NO. 6

Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited


Tom Richardson

B83470 Gnr. Tom Richardson

29th Battery R.C.A.
11th Army Field Regt.
Canadian Army Overseas

Tom Richardson was born in Hespeler on October 31st, 1921, and made it his home town until he enlisted. He attended Hespeler Public and Continuation Schools.

On leaving school he had his first job with the Hespeler Furniture Company where he remained for approximately one year. Tom became a member of the D. W. & W. Weave Room staff in August 1939, where he continued as a winder until he enlisted with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps in June 1940. Later he transferred from the Army Service Corps to the Royal Canadian Artillery at Petawawa. Then he took a Signaller’s course at Kingston. He went overseas in July, 1941, and has since taken a further course in wireless operating in England.

A good sportsman, Tom was particularly interested in hockey, being a member of the inter-church league. Aside from his enthusiasm for hockey and other outdoor sports, he was also quite interested in music.

He was married on September 29, 1942, to Miss Peggy Robson of Harwick, Scotland. His wife is also a member of His Majesty’s forces, being a member of the Heavy Anti-Aircraft Unit, Royal Artillery, England.

The Fourth Wartime Christmas

To The Boys And Girls On Active Service

This is our Christmas card to you. Some of you we haven’t seen for over three years and all of you we are missing badly. That enlistment figure we publish every month is now up to 152 and still climbing. If it keeps on going you had better start publishing the paper and put us on the mailing list to show us that we are not forgotten. Incidentally that enlistment figure means that we must publish 152 Active Service portraits and have only taken care of 17 so far. So in this issue we begin printing them in extra groups. See page 2. (see below)

Our correspondence is beginning to pile up because we have had several important matters to cover, like Victory Loan, and have not had any too much space at our disposal. From now on we will try to print your letters as soon as they are received. If any are missed it is only because there is no room.

Are you receiving your paper regularly? Do you know someone who isn’t? Please write and tell us about it. There are plenty of copies to go round but our address list has been known to go wrong.

The other day Tommy Davis in a letter suggested that we print some pictures of the old home town so he could show his friends what it was like. We should have been bright enough to think of that one ourselves. They start this month on page 1. If there are any favorite haunts of yours that you want to see, write and tell us so.

Merry Christmas boys and girls.

Back Home

Bern Flynn and Tubby Washburn

Here it is, boys. It has changed very little. Bern Flynn and Tubby Washburn are still on the job, too.

James Bradshaw Winner of $100 Victory Bond

James Bradshaw of Hespeler was the winner of the $100 Victory Bond in the draw which took place on Monday, November 9th, in the lunch room, in connection with the recent Victory Loan campaign. Every $50 in value of bonds bought entitled the buyer to one chance in the draw. 

AC2 Charles Klager of the R.C.A.F., Toronto, a former employee, acted as master of ceremonies at the draw. The names were drawn by little Miss Monica Crane, whose father, also a former employee, was one of the first Hespeler men to enlist and was also one of the few local men who took part in the raid on Dieppe.

The other prize winners were as follows: 2nd prize, a $50 Victory Bond, John McIntosh of Hespeler; 3rd prize, $25 in War Savings Certificates, Gilbert Povey of Hespeler; and 4th prize, $25 in War Savings Certificates, Karla Shykloski of Preston.


Army……………………. 89
Air force ………….…… 55
Navy………..……………. 8

Merry Christmas

Norma Payne, Woollen Spinning Department.

Here’s a Christmas present you can pin up in the barracks. Norma Payne, Woollen Spinning Department.

William Donahue


40th Batty., 11th Field Regt., R.C.A.
Canadian Army Overseas

Bill Donahue was born in Preston, November 9, 1916. He joined D. W. & W. staff in February, 1931, and enlisted from the weave room on Sept. 9, 1939, with the Royal Canadian Artillery. Among the first group of local men to go overseas, he has been in England since January, 1940.

Edgar Howlett


No. 5 Coy., No. 1 C.S.R.U.
Canadian Army Overseas

Edgar Howlett was born in Hespeler, October 15, 1922. He joined D. W. & W. staff in October, 1936, and enlisted from the Worsted Spinning Dept. on June 27, 1940, with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps. He has been in England since July, 1941.

