canadian Air Force on April 18th, 1941, and was sent to Manning Pool, Toronto. He was transferred to Dafoe, Saskatchewan, almost immediately, where he is still stationed as an air frame mechanic.

How to Build a Wading Pool

The Whole Town Chips In to Build a Wading Pool in Forbes Park for the Youngsters.

You blase bachelors without any kids of your own to worry about can pass this one up, but some of the boys that have been overseas for a couple of years may get a kick out of knowing that someone thinks about the kids even if the old man isn’t at home to keep an eye on them.

The brook in Forbes Park on hot days this summer can’t be seen for children. How more than half of them manage to get their feet wet remains a mystery. Mayor Jack Courtney and Bill Johnson, superintendent of parks, fascinated one evening by the futile effort of the brook to reach its destination through a swarm of scores of children, felt that the brook, and the children, should have a chance. They ruminated despondently on the shortage of labour and the meagreness of budgets and decided that this was the time for all good men to come to the aid of the geography of Forbes Park.

By chance and good fortune a heavy power showel was digging a drain for D. W. & W. A wading pool would only be an afternoon’s amusement for the shovel so Mayor C. broadcast an S.O.S. to Gordon Klager, plan superintendent, who after some minor damage to company by-laws and regulations dispatched the shovel and two trucks to Forbes Park.

The broadcast was intercepted by the Kinsmen Club, the I.O.O.F. and a Mr. Anonymous, who produced cement, $25, and $50 worth of sand, in the order named. The brook contributed a carefully analysed, and pure, trickle of cool water. The parks board, by scrounging a little assistance from other departments and calling on some public spirited and muscular citizens, now has a wading pool.

And a couple of hundred children are now thoroughly, noisily and happily wet.

Forbes Park Wading Pool

Forbes Park Wading Pool

This is what co-operation does when things need to be done.


John Cunningham

V-37113 A/B John Cunnington

80th Can. Flotilla
Naval Party 820
c/o C.F.M.O., London, England

John Cunnington was born in Aberfoyle on May 20, 1924. He joined the D. W. & W. staff in August, 1941, and enlisted from the Weave room on June 3rd, 1942, with the R.C.N.V.R. He is now on overseas operations with the Navy.

William Turner

R114198 LAC. Wm. F. Turner

No. 2 S.F.T.S. Uplands
Ottawa, Ontario.

William Turner was born in Kintore, on May 31, 1917. He joined the D W. & W. staff in September 1940, and enlisted from the Cloth Examining & Shipping room on July 3rd, 1941, with the R.C.A.F. At the present time he is stationed at No. 2 S.F.T.S., Uplands, Ottawa.

Edward Turner

R145685 LAC. Edward Turner

No. 2 S.F.T.S. Uplands
Ottawa, Ontario.

Edward Turner was born in Kintore on March 4, 1919. He joined the D. W. & W. staff in September 1940, and enlisted from the Cloth Dry Finishing Department on August 2, 1941, with the R.C.A.F. He is now stationed at No. 2 S.F.T.S., Uplands, Ottawa.

Haks Head Industrial Softball

Team standings at July 28th were:

S. & J. Combines

Since the last issue of the News there has been only one change in the standings. Taking the Merchants into camp in one of their two wins Weavers have moved into a third place tie with Merchants. Haks are still rolling along. Their only loss was to Toppers in the first game of the season. Prior to the game of July 28, Toppers and Haks had each won a game. In this game it looked as if Toppers were going to come out on top but in the last of the ninth with the score standing 9 to 6 in favour of Toppers, Haks staged a rally and tied the game. They went on in the 10th inning and scored the winning run. This was without a doubt the best game of the season. It was a heart breaker to lose and a good one to win. However Haks are not out of the woods yet. They have three more games to play, two of which should extend them to the limit. It will prove an interesting race from here to the finish.

