Jack Woods’ Children
Jimmie, Joan and Donald pose for Daddy overseas. November 1941.
Fast Forward available for Donald Woods:
D.W.&W. News Vol. 1 | No. 6
APRIL, 1943
NO. 10
Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited
A28421 Gnr. Jack Woods
Jack Woods was born in Belfast, Ireland, on September 23rd, 1913. He came to Canada with his parents in May, 1921, and settled in Beaverdale. A short time later they moved to Hespeler where he has remained since that time. He received his education at the Hespeler Public School.
On leaving school, Jack’s first job was driving a truck for Woods Transport, Hespeler. He continued at this work for about twelve years. On March 8th, 1940, he became a member of the D. W. & W. staff where he was employed in the Woollen Yarn Manufacturing Stores. He became familiar with the various types of raw stock, and the blending of materials preparatory to the primary operations in the manufacture of woollen yarn. He remained at this work until the time of his enlistment.
Jack’s chief hobby was painting and printing. He was also interested in hockey and was an active member on a team in the local church league.
He enlisted in London on January 9th, 1941, with the Royal Canadian Artillery. He received his training in Woodstock where he was stationed for about three months. In April, 1941, he was posted overseas. Since his arrival there he has transferred to the Administration Wing of No. 3 Canadian Artillery Reinforcement Unit, and is now a cook in charge of the kitchen. His wife and three children reside in Hespeler.
It May Be Yours, or Your Boy Friend’s, or Your Best Girl’s
The picture at the bottom of the page shows one of the worst accident hazards that you meet in your day’s work at D. W. & W. It is just an innocent looking street corner but in recent years it has claimed two lives, one of them a member of Works Council, and has seen many a close shave.
The new parking lot across the street, which can be seen partly in the picture, has largely eliminated the danger from auto traffic coming out of the mill yard at rush hours but the problem of the double railway crossing a through highway at our front door is not so easily solved. Through the co-operation of the two railways, trains and electric cars pass our crossing with extreme care, but traffic on the highway has been under no such control and is an ever present menace.
To protect you from this danger Chief of Police Harry Noble has been training our plant guards in traffic duty and, to give them authority to control highway traffic, has had them sworn in as special constables. Since no driver pays any attention to a man in civilian clothes, whether he has authority or not, the guards have been dressed in business-like grey uniforms.
With some help from you they will guarantee that you won’t have to visit a hospital or a funeral home as a result of an accident on the highway at rush hour. They have a tough job. See how the roadway from the mill branches before it reaches the highway. See the long stretch of highway where pedestrians can cross to the sidewalk on the far side. Without your help they cannot protect this complicated crossing. The guard on traffic duty can hold up highway traffic at intervals. He can prevent cars from parking at the corner and obscuring the view or causing a jam—but only at the corner. When you cross the highway do so right at the corner where the traffic officer is stationed and where he can protect you. Get the habit now while traffic is light.
The man on traffic duty is there to protect your life. If you will do as he asks this corner will claim no more lives.
First of all I wish to thank you for the cigarettes which I received at Christmas. As circumstances did not permit me to write and thank you then, I do so now.
Like Gnr. Robert Inglis, I share the same feeling. I am still on Canadian soil but nearly 3,000 miles from Hespeler, and D. W. & W. News makes mighty fine reading.
Hoping for more issues of “D. W. & W. News,” I remain
B46888 L/Cpl. Ross Martin,
16th Platoon (Brigade),
Lorne Scots,
Prince George B.C.
Gnr. Bruce McLaughlin
16th Battery, 12th Fd. Regt., R.C.A.
Canadian Army Overseas
Bruce McLaughlin was born in Puslinch on October 24th, 1921. He joined the D. W. & W. staff in March 1939, and enlisted from the Woollen Card Room in May 1941, with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps at Hamilton. Since that time he has transferred to the Royal Canadian Artillery. He has been overseas since November, 1941.
A35325 Gnr. Alec McLaughlin
16th Battery, 12th Fd. Regt.
Canadian Army Overseas
Alec McLaughlin was born in Long Branch in 1914. In February 1935, he joined the D. W. & W. staff and enlisted from the Cloth Wet Finishing Dept. in June 1940, with the Guelph 16th 43rd Field Battery. He has been overseas since August, 1941. Two brothers, Kenneth and Bruce are also on active service overseas.
