MARCH 1942
NO. 9
Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited
Lloyd Munch, Ord. Seaman
Naval Barracks,
2462 Howard Ave., Windsor, Ont.
Lloyd Munch is the first D. W. & W. employee to join the Navy since the outbreak of war, and is one of the three employees now serving with the Royal Canadian Navy. Born in Hespeler twenty-two years ago, he attended Hespeler Public School and began his first job with the Hespeler Furniture Company where is was employed for a year and a half.
Lloyd joined the D. W. & W. night winding staff in July 1935 and continued on nights for approximately three years. After an interval of a year or so, he returned to D. W. & W. and became stock keeper in the Cloth Weaving Yarn Stores. He continued in this position until he left in May 1941.
Choosing to be a sailor and serve his country on the high seas, Lloyd placed his application with the Navy several months ago. While waiting for his application to be accepted he was called for four months’ army training and since it was necessary for him to complete this phase of his training before he could be transferred to the Navy, he now has the experience of having seen service with two branches of the armed forces, the Army and the Navy.
While a frequent participant in various kinds of sports, mainly baseball and hockey, Lloyd was particularly interested in music. He studied the violin for some time.
He joined the Navy in October and is now stationed at the Naval Barracks, located at 2462 Howard Ave., Windsor, Ontario.
First Centre in Province to Meet Victory Loan Quota
Hespeler was given a quota of $100,000 to raise for Canada’s Second Victory Loan. Hespeler did it in one week and was the first municipality in Ontario to meet its obligation. As we go to press orders are still coming in and a large over-subscription is assured. Credit for an honorable record must be given to the D. W. & W. Employees’ Victory Loan Committee which raised $40,000 in six days and to the 407 employees who lent their money when they were asked. Those who bought Victory Bonds can truthfully say that they are shareholders in Canada.
The vigorous promotion of the Victory Loan campaign by the Employees’ committee and the forty mill salesmen—and saleswomen—who did the work showed what real co-operation can accomplish. The initial stages of the campaign attracted notice in the press and gave a lead to all industries in the district. The following extract from an editorial in the Galt Reporter predicted the successful outcome of the campaign which was so quickly fulfilled:
“…with no wish to slight the dozens of other organizations large and small who are backing the campaign to the limit, the example of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Ltd., Hespeler, has been drawn to our attention. Using their Workers’ Council, a representative body of workers from every department, as a nucleus for plant canvassing organization, the Hespeler plant had, perhaps, a head start over many firms without such a permanent body. Head start or no, their plans are reportedly sailing ahead in fine style.”
Employees Victory Loan Committee
Compare this with the picture in D. W. & W. NEWS, NOV. 1941
Here is one of the unknown skilled occupations that, operating behind the scenes, keeps a worsted mill running. Worsted combs and gill boxes do their work with thousands of delicate pins in a bewildering assortment of lengths and sizes, mounted in circles and bars. Pins bend, break, work loose in their settings, develop hooked points and a variety of other ailments that require constant and careful inspection and repair. Here is Francis Creighton, pin-setter, repairing a small comb circle containing over 10,000 pins.
The patience, precision and delicate touch needed for this job he has acquired through many years of unremitting practice beginning with a seven year apprenticeship at the age of thirteen in the flax mills of Ulster where he learned the trade of his father. In the course of ten years at D. W. & W. millions of those tiny pins have passed under his watchful eyes. He is a dentist in steel.
The circles used to equip a pair of worsted combs are equivalent in value to a modest automobile (in peace time) and only one over generous tap of a pin setter’s hammer is required to break down the paper thin wall of metal that separates pins in their settings and start an expensive comb circle on the road that leads promptly to the scrap pile. Manufacturing fine merchandise is team work. Many members of the team are unknown to the others yet their careful workmanship is vital. The D. W. & W. team has taken many years to assemble. It produces fine merchandise only because of the patient careful workmanship of individuals each with a small but vital part to play.
Water Tower Lights Out for the Duration
Have you missed the flood lights on the water tower? They are gone for the duration or until there is a great deal more power available than there is now. Jobs that require lighting must have the best. When lights are not needed they must be OUT. Every little bit helps. Dr. T.H. Hogg, Hydro chairman, estimates the shortage in southern Ontario this year at not less than 150,000 horsepower and possibly more than 300,000 horsepower.
D. W. & W. Exceeds Victory Loan Quota Total Now $41,750 Works Council Told
D. W. & W.’s Victory Loan sales total $41,750 up to March 1st, according to report submitted to the March meeting of Works Council. The official objective for D. W. & W. was $40,600. Council considered the campaign as being quite a success in view of the fact that the mill exceeded its objective in 423 applications.
It was pointed out that a considerable shortage of electricity was anticipated this year and the Hydro Commission had asked all consumers to co-operate in conserving power as much as possible. Council offered suggestions such as turning off lights and motors during the noon hour. This, it was thought, would represent a considerable saving. To do this, however, it was decided that one or two persons be appointed in each department to be responsible for turning off lights and motors, these persons being supplied with full instructions regarding same.
It was stated that this condition also applied to wool and in order to forestall severe rationing it would be necessary to conserve both power and wool in every way possible.
Owing to difficulty of getting in touch with trustees to sign cheques for withdrawals from Xmas Fund, it was suggested that two people in the office be appointed as additional trustees. Mr. Coffey and Miss Baird were appointed.