The Weavers

The Weavers

Wm. Johnson, Granville Moran, Howard Gimbel, Bill Chambers, Albert Snider, Jack Curtin. Second row: Russell Horne, Walter Kitzman, Delmar Holmes. Front row: Alf. Horne, Trix the mascot and Scott Ramsay. (Ed. Davidson and Melville Jiggins not in picture.)


Army……………………. 101
Air force …………..…… 66
Navy………..……………. 10

Sailing at Puslinch

Norma Henry

Norma Henry on the foredeck.


Eric Zvaniga, who received a head injury as a result of an accident in the Woollen Card room, has been removed to the Toronto General Hospital where he is under observation of a specialist. We are all glad to hear that reports indicate his condition is not critical.

Best wishes to Velma O’Hanley who is the first D. W. & W. girl to serve with the Wrens. Before leaving to report for duty with the W.R.C.N.S. establishment at Galt, Velma was presented with a writing portfolio on behalf of the office staff.


The engagement is announced of Effie Schmiedendorf to Cpl. John Arpa of Glen Christie. The wedding will take place the latter part of this month.



Mary Pfieffer of Preston to Brown Milne. Reside in Preston.

Helen Schultz to Edward Kinzel. Reside in Preston.

Lola Stark to Petty Officer Hilbert Becker. Reside in Toronto where Petty Officer Becker is stationed.

Mildred Featherstone to Sgt. Pilot Gordon Dalgleish. Reside in Exeter where Sgt. Pilot Dalgleish is stationed.

Nelly Snider to Pte. Carol Rooke, who is stationed in London.

Eileen Kloepfer to Michael Schlosser. Reside in Hespeler.

Fern McCreary to LAC. Pete Little, who is stationed in Brantford.


The Editor:

Once again I thank you for the cigs which continue to arrive quite regularly, also the paper. The latest edition is the best one yet.

I have some news which is probably very old by the time you get this. Well, I was married a few weeks ago, my knees were knocking more than they ever have over enemy territory.

On top of this I have received my commission, so please note my new address. I have also been lucky enough to see Norm Scott and it was a great reunion.

No doubt you all read of the heavy bombings on Germany. Happy to say I have had my finger in the pie in most of these but like everyone else I’ll be glad when it’s finished.

I must close now, thanking you once again.

Yours sincerely,

Canada J17310
P/O Douglas Midgley,
R.C.A.F. Overseas.


The Editor:

It has been quite some time since I last wrote you and as I just received one of your papers I decided to let you know how things are here.

As you probably know I am overseas now. Things here are not as bad as I expected. The country here is quite nice and it is sure good to see green grass and trees after being out in our last camp in Saskatchewan which was very sandy.

Since I came over I have already met two fellows from Hespeler and had a very cheery talk with both.

I am looking forward to receiving your paper each month as it contains some addresses which will come in very handy, as well as the news from home and the mill. In my last paper I read about the Union which has been started in the shop and it sounds pretty good.

I guess that is enough chatter for now. So long and keep the wheels turning. Good luck to everyone and I hope to be with you soon.

A61802 Tpr. Ronald Lindhorst
“C” Sqdn. 17th Duke of Yorks
Royal Canadian Hussars,
7th Rcce. Unit,
Canadian Army Overseas.

On The Courts

Noreen Stonehouse

We don’t think Noreen Stonehouse smacked that one very hard but isn’t she a picture?


Mildred (Featherstone) Dalgleish was presented with a chenille bedspread and a mirror by the members of the Burling & Mending Dept., when she left to be married.

Doris Whorley, who left the employ of the Company on July 16th, to make her home in Toronto, was presented with a gift by her fellow workers in the Burling & Mending Dept.

Nelly (Snider) Rooke, who was married on July 17th, was presented with a kitchen clock, and a crystal bowl and candleholders by the Warping and Drawing-In Dept.

Lola (Stark) Becker, whose marriage took place recently, was presented with a table lamp by the members of the Woollen Spinning Dept.

The Filling Winding Dept. presented Helen (Schultz) Kinzel with a half dozen crystal sherberts, when she left to be married.