George Edmonds


2 Cdn. Div. Supply Coy.,
(6 Coy.) R.C.A.S.C.
Canadian Army Overseas.

George Edmonds was born in Winnipeg on Nov. 16, 1920. He joined D. W. & W. staff in September, 1937, and enlisted from the Winding Dept. on Sept. 1939, with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps. He went overseas in January, 1940.

1942 Council Completes Plans For Election to be Held Next Week

At the final meeting of the 1942 Council planes were completed for the coming election which is to take place next week. Previous to the election a bulletin outlining procedure for the nomination and election of representatives will be issued. Members of the present Works Council are eligible for re-election. Overseers and foremen are not eligible for nomination as employee representatives.

It was reported that due to the many changes in staff some departments no longer have a first aid attendant. It was suggested that another first aid class be held in the new year in order that these first aid attendants can be replaced.

A report on the accidents for 1942 was submitted to the council. Lost time accidents up to November 30th, 1942, were 25 as against 21 for the same period last year. Number of cases requiring medical aid only up to November 30th, 1942, was 21 against 10 last year, showing an increase of 48% in total number of accidents for 1942. Although none of these accidents were very severe it was pointed out that they were accidents and could have been serious. Council devoted considerable time to the subject of accident prevention and hazards.

Attention was drawn to the congested condition at lunch room counter during the noon hour. Council discussed this matter and although no definite decision was reached council was assured that some action would be taken in the near future to correct this condition.

Council received request that the Sales Room be open one night a month for the benefit of the night workers. It was stated that this would be done and night workers will be advised when arrangements have been completed. 

Council also received requests for electric elevator in Worsted Yarn Mfg. Section to be left running at night; adjusting mending tables in Burling & Mending Dept.; storm windows on dressing room in Dyehouse.

Lady in Bath

Marilyn Rendall

A few years from now little Miss Marilyn Ann Rendall will wring our necks for this, but it was too good to be missed.

Letters from the Boys

The Editor:

Just a little note and rather belated at that to thank you for the steady receipt of your D. W. & W. News. Although I have not left Canada’s shores as yet I really appreciate all the familiar names, faces and features so aptly depicted your paper.

So in closing I offer my thanks and best wishes to all who make the D. W. & W. News possible.

Hoping for a copy of every one of your papers wherever fortune may call me, I remain

Yours sincerely,

A67849 Gnr. Robert Inglis,
63rd Bty., R.C.A., (A),
Pacific Command, Prince Rupert, B.C.


The Editor:

A few lines to let you know I am well and also to thank you for the cigarettes and papers which I get from time to time. It is nice to know that we are still thought of, and it helps to keep our spirits up when we get mail from our homes and friends. We have had a very good summer but now it looks like we are in the rainy season, as we have had rain for the last few days. We are in good billets now, so don’t mind a little rain. I am with a section of very fine fellows and we find lots to do to keep us busy and also to enjoy ourselves. We have a show in camp twice a week put on by the “Sally Ann”. I am on a motor engineering course just now and every Sunday we go about 20 miles to a rather large town to the school there and we have a few hours afterwards to take in a show or go skating. Then we have been kept fairly busy on schemes, so we don’t get time to be lonesome.

Well, that is about all the news for this time. Remember me to the rest of the boys and thanks again for the cigarettes and papers.

Yours sincerely,

A37521 Pte. Glen Allen,
H.L.I. of C., Canadian Army Overseas.

Series of Social Evenings Organized for Night Workers

A committee of representatives from most of the churches in Hespeler has been formed to organize a series of social evenings for the girls on night work. The first one was held on Saturday, Nov. 21, and others will follow on alternate Saturday and Sunday evenings during the winter. The programs of games, sing-songs and “eats” have been planned to give the workers an opportunity to meet the young people of the town and to become more at home here.

Worsted Drawing

Irene Smith doffs a worsted drawing frame.

Irene Smith doffs a worsted drawing frame.


Gertrude (Warnholtz) Fisher, whose marriage took place recently, was presented with a table lamp and a chenille bedspread by the members of the Burling & Mending Dept.

Miss Baker and Mrs. Elliott, our plant nurses, recently attended the University of Toronto where they were taking a refresher course in Industrial Nursing.

Agnes Stoddart, who reported for duty with the Canadian Women’s Army Corps at Trinity Barracks, Toronto, on Oct. 31st, was presented with a Sheaffer pen and pencil set by the members of the Worsted Drawing and Recombing Departments.

Wilbert Crosby, who was called for military training, was presented with a pen and pencil set by the Burling & Mending Department.

