MAY 1944

NO. 11

Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited


Robert Hughes-Games


J27486 R.C.A.F. Overseas

Bob enlisted in July, 1942, and graduated one year later as a navigator with the rank of Pilot Officer. Since going overseas in August 1943, he has been promoted to Flying Officer. Prior to enlistment, Bob was a cloth designer.

John Unger


R193145 R.C.A.F. Overseas

Previous to his enlistment in June, 1942, Johnny was a yarn inspector in the Worsted Twisting Dept. He graduated as a wireless air gunner with the rank of sergeant and is now serving overseas.


Is Slogan As Sixth Victory Loan Campaign Gets Under Way

Julius Caesar, who knew a thing or two about wards and victories, would have found our Sixth Victory Loan posters rather startling. He would have been surprised to find one of his favorite Roman Numerals –VI—sporting a pair of wings and written with “V” (Victory) before “I” (self). That winning the war must come before self-interest—do we actually have to be told this—and with symbols! Old Julius never had much difficulty in persuading his people that victories were attained through personal sacrifice. They knew how to “Put Victory First”.

The busiest spot in the mill on the opening day of the campaign was the cafeteria. Here, Flight Lieutenant Les Wainwright, D.F.C., introduced by Karl Homuth, M.P., gave the comfortably seated gathering something to think about. Of the 48 boys who went overseas in his class, only three are alive today: one in a German prison camp; one without the use of his legs; and himself. He spoke in glowing terms of the planes our boys fly; of radar and of the fine work being done by Canadian ground crews. He said nothing about his fifty operational flights over Germany and Italy; about his part in the first 1,000 plane raid on Cologne; or about his D.F.C. He knows what it is to “Put Victory First.”

The showing of “It’s Everybody’s War”, an impressive movie with a decidedly Hollywood touch, brought each meeting to a perfect climax. Rumour has it that Henry Fonda fans bought twice as many bonds as they had intended. They have “Put Victory First”.

Throughout the mill, posters hung from rafters in great profusion. At the gate, a giant thermometer, christened by a gentle spring rain, commenced the recording of the campaign temperature from day to day. No stone was left unturned to remind us to “Put Victory First”.

As the “News” goes to press, our objective of $93,200 has still to be reached. Subscriptions total $86,950. 80 in every 100 of us have bought bonds. If we keep up the pace we’ll be over the top before you read the “News”. Why not? It will be easy if we “Put Victory First”.

Opening Sale

Buy Victory Bonds

Fred Scott, who has four sons in the Armed Forces, buys the first bond. Fred has 56 years’ service with the Company. The handsome salesman is Herb Eltherington.


Bowling team standings as of April 25th:

Night Hawks
Black Hawks
Happy Gang
Games Won
Points Won

Night Hawks still continue to pace the field in the bowling section, although having only one player leading a section of the prize standings, that being Orma Hickling, who leads the girls in high single with handicap, having a 249 score. In the high three games with handicap Marjorie Mick of the Hurricanes leads with a total of 585. In the high single, no handicap, and the high three games total Beth Walsh of the Merrymakers leads with a high single game of 229 and a three-game total of 543.


Plans are under way to enter a team in the Town Industrial League. The league this year will again operate at Victoria Park with four teams from town.

In the girls’ section it is planned to operate a plant league with two sections. One section will comprise girls on day work and the other will be girls on night work. Arrangements will be made, if possible, for the girls to play at Forbes Park.

In the men’s section a similar arrangement will be made if sufficient teams can be formed.


Pat Long of the Woollen Carding Dept. gives us her version of spring:

Over my head the wild goose cries,
The sandlot boys are knocking out flies,
Old men sun themselves in the square,
New spring bonnets everywhere.
Soldiers walk with buttons ashine,
Fishermen fondle the hood and line,
The sap is running from maple trees,
Mild and sweet is the evening breeze,
The birds are building along the eaves,
Frost comes out, and the highway
Loves are musing on last night’s kiss,—
Would-be poets write verses like this!


R89950 LAC. Reid, J. H.,
R.C.A.F. Overseas.

John writes, “I had the greatest experience of my life while on my last leave. I was on my way home from a picture show. The sirens started to wail and I took cover in a pub. After about 15 minutes’ wait there had been no enemy action so I continued on my way to the Knights of Columbus Hostel at which I was staying when the incendiary bombs started to fall. On reaching my destination I stood with a few others in the doorway and watched the raid. When, in the morning, we were out looking around to see what damage had been done, I found to my great surprise that the pub I had been in had been hit and burned out.” We agree, John, a thrilling experience. Thanks for your letter. We’re looking forward to another soon.

