NO. 7

Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited


Gordon Connor

R84257 R.C.A.F.
Ucluelet, B.C.

Gordon Connor was born in Preston just twenty-two years ago. His parents moved to Hespeler in 1921 where he resided until the time of his enlistment. He received his Public and High School education at the Hespeler Public and Continuation Schools.

On Leaving High School, Gordon joined D. W. & W. staff and started his first job as a floor boy in the sewing and finishing department of the Dalvay Knit Goods section. A year later he was transferred to the Cloth Dry Finishing department. He became familiar with the operation of the various machines and the different processes used in the finishing of fine quality woollen and worsted cloth. He was on the Cloth Dry Finishing room staff until he left in September 1940, to take a course in wireless operating at the Galt Aircraft School.

Gordon was a great reader and a lover of good music. He was active in lacrosse circles and was a member of the local tennis club.

When Gordon enlisted with the R.C.A.F. on January 1st, 1941, he realized a boyhood ambition to become associated with the Air Force. He spent some time in training at Montreal and is now stationed as a wireless operator at Ucluelet, British Columbia. His father is a veteran of the last Great War.


D. W. & W. Employees Pledge One Eighth of Pay to Buy Bonds

Do you realize that you always owe the tax collector eight months’ income tax? If you had to quit work tomorrow for any reason whatever that is a bill you would have to pay whether you could afford it or not.

On September first the government started collecting 1942 income tax out of the weekly pay envelope. Since taxes must be collected, that is an excellent way of doing the job and makes the process reasonably painless. The point that must not be overlooked however is that when September first, 1943, comes round you will have paid up approximately what you owe for 1942, but will still be in debt for the first eight months of 1943. If you are then going to quit your job because the annuity you have been paying up for the last 20 years has come due and you can afford to quit work and dig in the garden for the rest of your natural—think again. That eight months’ taxes has to be paid up first.

If you are giving up your job to marry that boy who has suddenly discovered he can’t live without you, make sure he has enough to pay your last eight months’ income tax or you may have to feed him on bread and porridge for a while.

Are you joining up to fight for your country? Do so by all means if you can, but don’t forget you have left a debt behind that must be paid some day.

There is a simple remedy for all this. The government can forgive everyone that eight months’ tax and everyone can be practically paid up all the time. Strangely enough it doesn’t cost the country a cent. It simply means that when the time comes to reduce taxes the reduction will have to be delayed for eight months and those that are making the money then are the ones who will pay.

Back Home

Back home in Hespeler

Letters from the Boys

The Editor:

Received your parcel of cigarettes yesterday, also the mill paper. Thanks a million as they come in very handy. We, the boys of the little town back home, appreciate what D. W. & W. is doing for us. Keep up the good work.

Christmas is drawing near so I take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a bright and prosperous New Year.

I should like it known to the employees of the Worsted Spinning room that I am going to be married in June of next year to a girl from Scotland, Miss Marg. Hay of Hawick.

B83469 Bdr. Edgar Howlett,
No. 4 Coy., No. 1 C.S.R.U.
Canadian Army Overseas.


The Editor:

Many thanks for the cigs and the mill paper which I received today. The mail hasn’t been coming in as regular lately and your paper was very welcome when I received it. I have received it every month, and I’m sure the other boys enjoy reading it as much as I do, and especially the cigs. They are so scarce over here and are always welcome when you receive them. I’m sure all the boys appreciate them.

I would like to mention, too, that I am a Lance Corporal now.

A56867 L/Cpl. Howard Greaves,
No. 7 Company,
3rd Cdn. Div. Inf. Reinf. Unit,
Canadian Army Overseas.


Mrs. Ernie Hartrick and her bashful daughter, Dorothy Marie

Mrs. Ernie Hartrick and her bashful daughter, Dorothy Marie.


Army……………………. 90
Air force ………….…… 55
Navy………..……………. 8


Alfred Swaniger

L/Cpl. Alfred Swaniger

A Coy., Perth Regt. (Motors)
Canadian Army Overseas

Alfred Swaniger was born in Hespeler on July 22nd, 1922. He joined D. W. & W. staff in May, 1939, and enlisted from the Filling Winding Dept. on September 5th, 1939, with the Perth Regiment (Machine Gun) Stratford. He went overseas in September, 1941.

William Walker

Gnr. William Walker

43rd Batty., 12th Field Regt.
Royal Canadian Artillery
Canadian Army Overseas

Bill Walker was born in Hespeler on September 13th, 1919. He joined D. W. & W. staff in September, 1935, and enlisted from the warp room on June 7th, 1940, with the 16th 43rd Field Btty., Guelph. He has been overseas since July, 1941.

Wilbert Welsh

A9117 L/Corp. Wilbert Welsh

1st Divisional Supply Coy. (3 Coy.)
Royal Canadian Army Service Corps,
Canadian Army Overseas

Wilbert Welsh was born in Hespeler on Aug. 8, 1917. He joined D. W. & W. staff in December 1933, and enlisted from the Worsted Spinning & Twisting Dept. on Sept. 9, 1939 with the 1st Div. Supply Coy., R.?.A.S.C. He has been in England since December, 1939.