Henry Sault was presented with a money belt and sum of money by the Dyehouse staff before leaving to enlist with the Army. 

Cecil Smith and Wilbert Crosby have been called up for military training.

D. W. & W. enlistments for this month include Agnes Stoddart, Jessie Phillips, Jack Hortop, Leslie McIntosh, Henry Sault, Eric Dyck, Francis Conroy and Robt. Schwantz with the Army, Daphne Smith with the Air Force and Allan Johnson with the Navy.


Gertrude Warnholtz to Aircraftman Gordon Fisher of the R.C.A.F., Montreal.

Edna Jackson to Gunner Jack Duck of Port Elgin, now stationed at Petawawa.

Iris Hammond of Bradford, England, to Gunner William Donahue, who is serving overseas with the R.C.A.


Nov. 22nd, a son, Gordon Walter, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reeve.

Nov. 27th, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. John Curtin.

Active Service Addresses 

B130579 Pte Geo. Aitken,
Reinf. Irish Regt. of Canada,
Canadian Army Overseas.

R183937 AC2 Robert Burn,
No. 1 Manning Depot, R.C.A.F.,
Toronto, Ont.

V-383366 Ord. Smn. Jack Chapman,
H.M.C.S. Star,
Hamilton, Ont.

A602554 Gnr. Fred Coughlin,
E. Battery A2, C.A.T.C.,
Petawawa Training Camp,
Petawawa, Ontario.

A56875 Pte. Russell Dahmer,
“A” Wing, A29, C.I.T.C.,
Camp Ipperwash,
Forest, Ont.

R122999 Sgt. Pilot Dalgleish G.,
No. 9 S.F.T.S.,
Exeter, Ontario.

W306925 AW2 Jean Finch,
No. 7 Manning Depot, R.C.A.F. (W.D.)
M.P.O. 306,
Rockcliffe, Ont.

R173731 AC2. Hughes-Games R.,
No. 6 I.T.S.,
173 Church Street,
Toronto, Ont.

A105010 Pte. Jack Hortop,
No. 9 Platoon, B Camp,
Bennett Barracks,
Listowel, Ont.

W1444 Pte. Elsie Highton,
“D” Coy., C.W.A.C.,
No. 3 B.T.C., Knollwood Park,
Kitchener, Ontario.

A67849 Gnr. Inglis, R. M.,
63rd Btty., R.C.A. (A),
Pacific Command,
Prince Rupert, B. C.

A602162 Pte. Ralph Ireland,
No. 4 Coy., Hut 9, 811-1 (A),
T. C. Camp Borden, Ont.

A69332 Gnr. Johnson W. L.,
48th Btty, , L.A.A., R.C.A. (A.F.)
9th Regt. L.A.A.,
Hastings Park,
Vancouver, B C.

A67882 Cpl. Kohli G.,
“A” Wing, A29 C.I.T.C.
Camp Ipperwash,
Forest, Ont.

R169677 AC2 Charles Klager,
No. 1 Manning Depot,
Toronto, Ont.

Can. R-114201,
Sgt. William Lamb,
Att’d R.A.F.,
R.C.A.F. Overseas.

A67857 Cpl. Harry O’Krafka.
3 Coy., C.I.T.C.,
Camp Ipperwash,
Forest, Ont.

W1443 Pte. Helen Sault,
No. 3 C.W.A.C., B.T.C., “A” Coy.,
No. 4 Pl. No. 2 Hut, “A” Wing,
Knollwood Park,
Kitchener, Ont.

We would enjoy hearing your thoughts on our Newsletter.

We appreciate comments from our men and women based in Canada and overseas. If you have anything to add, we encourage you to also leave a comment here. If you'd like to contact us privately, please write to our switchboard operator. Our Office will respond to your letter as time permits.

1 Comment

  1. Edgar Howlett

    Received your parcel of cigarettes yesterday, also the mill paper. Thanks a million as they come in very handy. We, the boys of the little town back home, appreciate what D. W. & W. is doing for us. Keep up the good work.

    Christmas is drawing near so I take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a bright and prosperous New Year.

    I should like it known to the employees of the Worsted Spinning room that I am going to be married in June of next year to a girl from Scotland, Miss Marg. Hay of Hawick.

    B83469 Bdr. Edgar Howlett,
    No. 4 Coy., No. 1 C.S.R.U.
    Canadian Army Overseas.


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