Council received reports that the lockers in Worsted Spinning Dept. were completed; hooks and benches for shower room will be supplied; plans also under way for lighting of parking lot.
Council requested improvements of lighting in Worsted Spinning & Twisting departments; repairs to cellar door leading into Weave Room tower; also that punch clock in Worsted Carding Dept. be moved to more suitable position.
Council discussed the maintenance and use of wash rooms and shower rooms and expressed a determination to see that facilities were kept in first class condition and that no abuse would be tolerated. It was decided that showers should be used only by those who have completed a shift and had punched out their time cards.
D. W. & W. Airman Tells How We Do It Here
Victory Loan Dinner Held by Employees
Following the enjoyable meal a film “Fire Raid in London” was shown and Mr. D.M. Henderson of Galt, guest speaker at the meeting, was introduced by Mr. H.B. Bonner.
Mr. Wm. Johnston, chairman of the D. W. & W. Publicity Committee, extended a vote of thanks to the speaker.
Mr. R.V. Bullock of Victory Loan headquarters explained to the salesmen the method of canvass to be employed.
Before the meeting closed Mayor Dr. R.F. Slater and Rev. J.F. Ford offered their congratulations to the Committee and Mr. Bonner for the splendid work done.
Kathleen Kelly to Gordon Werstine. Will reside in Galt.
January 23rd, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O’Krafka.
February 10th, at Sydney, Nova Scotia, a son to Petty Officer and Mrs. Robert S. Johnson.
February 10th, at St. Mary’s Hospital, Kitchener, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wildman.
Mrs. Kathleen (Kelly) Werstine, whose marriage took place on February 17th, was presented with a Duncan Phyfe table and a table lamp by the Burling & Mending Department.
Albert Hasted has been honorably discharged from the Veterans’ Guard of Canada, and has returned to work in the Wool Scouring Department.
Those who have enlisted in the last month include Edith Neighbauer and Gordon Fisher, both with the Air Force.
The Burling & Mending Department’s contributions to the “Milk for Britain Fund” have now reached a total of $30.30.
Edith Neighbauer, who reported to the Women’s Division of the R.C.A.F. at Hamilton at Saturday, February 14th, is the second girl which we add to our D. W. & W. enlistments, also the second Hespeler girl to enter the service. On leaving the employ of the Company, Edith was presented with a Parker pen and pencil set and a sum of money by the Cloth Examining and Shipping Department, of which she was a member.
On Saturday January 31st, some 34 members from the Burling & Mending Dept. travelled to Toronto to see Leafs—Bruins N.H.L. game.
On Friday, February 27th, when Gordon Fisher left the employ of the Company to enter the Galt Aircraft School, he was presented with a brief case and matching stationary case on behalf of the office staff.
Army ……………..59
Air Force ………..38
Navy ……………….3
No. 1 Cdn. Corps Protective Unit,
(Lorne Scots), Canadian Amy Overseas.
Capt. N. A. Baird,
Headquarters, Canadian Corps,
Canadian Amy Overseas.
A28088 L/Bdr. Lloyd R. Beer,
29 Batty., 11th Field Regt., R.C.A.
Canadian Amy Overseas.
A37975 Pte. J.A. Brent,
“B” Coy., 11th Platoon,
H.L.I. of C., Canadian Amy Overseas.
R122999 LAC. Dalgleish G.L.,
No. 10 E.F.T.S., Box 73, Hamilton, Ontario
A28090 Gnr. Wm. Donahue,
29/40 Field Batty., R.C.A.,
11th Army Field Regt., Canadian Amy Overseas.
A29590 Pte. A.F. Jardine,
R.C.O.C., T.C., M.P.O. 302,
Barryfield Camp, Kingston, Ontario.
A29591 Pte. H.B. Jardine,
R.C.O.C., T.C., M.P.O. 302,
Barryfield Camp, Kingston, Ontario.
R89788 LAC. Marshall H.V.,
Radio Mechanic, c/o R.A.F. Records,
London, England, R.C.A.F. Overseas.
W300878 A.W.2 Neighbauer E.M.,
Flight B, No. 3 Sqd.,
R.C.A.F. (W.D.) Training Depot,
354 Jarvis Street,Toronto, Ontario.
W300860 A.W.2 Parker G.A.,
No. 6 S.F.T.S., Dunville, Ontario.
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As I happen to be on guard I figured it a most opportune time to write you and express my deepest appreciation for the paper and the cigarettes.
I have been transferred to another unit so that “Pud” Edmonds and I are now separated. I have managed to see him a couple of times since and he is still in the “pink.” I was ever so glad to see a letter from Ray Reynolds in the Bulletin as I haven’t seen him for nearly a year. Hoping that he will read this letter in the paper, I would like to say “I was away ahead of you at the altar, Ray, but you sure are away ahead of me as a family man, congratulations and may we meet in the near future to talk over old Card Room days.”
I was sorry to learn that Ab Hearn had left. He sure was a swell man. A fellow never had a better foreman. To the Card Room crew may I say “Keep ‘em rolling boys and let’s put the Axis in the centre of each pulley.”
I guess the mill will be a strange place to those of us who have been away from it for a couple of years, according to all the changes that are being made.
So long for now friends, “thumbs up,” keep ‘em rolling, the very best to you all.
Sincere regards,
L/Cpl. H. Morris, B84070,
41 Cdn. Gen. Trans. Coy.,
Canadian Army Overseas.