MARCH, 1943

NO. 9

Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited


Arsene Gehiere

B37854 Pte. Arsene Gehiere

No. 20 Basic Training Centre
N. Detail Hut,
Brantford, Ont.

Arsene Gehiere was born in Belgium on October 27th, 1910. He came to Canada with his parents in 1919 and settled in Hespeler, where he has made his home since then. He received his education at the Hespeler Separate School.

On leaving school he took his first job with the Buffalo Sled Company in Preston. Later he was employed at the Hespeler Furniture Company for a short time. He joined D. W. & W. staff in 1930 and was employed first in the Woollen Spinning department, and later with the Worsted Drawing room night staff. In 1936 he transferred to the Dyehouse where he learned to operate the various dyeing machines. He continued with the Dyehouse staff until his enlistment.

He was an ardent hockey player and was a strong member of one of the local teams in the town church league a number of years ago. He was also interested in both baseball and softball.

He enlisted on June 27, 1940, with the 2nd 10th Dragoons Infantry at Brantford. He later transferred to the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry. He was stationed at Camp Borden until June of last year when he was moved to Brantford where he is now located. His wife and three children reside in Hespeler.


Things You Should Know About Your War Production

D. W. & W. is a very important supplier of one particular type of uniform fabric which is probably the one most essential in clothing the Canadian Army. You naturally are most interested in learning all that can be told you about the production of this material and whether or not we are producing what is required of us.

First of all there is one thing you can be reasonably proud of. Your production meets the specifications of the Department of Munition and Supply for strength, colour and workmanship as well or better than any other. The workmanship has been so good that the amount of our merchandise rejected by either our own or the Department’s inspectors is less than we ever believed possible. In addition to this we believe we have produced the quantities required of us with less drain on the man power and woman power of the country than any other essential producer.

So far we have been able to live up to our delivery promises with a little to spare but here we must confess that the yardage we promise to deliver every week is not quite as great as it was last year. There is just as much demand for it as ever and no indication that any less will be required for a long time. Not only that but the need for civilian clothing and cloth from which to make it is growing more urgent. The difficulty, of course, is shortage of staff. New employees are constantly required to fill the vacancies made by enlistments, calls for military training and the normal turnover of employees. Since the industry is given no preference by Selective Service in securing workers, the vacancies become more and more difficult to fill.

You may have been asked more than once to transfer to some other job temporarily, perhaps a job you know nothing about. Do the best you can. Every loss of production has to be made up quickly by any means available before it affects our deliveries to the army.

Morale Builder

Rosalie Highton

This is what is known as a Morale Builder. The lad Rosalie Highton is contemplating is Pte. Leslie McIntosh.

Letters from the Boys

The Editor:

This is my first letter of thanks to you for the D. W. & W. News I so faithfully receive. I hope you’ll forgive its tardiness.

The other lads have expressed much better than I the feelings with which your paper and cigarettes are received, all I need say is that they are mutual.

The festive season has come and gone leaving memories of my first really green Christmas. We had lovely weather for it and if back in civilian clothes could have lolled around in our shirt sleeves.

There are eleven other Canadians here and we all had invitations to private homes for dinner and a pleasant evening. Even in wartime the far famed Cornish hospitality shone brightly through and all reported a very good time.

Hoping all of you had a very merry time and wishing you all the best for the coming year.

R89788 LAC. Victor Marshall,
R.C.A.F. Overseas. Att’d R.A.F.

The Editor:

It has taken me a long time to write and thank you for the “News” that I have been receiving so regularly since you stared to publish it.

There is nothing very exciting for me to write about as I am only stationed a few miles from home (worse luck).

If you have a little room on your next edition I would like to say hello to all the boys and I am still hoping to get over and see them before this scrap is over.

Before closing I would like to thank you very much for the cigarettes that I received.

Better hang up my cue now, wishing you all the best for the New Year, I remain

B75912 Sgt. Ross Hartrick,
R.C.A.F. No. 5 S.F.T.S.
Brantford, Ontario.

First Aid Demonstration

First Aid Demonstration

First Aid Men take a refresher course.

X-Ray Clinic to Come to D. W. & W. March 15th, Works Council Told

At Monday’s meeting of the Works Council it was announced that a reply had been received from the Department of Health stating that the mobile x-ray clinic would be at the mill on or about the 15th of March.

John Garside and James Sewell have been appointed to act on the Housekeeping Committee along with Mr. Foss and Mr. Hutchings.