1943 Council Holds First Meeting

All But One Of 1942 Members Re-elected

The first meeting of the 1943 Works Council, held on January 4th, saw all but one of the 1942 members back for another term. They are as follows: Fran Featherstone (Service Section) ; Allan Jones (Dyehouse) ; John Foss (Top Manufacturing Section) ; Douglas Wilson (Worsted Yarn Section, day shift) ; Helen O’Krafka (Worsted Yarn Section, night shift) ; Roy Gimbel (Woollen Yarn Section) ; John Wildman (Hand Knit Yarn Sales) ; Frank Finch (Warping, Drawing-In and Winding) ; William Johnston (Weaving) ; Karla Shykoski (Mending) ; and Albert O’Krafka (Finishing).

One of the more important matters discussed at the regular meeting of the Works Council was the present method of collecting income tax (as explained elsewhere in this issue). It was pointed out that because the present method of collecting income tax in weekly instalments was begun eight months after the beginning of the tax year each employee is now and will be continuously in debt to the extent of eight months’ income tax. Council after discussing this situation thoroughly and the hardships which such a situation might create, unanimously passed a resolution to be forwarded to the local Member of Parliament, with the request that this situation be corrected by applying income tax deductions to the year in which they are paid and that the present eight months’ indebtedness be cancelled.

Council requested attention to the snow blocked roads in the country which delayed many workers on Monday morning. At the same time attention was drawn to the sidewalks in town which had not been cleaned till after 7 o’clock. Mr. Hutchings, chairman of the Works Council, was appointed to approach the township reeve and the town council in support of these complaints.

It was announced that the Sales Room wil be open the first Monday of every month from 8 o’clock until 10 o’clock for the night workers, with the exception of this month when it will be open on January 18. A bulletin to this effect will be issued to those concerned.

Letters from the Boys

The Editor:

Just a few lines to thank you for the cigarettes which you are sending me. All the boys are glad to get them. I hope you will keep up the good work.

We are having terrible weather now—always raining. I have been transferred to the Pioneer Corps and I like it very much, although I sure miss the boys a lot. Everybody is fine and just waiting to get a crack at Hitler. I have been receiving the paper from the mill. It is very interesting and I enjoy reading it.

I have seen a lot of country since I left Hespeler and it is very beautiful. I sure have a great time on my leaves. I always go to Glasgow, Scotland.

Lots of changes have been made at the mill since I left. I’ll be back to work for the mill as soon as it is all over. I must close now. Cheerio.

Yours truly,
A37326 Pte. Jack Armstrong,
No. 2 Can. Gen. Pioneer Corps,
Canadian Army Overseas.

The Editor:

Just a line of appreciation for the paper and the cigarettes which I have received regularly for the past year.

Although it does not appear to be so, not having written until now, I really do look forward to receiving the news of the plant each month and the cigs are certainly a godsend.

Apparently there have been a lot of changes and improvements in the mill since I left. I guess I would hardly recognize the place now.

Well, it’s time again for Christmas greetings so here’s wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and all the best that comes with the New Year.

Thanking you again, I remain

Sincerely yours,

B85416 Gnr. Bruce McLaughlin,
16th Fld. Bty., R.C.A., 12th Regt.
Canadian Army Overseas.

Picture Gallery

June Whorley with skates

Here is another you can pin up in the barracks. June Whorley, Laboratory.

Piecing It TogetherPIT stop (June Whorley)

Rotary Press

Rotary Press

Gerhard Martens operating a rotary press in the Dry Finishing Department.

New Hunter Fulling Mill Launched Into Production

The new Hunter Fulling Mill was officially launched against the Axis on December 23rd. The fulling mill, bedecked with Union Jack and champagne bottle (ingredients soap and water) officially went down the skidways at one o’clock, and is now helping in the production battle by doing its share of processing military cloths. The ceremony was organised informally by the crew of the Wet Finishing Department at lunch hour. Champagne bottles being scare. Coca Cola substituted.


Jack Hortop was presented with a wrist watch by the members of the Cloth Dry Finishing Department when he left to enlist with the Army.

Jack Coughlin has been honourably discharged from the Air Force and is back to work in the Accounting Department.

Harry Tideswell, Wilbert Wiechers, Lorne From, Cecil Culp and Donald McEachern have been called up for military training.

We wish to express our appreciation to the Lab. Staff and those who assisted them in decorating the Lunch Room for the Christmas season.

The Burling and Mending Department contributed $22.50 to the “Aid to Russia” Fund.

Bert Picken was a member of the graduating class at No. 6 Service Flying Training School at Dunnville on Friday, December 4th. In addition to receiving his wings he was commissioned as a pilot officer.