A64778 Gnr. L. G. Atchison,
55th Btty.,
19th Cdn. S. P. Regt., R.C.A.,
Canadian Army Overseas.

Writing from “Somewhere in England”, Lawrence says, “As I haven’t been over here so very long I can’t tell you much about my new surroundings, but one thing old England isn’t as bad as some claim.” Lawrence agrees it’s a small world we live in as he adds, “I have met a few boys who had been employed in the mill so the world isn’t so big after all.” Many thanks, Lawrence. We’ll be looking for another letter after you’ve had a chance to look around a bit.

A61066 Pte. Casewell R.,
No. 3 C.I.R.U.,
Canadian Army Overseas.

We gather that Bob is enjoying his first English springtime as he writes, “We are having fine weather here at present and they say it should get better, so that isn’t too bad.” In closing he adds, “Well folks, I have some pancakes to make so had better get going or I will have an awful noise here shortly.” We can’t say that we blame the men for wanting to get at those pancakes in a big hurry. Thanks Bob, and cheerio.

Pick of the Month

Anne Kwach of the Woollen Spinning Dept.

Anne Kwach of the Woollen Spinning Dept. brings a big smile from Schumacher, her home town.


Watch the Lunch Room bulletin board for a special announcement.

By this time we will all have been canvassed for our Victory Loan. The figure of $93,200 looks rather out of line, but they figure each one on the payroll for $100 bond. Of course, in many cases that is impossible. We know that if we are fortunate enough to have money in the bank at 1 1/2 % we are foolish if we don’t invest in Victory Bonds. WE KNOW THAT THE BONDS ARE A GOOD BUY.

We have among us a lot of strangers. We hope they won’t be strangers long. The Employment Office must have an eye for appeal. Welcome girls, may your stay among us be very pleasant. We give you the “Key” to the mill (we have no city).

Have you signed a blood donor’s card yet? Don’t wait for the invasion. It takes time to process the plasma.

How about a personal safety campaign? Check over your machine, see if it is safe. If it isn’t report it to the boss.

President, W. W. U.


A67857 Sgt. O’Krafka H. R.,
“D” Coy., H.L.I. of C.,
Canadian Army Overseas.

In a recent letter, Harry is certain he expresses the sentiments of all the boys overseas regarding the regular arrival of cigarettes, when he writes, “I can vouch from my own experience and from those around me that your gift of smokes has brought many a happy moment and smoking pleasure to us all.” We’ve often wondered whether all sergeants are really as tough as they appear. Thanks to Harry for revealing that most of them have weak moments when they are human like the rest of us. Congratulating the staff of D. W. & W. News, he adds, “While I am in the mood for handing out bouquets, which is seldom for a sergeant, I wish to congratulate the many gorgeous girls who take time out to pose for the boys. Being a married man with a family, of course they hold little interest for me, ha! ha! But I have a few single sergeants with me who have already made plans to visit our fair town.” Thanks a lot Harry, and we’re sure the girls will give them a welcome.

Canada R161003 LAC. Seeley M. W.,
Sqdn. 434. R.C.A.F. Overseas.

Like all the boys, Murray is anxious to get on with the job and get it over with. He writes, “I will soon have been in this country a year and have gained quite a lot of mechanical experience on these Halifax bombers. When there is good weather we are kept quite busy. It has been a grand winter with very little snow. It is quite spring-like now. Everyone is hoping for the big push soon so that we can finish the war and get back home again.”


Norma Hamilton

The young lady with her head in the clouds is Norma Hamilton of the Worsted Twisting Dept.


Best wishes to Geraldine Parr who became the bride of Pte. Elwyne Blake on April 10th. Elwyne, formerly of the Weave room, is now with the R.C.A.M.C. at Stratford.

The boys of the Woollen Carding Dept. presented Bob Dickson with a table and a set of book ends when he left the Company to take the position of boss carder at Newlands, Galt.

Norman DeLong of Lindsay paid the card room boys a visit on Easter Monday.

Gus Johnston spent the Easter holidays at his home in Peterborough.

We are sorry to hear that Elmer Schmidt of the Woollen Spinning Dept. received word that his brother, Warrant Officer Frederick Schmidt, is missing, presumed dead, after operations over Germany on April 3rd.

The boys in the Dyehouse report that Ronald “O.K.” Sawyer has been on the sick list for a few weeks. Pleased to hear he has recovered.