Pte. Kenneth McLaughlin
No. 1 Neurological Hospital
Canadian Army Overseas
Kenneth McLaughlin was born in Toronto on April 17th, 1918. He joined the D. W. & W. staff in February 1939, and enlisted from the Dyehouse in July 1940, with the R.C.A.M.C. at London. He went overseas in December, 1940.
Many thanks for the cigarettes which arrived a few weeks ago. Where they had been is hard to say as they were wrapped up in an old newspaper and about three months behind.
I still look forward to each edition of the D. W. & W. News. It beats me where you get all the pretty girls from. The letters to the editor are very interesting. It lets one know how the rest of the boys are making out.
Life has been very easy of late, the bad weather puts a damper on flying. Incidentally I am now on an Australian squadron, although none of our crew hail from there. As a point of interest this is our crew, one New Zealander, two Englishmen, one Welshman and there is a difference so they say, and one Canadian.
I saw my first bit of action from the ground last Sunday night when a couple of raiders appeared. It seems funny but I’ve been over here almost a year and it’s the first experience of seeing anything, that is from the ground.
Thanking you once again, and keep those papers rolling, I remain
Yours truly,
R84186 Sgt. Doug Midgley,
R.C.A.F., Overseas.
Army……………………. 96
Air force ………….…… 61
Navy………..……………. 8
The congestion which now exists in the cafeteria during the rush hour was discussed at Monday’s meeting of the Works Council. Council agreed that in all fairness to employees, meals should not be served to anyone before 12.00 o’clock with the exception of those working shifts which require being back on the job at that time. Improved methods of serving employees are to be studied further with a view to relieving the present condition.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has recommended that all employees be fingerprinted and issued with identification cards and badges. Council expressed their willingness to co-operate in this matter and it was decided that badges and identification cards will be issued to employees but fingerprinting would be deferred for the present.
Notice was given of the forthcoming Victory Loan Campaign which gets under way on April 26th. Although official objectives have not as yet been released it was indicated that these would be considerably higher than last time. Council decided to carry out this campaign in the same manner as previously.
Helen Westgate and Wm. Johnston were appointed by the Works Council to represent D. W. & W. employees at the annual convention of the Industrial Accident Prevention Association, to be held in Toronto next week.
The Condition of the dressing rooms in various departments was reported to be very untidy. Owing to the scarcity of labour it was suggested that each department look after its own dressing room. Attention was also drawn to the condition of some of the washrooms. Council again request the co-operation of all employees in keeping the washrooms clean and in perfect condition at all times.
In response to request made at meeting, the bonus rates for Worsted Spinning and Twisting Depts. are to be investigated. Also bonus rates for warehousemen in Top Stores Section are to be checked.
Council received request to extend doorway at end of Dyehouse to enable trucks to unload wool inside; install glass windows in doors of tunnel leading from Weave room tower to Burling & Mending room so that approaching trucks can be seen; ventilate wool dryer room in Dyehouse; replace centre heater in Burling & Mending room with larger heater; post bonus sheets for second hands in Woollen Section.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berrington received word of the engagement of their son, Pte. Alfred Berrington, who is serving overseas with the 1st Battalion, H.L.I., of C., to Miss May Whyte, of Beechwood, Angus, Scotland.
Bob Logan who was called for military training was presented with a Parker pen and pencil set by the members of the Cloth Examining & Shipping Dept., before leaving to report for duty.
Jack Greig, Tommy Highton, Bob Logan and Matthew Tone have been called for military training.
Dolph Little, who has enlisted with the Air Force and is now stationed at Toronto, was presented with a black leather stationary case by the members of the office staff.
Matthew (Bud) Tone who was called for military training was presented with a Shaeffer pen and pencil set by the members of the Worsted Drawing and Recombing Dept.
Betty Howlett was presented with a set of dishes by the Filling Winding Dept., in honour of her recent marriage.
On March 13th, prior to leaving the employ of the Company, Mrs. Quinnell was presented with a gift on behalf of the members of the Worsted Drawing and Recombing Depts.
George Armstrong has enlisted with the Army and is now stationed at London.