With reference to the Industrial Transit Plan which allows only enough gasoline for one trip to work and one trip home it was suggested that the lunch hour be extended to one and a quarter hours. However, it was stated that the lunch room is now being equipped to serve meals cafeteria style so that it will more adequately meet the needs of those who find it necessary to stay for lunch.

Council’s attention was again drawn to the matter of accident hazards in the mill. It was questioned whether Works Council members, and employees as well, were constantly on the alert for accident hazards. Members were urged to report to their foreman any dangerous working condition that could be eliminated or at least minimized.

In this connection council recommended that a light be placed in stairway leading from first to second floor in the weave room tower. Attention was also drawn to the water which drips off the roof at the weave room corner, making the sidewalk slippery and dangerous at this point. It was suggested, too, that the sidewalk around the mill be widened by extending the present walk to the curb, and that another light be erected in the millyard.

Council received request for improved method for blowing off steam from boilers which at present splashes mud and dirt on drug room windows in Dyehouse: and some method for drawing off fumes when unloading ammonia in the basement.

Present method for loading bags of wool in the Dyehouse is now being studied by the Plant Engineer with a view to making improvements for easier handling of same.


George Oliver

A35344 Bdr. George Oliver

16th Field Batty.,
12th Fd. Reg., R.C.A.
Canadian Army Overseas.

George Oliver was born in Hespeler on May 4th, 1921. He joined D. W. & W. staff in October 1935, and enlisted from the Woollen Spinning department on June 7, 1940, with the 16th 43rd Field Battery, Guelph. He has been overseas since July, 1940.

Alfred Berrington

A37397 Pte. Alfred Berrington

“B” Company
Highland Light Infantry of Canada
Canadian Army Overseas.

Alf. Berrington was born in Hespeler on November 30, 1922. He joined D. W. & W. staff in August 1937, and was an automatic loom weaver when he enlisted in June, 1940, with the H.L.I. of C. He went overseas in August, 1941.

Jack Armstrong

A37326 Pte. Jack Armstrong

No. 2 Can. Gen. Pioneer Corps
Canadian Army Overseas.

Jack Armstrong was born in Hespeler on June 13, 1922. He joined D. W. & W. staff in June, 1938, and enlisted from the Filling Winding department on June 14, 1940 with the Highland Light Infantry of Canada. He went overseas in August, 1941.

The John McLaughlins

John McLaughlin and Wife

John is on the dyehouse staff. Alex, Bruce and Ken in the picture in the background are D. W. & W. men now overseas. Mary, Grace, Genevieve and Patrick also work at D. W. & W.


“Take it from me—the wife’s knitting doesn’t make very good eating after a hard morning’s work,” says Ernest Spencer, who was a bit disappointed the other day when he opened his lunch bag and found his wife’s knitting instead of his lunch.

Letters from the Boys

The Editor:

I received your welcome parcel of cigarettes while I was still in Quebec at Lachine Depot, and they really were acceptable as well as the paper.

All the boys in the room where I slept, read the paper and remarked on the way the Company kept in touch with its service men, as a number of these chaps worked in very large concerns and never heard a word from their plant.

I have been very fortunate in getting a posting to Brantford and best of all bunk in the same room as John Reid, another Hespeler chap. Every day we mention Hespeler either one way or another, then the conversation swings to the Mill.

I have gotten a number of addresses of the boys overseas from the paper and turning over a new leaf for ’43 am going to do more writing.

R169948 AC2 Pete Little,
No. 5 S.F.T.S., Brantford, Ont.


D. W. & W. enlistments for this month include Bob Amos, Dolph Little, Gordon McIntosh, Norma Payne, Loren Small and Jack Welsh with the Air Force.

Karla (Shykoski) Sugden whose marriage took place recently, was presented with an end table and mirror on behalf of the Burling and Mending Department.

Edgar Wilkins was among those who received their Air Bombardier wings at Winnipeg, Manitoba on Friday, February 12th. In addition to receiving his wings he was commissioned as a pilot officer.

Ann Eagle was presented with a set of dishes by the members of the Woollen Spinning Department in honour of her recent marriage.

On Thursday evening, Feb. 18th, Anna Osborn entertained the members of the Payroll Department at her home. During the evening Loretta Smith, who is leaving to make her home in London, was informally presented with a gift.

On Thursday, February 25th, when Isobel Wilson left the employ of the Company she was presented with a travelling bag and an umbrella on behalf of the members of the Burling and Mending Dept. Isobel left last week for New York.

During the past year the Burling and Mending Department has contributed a total of $117.79 to various patriotic funds. Congratulations, burlers and menders!