Clifford Russell of the Weaving Department has joined the Merchant Marine and is taking a course at the Marine Engineering Instructional School at Prescott.

Lorne From, who was called for military training, was presented with a signet ring by the members of the Top Manufacturing Section.

D. W. & W. enlistments for this month include Elizabeth Kloepfer with the Army.

William Chesterman died at his home on Roos Hill on December 23rd. The late Mr. Chesterman was in his 68th year. He had been employed at D. W. & W. for 14 years and worked up until a week before his death.


Edith Steinburg to Sgt. Fred Day. Reside in Barrie.

Margaret Hickox of Galt to Pilot Officer Bert Picken of the R.C.A.F.

Jessie Neale of Leeds, England, to Gnr. William Walker who is serving overseas with the R.C.A.

Active Service Addresses 

A37521 Pte. Glen Allen,
H.L.I. of C.,
Canadian Army Overseas.

A37326 Pte. J. Armstrong,
No. 2 Can. Gen. Pioneer Corps,
Canadian Army Overseas.

A59655 Pte. Howard Armstrong,
1 Cdn. A.S.C. Rein. Unit,
Canadian Army Overseas.

B130579 Pte. George Aitken,
Reinf. Irish Regt of Canada,
4th Armoured Division,
Canadian Army Overseas.

A11166 Pte. Fred Baker,
“A” Company, Perth Regiment (Motors)
5th Canadian (Armoured) Division,
Canadian Army Overseas.

B51876 Pte. Cecil K. Bagnell,
(Lorne Scots)
No. 1 Cdn. Corps Protective Unit,
Canadian Army Overseas.

Lieut. Chas. Barrett,
H.L.I. of C.,
Canadian Army Overseas.

A28088 L/Bdr. Beer L.R.,
29th Bty., R.C.A.
11th Army Field Regt.,
Canadian Army Overseas.

A37397 Pte. Alfred Berrington,
“B” Coy., H.L.I. of C.,
Canadian Army Overseas.

A9119 Pte. Fred Bloomfield,
1st Div. Petrol Coy., R.C.A.S.C.,
Canadian Army Overseas.

A37975 Pte. John Brent,
“B” Coy., H.L.I. of C.,
Canadian Army Overseas.

A31356 Gnr. Frank Coulton,
100 Bty., 4th Lt. A. A. Regt., R.C.A.,
Canadian Army Overseas.

A27136 Pte. James F. Crane,
H.Q. 4th Can. Inf. Bde.,
Canadian Army Overseas.

A28063 Gnr. Earl B. Davis,
11th Army Field Regt.,
29th Batty., R.C.A.,
Canadian Army Overseas.

A28090 Gnr. Wm. Donahue,
40th Batty.,
11th Field Regt., R.C.A.,
Canadian Army Overseas.

B84186 Driver Geo. Edmonds,
2 Cdn. Div. Supply Coy.,
(6 Coy.) R.C.A.S.C.,
Canadian Army Overseas.

A99411 L/Cpl. Ekins H.M.,
No. 2 Sub-Depot.
Canadian B.O.D.,

A37994 Pte. Ellis B.J.,
No. 7 Company,
3rd Cdn. Div. Inf. Reinf. Unit.
Canadian Army Overseas.

A28320 Gnr. Allen I. Gamble,
7th Med. Bty.,
5th Canadian Medium Regt., R.C.A.
Canadian Army Overseas.

We would enjoy hearing your thoughts on our Newsletter.

We appreciate comments from our men and women based in Canada and overseas. If you have anything to add, we encourage you to also leave a comment here. If you'd like to contact us privately, please write to our switchboard operator. Our Office will respond to your letter as time permits.

1 Comment

  1. Edward Cakebread

    It seem as if I were the only one who has never written, expressing my appreciation for the D. W. & W. News which I have received regularly. I am sure you will realize just how grateful we all are for receiving a copy and overlook the slight negligence on my part.

    Everyone whom I come in contact with from home and even those who are around when the copy arrives, think it is the best they have seen and like to read of our town. One thing that puzzles me are the pictures of the girls you have from time to time. Although I have never met them, I must say they are adding greatly to the reputation Hespeler has, and gathering quite a host of admirers.

    Aside from the ladies, it is nice to see pictures and addresses of fellows I knew who left quite some time ago, and surprising to find most of them are now married. Besides the pictures of friends scattered near and far, the D. W. & W. News helps to prove just how large our plant is for a small town by its illustrations and photos of the factory at work.

    Where I am stationed at the present time the country is very picturesque with the ocean quite close, but to me, as with many of the fellows from home, Ontario still remains the best province. Wherever home is and the people you have associated with in the past are, that is the best. So you may see just how anxious we are to receive each edition.

    In closing may I extend my many thanks to all for the Christmas parcel which I received and in turn wish everyone a very Happy New Year.

    Yours Sincerely,

    R84360 Cpl. Edward Cakebread,
    No. 2 R.D., Bell Lake, N.S.


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