Feb. 26th, a daughter, June Elizabeth, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickson.
March 7th, a daughter, Patricia Mary, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brown.
March 14th, a daughter, Margaret Joanne, to Mr. and Mrs. Milfred Wehner.
Elizabeth Anne Russell of Kitchener to Alfred Lachman. Reside in Hespeler.
Margaret Shaw to LAC. Charles Klager, now stationed at Cap De La Madeleine, Que.
Betty Howlett to Robin Low. Reside in Hespeler.
Dr. Parker from the Department of Health, Toronto, assisted by Mrs. Bricker, R.N., Mr. A. MacDowell and Mr. G. Deyell conducted the examinations.
A106270 Pte. George Armstrong
Wolsley Barracks,
London, Ont.
R183763 LAC. Ronald Ball,
No. 10 E.F.T.S., R.C.A.F.
Pendleton, Ont.
R186143 AC2. George Barron,
No. 1, I.T.S.,
Toronto, Ont.
V-37113 Ord. Sea. John Cunnington,
H. M. S. Quebec,
c/o G.P.O.
London, England.
R150338 AC1. John Gowing,
No. 6 Repair Depot,
Trenton, Ont.
R173731 LAC. Hughes-Games R.
Course 69,
No. 1 A.O.S. – R.C.A.F.
Malton, Ontario.
A67851 Pte. Bruce Jackson,
C.A.T.S. 3 Coy. 3 Pl.,
Hamilton, Ontario.
Petty Officer Robert S. Johnson,
H.M.C.S. Protector,
Sick Bay,
Sydney, N. S.
V-49196 Smn. Allan Johnson,
H..M.C.S. Cornwallis,
C.13 A Block,
c/o Fleet Mail Office,
Halifax, N. S.
A105803 Pte. Reginald Jiggins,
A29, C.I.T.C.,
Camp Ipperwash,
Forest, Ontario.
A56874 Pte. Bernard King,
No. 12 Basic Training Centre,
Chatham, Ont.
R169677 LAC. Charles Klager,
No. 11 E.F.T.S.
Cap de la Madeleine, Que.
W1652 Pte. Elizabeth Kloepfer,
No. 6 Coy. C.W.A.C.
Wolsley Barracks,
London, Ont.
R214796 AC2. Dolph Little
No. 1 Manning Depot, R.C.A.F.,
Toronto, Ont.
R89708 LAC. Donald Morlock
No. 5 B. & G. School, R.C.A.F.
M.P.O. 1206,
Dafoe, Sask.
B46888 L/Cpl. Ross Martin,
16th Platoon (Brigade)
Lorne Scots,
Prince George, B.C.
A105242 Pte. Leslie McIntosh,
“B” Company,
Bennett Barracks,
Listowel, Ont.
R173780 AC2. Alfred O’Krafka,
No. 1 Wireless School,
Montreal, P.Q.
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Here I am again, late as usual, but better late than never. Thanks a million for your cigarettes and paper which are coming regularly and always very welcome. The smokes always seem to come at just the right time and for the paper, it is “tops.” I am always anxiously waiting on the next one, to see what’s new at the mill.
I see by this last paper I received that the girls are all joining up, too. Good luck girls and the best of luck to you all
The list of addresses you publish comes in very handy too. Gosh, there can’t be very many left in the mill now. You may have something too, when you said that if the list goes much higher, that we should start publishing the paper and put D. W. & W. on the mailing list. Maybe you had better carry on, you’re making a grand job of it.
The December issue has a dandy picture of the Queen Street corner. The Empire Coffee Shop still looks as appetizing as ever. It also shows a good picture of Tubby Washburn and Bern Flynn. Just between you and I, I wonder if they are heading for the “Queens’ for a quick one! Anyway, it’s good to see snaps of the home town. Tommy Davis made a good suggestion when he asked for snaps of the town to be published.
I haven’t any news for you friends, but before closing I’d like to say thank you, one and all, once again for making it possible for us over here to receive the cigarettes and your paper. It means a lot and also proves that you aren’t forgetting about any of us. So I’ll say so long for now, wish you all the best.
B83470 Gnr. Tommy Richardson.
29 Bty., 11th Army Field Regt.
Canadian Army Overseas.