On June 25th Rosalie (Highton) McIntosh was presented with a bedroom chair and a pair of pictures on behalf of the Burling and Mending Department in honour of her recent marriage.
Florence (Hartrick) Lamson was presented with a bedroom chair and lamps by the Burling & Mending Department on June 26th, when she left to be married.
Enlistments for this month include Bernice Hyatt with the Army, Verne Kribs and Tommy Foss with the Air Force, and Jack Greig who was called for military training has now enlisted with the Army.
Kathleen (Bolton) Gowing was presented with an end table and book ends by the night shift of the Worsted Spinning and Twisting Dept. in honour of her recent marriage.
Bernice Hyatt who enlisted with the C.W.A.C. and is now stationed in Kitchener was presented with a pen and pencil set by the night shift of the Worsted Spinning & Twisting Dept. before leaving the employ of the Company.
Robert Hughes-Games was a member of the graduating class at No. 1 Air Observer School, Malton, on Friday, June 25th. In addition to receiving his wings he was commissioned as a pilot officer.
D. W. & W. News has reported 38 marriages and 25 births in the last twelve months.
Jean Hope, R.N, of Stratford, to Kenneth P. Parr. Reside in Hespeler.
L.A.W. Lillian Mary Creaser of York, England, to P.O. Douglas E. Midgley, who is serving overseas with the R.C.A.F.
Rosalie Highton to L/Bdr. Leslie McIntosh who is stationed at Woodstock.
Florence Hartrick to Pte. Verne Lamson, who is stationed at Brantford.
Kathleen Bolton to Albert Gowing. Reside in Hespeler.
Amanda Huehn to Private Rothwell Blake, who is stationed at Sydney, N.S.
June 22nd, a daughter, Loreta, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Neil Watkins.
June 27th, a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hart.
It has been quite some time since I last wrote you and as I just received one of your papers I decided to let you know how things are here.
As you probably know I am overseas now. Things here are not as bad as I expected. The country here is quite nice and it is sure good to see green grass and trees after being out in our last camp in Saskatchewan which was very sandy.
Since I came over I have already met two fellows from Hespeler and had a very cheery talk with both.
I am looking forward to receiving your paper each month as it contains some addresses which will come in very handy, as well as the news from home and the mill. In my last paper I read about the Union which has been started in the shop and it sounds pretty good.
I guess that is enough chatter for now. So long and keep the wheels turning. Good luck to everyone and I hope to be with you soon.
A61802 Tpr. Ronald Lindhorst
“C” Sqdn. 17th Duke of Yorks
Royal Canadian Hussars,
7th Rcce. Unit,
Canadian Army Overseas.