We hear that John Conroy and Cecil Wygood are itching to get back on the soil for spring planting.

Bill Clark, who left about a year ago, is back on the job again in the Dyehouse.

Good luck to Delmar Holmes, who has enlisted with the Air Force, and Norman Miller, who reported for duty with the Army.

The lab staff is glad to see Catherine Huether back to work after her recent operation for appendicitis.

Doris Holmes, Ruth Foss, Nurse Baker, Gilbert Povey, Fred Hutchings and Cameron Macnab attended the Annual Safety Convention held in Toronto on Monday, April 17th.

It’s good to see Herb Eltherington back on the job. We hope you are feeling well again, Herb.

Geraldine (Parr) Blake was presented with a silver cream and sugar set by the members of the Warping Dept. in honor of her recent marriage.

Elections for the recreation club, which has been formed by the girls at the new residence, were very favorable. President, Alecia Celotto; Vice-President, Elsie Crowe; Sec.-Treas., Edith King; Committee, C. Beswetherick, Bernice Allan, Leona Strang, Eve Fleury, Pat Long. The club has planned many happy hours ahead for the residents.


We are mighty proud to report that Pte. Fred Baker, a member of the Weaving Dept., before enlisting, was one of the four members of the Perth Regiment of Stratford who have been decorated for bravery during the unit’s part in the Italian campaign. Fred was awarded the Military Medal. – Nice going, Fred.



How does it feel to be back home again, Jack? Pte. Jack Armstrong, son of Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, has returned to Canada after serving overseas for almost three years. Jack enlisted with the H.L.I. of C. in June, 1940, and went overseas in August, 1941. At present he is spending a thirty-day leave at his home here.


Wren SBA. Pauline Dugmore dropped in to see her pals in the Woollen Spinning Dept. while home on leave from Halifax.

Petty Officer Ralph Myers and Gnr. Milton Craig renewed acquaintances in the boiler house while home on leave.

The boys in the Time Study Dept. were glad to see P/O Charlie Klager and P/O Earl Constant around the office while home on leave. Charlie, who has been stationed on the east coast, is now with the Transport Command at Dorval, Quebec, and Earl, who has been stationed at Summerside, P.E.I., is now posted to the Bahamas.

LAC. Pete Little was home on leave and called on the boys in the Weave Room.

Flt. Lieut. James Shaw was home on leave from the west coast owing to the illness of his father, who passed away on Monday, April 17th.

Pte. Bill Devine paid the boys in the Worsted Carding Dept. a visit recently, while home on leave from the west coast.


Who is the tall, blonde, guitar-playing Romeo who spends all his spare time at the new girls’ residence, and is breaking all the girls’ hearts?

Who was it that came to work after the Easter holidays sporting a beautiful patch over his right eye? The funny part is, his wife was out of town. – Explanations are still pending.

What was that strange animal Lou Bucholtz reported seeing in his cellar. Short, dark brown with fiery eyes, no tail – you name that one.

What has Mr. Sheppard, the administrator at the new girls’ residence, got that other males lack. Everyone seems to want to date him for the show. It must be the new permanent he got recently.


D. W. & W. has announced the appointment of H. B. Bonner as general manager of the company with headquarters in Toronto; also the appointment of G. Klager as mill manager at Hespeler.


Army…………………….……………. 116
Air force ………….….………………   75
Navy…………………………………..   14

We would enjoy hearing your thoughts on our Newsletter.

We appreciate comments from our men and women based in Canada and overseas. If you have anything to add, we encourage you to also leave a comment here. If you'd like to contact us privately, please write to our switchboard operator. Our Office will respond to your letter as time permits.

1 Comment

  1. John Durnford

    Received your regular copy of the mill paper and cigarettes for which I thank you very much. It is nice to read all the good news and it’s the only paper that interests me. I see Scott Dickie is still on the job—a good man, too. I wish I were on the warper across from him or on the looms rather than here. Some refer to this country as ‘sunny Italy,’ but as for me I call it a mud hole. How old Jerry likes this place is beyond me. I wouldn’t take a grape vine home as a souvenir. Maurice Bruce doesn’t like it either. There’s no place here that we would trade for a two by four of Hespeler. The ‘Ities’ pester you all the time for clothes and shoes. They offered me 20 eggs and 300 lire for a pair of shoes to-day. But they asked for this, so let them go bare footed.

    A105843 Pte. J. K. Durnford,
    Royal Canadian Regt., “B” Coy.,
    Canadian Army, C.M.F.


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