A chenille bedspread was presented by the night workers of the Worsted Spinning and Twisting Departments to Helen (O’Krafka) Westgate, who was married on February 23rd.


Feb. 4th, a son, Gary Gordon, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bowman.


The engagement is announced of Miss Marion Dennis of Toronto to LAC. John Unger, now stationed at Calgary. The marriage is to take place sometime in April.


Karla Shykoski to Basil Sugden. Reside in Galt.

Ann Eagle to Alexander Livingstone. Reside in Galt.

Helen O’Krafka to Pte. Walter Westgate of Halifax, N.S.


Army……………………. 95
Air force ………….…… 61
Navy………..……………. 8

Hilda Coley

The business-like lady – Hilda Coley – is now band boy and oiler in the spinning room.

Active Service Addresses 

A64778 Gnr. Lawrence Atchison,
55th Battery,
19th Field Regiment, R.C.A.
Petawawa, Ont.

W-1455 Pte Audrey Arndt,
Carling Heights,
London, Ont.

A105789 Pte. Jack Alexander,
A.29 C.I.T.C.
No. 4 Coy., No. 1 Platoon,
Camp Ipperwash,
Forest, Ontario.

R183937 AC2. Robert Burn,
No. 6 I.T.S., Church Street,
Toronto. Ontario.

B63269 Tpr. Ronald Bruce,
B. Sqn. Hut T-63-C,
A8 – C.A.C. (A) T.C.
Camp Borden, Ont.

A63135 L Cpl. Chas. Chandler,
Wolseley Barracks,
London, Ontario.

A89015 Pte. Cusack Karl E.
No. 15 Platoon, “C” Coy.,
No. 12 B. T. C., C.A. (A)
Chatham, Ont.

R-169936 AC2. Earl Constant,
No. 8 Manning Depot. R.C.A.F.,
Souris, Manitoba.

D135797 Pte. Francis Conroy,
“C” Coy., 11 Pl.,
No. 26 C.A. (B) T.C.
Champlain Barracks,
Orillia, Ont.

A105269 Pte. Eric Dyck,
No. 2 Pl., No. 13 Basic Training Centre,
Listowel. Ont.

R173353 AC1. Lloyd Fleischhauer,
No. 11 (B.R.) Squadron,
Dartmouth, N. S.

W306925 AW1, Jean Finch,
No. 3 F.I.S.
Arnprior, Ont.

R78844 LAC. Harvey Gibson,
R.C.A.F. Station,
Sea Island,
Eluerne, B.C.

A67854 Cpl. Edward Hodges,
3 Coy. 1 Pl. A.29 C.I.T.C.
Camp Ipperwash,
Forest, Ont.

Percy T. Harvey O D V37126,
H.M.C.S. Nootlea,
c/o Fleet Mail Office,
Halifax, N.S.

A105010 Pte. Jack Hortop,
5 Pl., 2 Coy.. A. 29, C.I.T.C.,
Camp Ipperwash,
Forest. Ont.

A67849 Gnr. Robert Inglis,
19th Field Regt. R.C.A.
63rd Battery,
Petawawa, Ont.

B82009 Pte. Larry Johnson,
17th Light Field Ambulance,
2nd. Can. Army Tank Brigade,
Camp Borden, Ont.

We would enjoy hearing your thoughts on our Newsletter.

We appreciate comments from our men and women based in Canada and overseas. If you have anything to add, we encourage you to also leave a comment here. If you'd like to contact us privately, please write to our switchboard operator. Our Office will respond to your letter as time permits.

1 Comment

  1. Douglas Midgley

    Many thanks for the cigarettes which arrived a few weeks ago. Where they had been is hard to say as they were wrapped up in an old newspaper and about three months behind.

    I still look forward to each edition of the D. W. & W. News. It beats me where you get all the pretty girls from. The letters to the editor are very interesting. It lets one know how the rest of the boys are making out.

    Life has been very easy of late, the bad weather puts a damper on flying. Incidentally I am now on an Australian squadron, although none of our crew hail from there. As a point of interest this is our crew, one New Zealander, two Englishmen, one Welshman and there is a difference so they say, and one Canadian.

    I saw my first bit of action from the ground last Sunday night when a couple of raiders appeared. It seems funny but I’ve been over here almost a year and it’s the first experience of seeing anything, that is from the ground.

    Thanking you once again, and keep those papers rolling, I remain

    Yours truly,
    R84186 Sgt. Doug Midgley,
    R.C.A.F., Overseas.


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