June Whorley was presented with a lovely handbag by the Laboratory staff, before leaving to make her home in Toronto.

The gang in the Worsted Twisting Dept. wishes every success to Jean McCreadie in her new life with the C.W.A.C.

A lovely silver tea service was presented to Eileen (Kloepfer) Schlosser by the night shift in the Worsted Twisting Dept. in honour of her marriage.

John Dahmer and Bob Homuth have been called for military training.

This weekend Scott Dickie, Morley Freeborn, Bob Gibson, Fred Hutchings, Bert Johnson, Gord Klager, Mark Kohli, Pete Morlock and Bill O’Krafka are all headed for a two week holiday . . . ? ? with the Reserve Army, at Petawawa.


Regarding the accident which occurred recently in the Woollen Card room. This lad was struck on the forehead by an empty spool as he had finished sending up a load of full spools from the Woollen Card room, to the top Mule spinning room.

The Safety Committee upon investigating the accident found that, by the admission of everyone on these departments, this spool elevator had not been in proper working order for quite some time. There seemed to be a feeling of “Oh what’s the use of reporting it, nobody seems to want to get it fixed”; the result, an accident which has been very serious. Now are there any more such conditions throughout the mill? If so, let us know.

The recommendation of the Board of Investigation is that the elevator be rebuilt or a new one installed of a different design with a solid partition from the top floor down, so that the full spools and the empty spools are kept separate. Also that one man be held responsible for the safe operation of the machine, and that only certain persons be allowed to run the machine. The Link Belt Co. is to send a man here to check and suggest what he thinks would be the best kind of equipment for safeguarding the job. Meanwhile the elevator is to be carefully checked each day. This accident could have been prevented. Will you undertake to make a survey of your department and report to your foreman any accident hazard you find? If you do not get prompt action on the matter, tell your safety steward and we will certainly do all we can to have it fixed. Won’t you give us a chance to make this mill a safe place to work?

At the regular meeting of the W.W.U. a bylaw was passed to the effect that night stewards be paid for time lost while attending Union meetings.

Regarding the request of Reserve Army men that we ask the Company to make up all loss in pay while attending camp, it was the unanimous decision of the Stewards’ Committee that this was not a Company affair. If you are compelled to go to camp, it is up to the Defence Department to grant you allowances.

The staff of the Lunch Room request that the Lunch Room be closed on Saturday afternoons, so that they may have a half day off. This was approved, as it will not affect very many employees and we feel the girls deserve a break.

Plans are under way to hold a dance every month during the winter. Proceeds to go to a Benevolent Fund to help members of the Union. If you have any ideas along this line, just let Herb McCord know.

We, of the mill, all felt the glow of pride which has swept the Dominion, when we heard the news that the boys had at last gone into action. We feel that some of our boys are in it. Good luck boys. We’ll do our best to deliver the goods. You see that they get to their right destination.

President, W.W.U.

We would enjoy hearing your thoughts on our Newsletter.

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1 Comment

  1. Earl Constant

    I would like to take this opportunity to send you my belated thanks and appreciation for the copies of the D. W. & W. News which I have been receiving since I left the plant about a year ago. I have looked forward to getting my copy every month as it formed a definite link with Hespeler and people I knew and worked with.

    I think that Sgt. Fuller’s remarks in a recent issue were rather unfair and if I were a part of your newspaper staff I certainly wouldn’t take them very seriously. He would be the first to know of any changes in the town as he has never been very far away from it. Keep up the good work and don’t let any aspiring young editor try to show you how a paper should be put together.

    Yours sincerely,
    R169936 LAC. Earl Constant,
    No. 6 E.F.T.S., R.C.A.F.
    Prince Albert, Sask.

    P.S.—As the above Sgt. Is one of my best friends I don’t think he will get too hostile if this happens to appear in your paper. He happened to be the assistant editor of the Flypaper when he was stationed at Jarvis.


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