Piecing It Together for The Shower Scene
In our PIT stop features, we assemble additional pieces of the puzzle. Readers are able to learn more about the mill, its employees and the Hespeler community at large.
The scene with ladies in the washroom, showering up after a dusty shift was pieced together by Frank Johnston.
The attempt was to show the comforts of home were also available at work. Here you are able to see how Frank shot the individual photos and expertly composited them in the days long before Adobe Photoshop.
Individual Photos
Final Composited image
Here are just a few lines to thank you and everyone who is responsible for me receiving the D. W. & W. News. It is really very kind of you to think of us over here. Through your paper I have been able to get in touch with some of the boys from Hespeler who are over here, and it also keeps us informed of different happenings and changes around the plant and around the town itself. I would also like to thank D. W. & W. for the cigarettes which they sent me at Christmas time. They sure came in handy, let me tell you.
I have enjoyed myself very much so far in England, seeing a few places which I never expected to see. I spent one of my leaves around London, and another up in Bradford. I might say when I was in Bradford I had the pleasure of going through one of the Spinning Mills there. It sure was a a treat to see a worsted spinning room again and I may say that I can still put up the ends in the spinning frames. I have also spent a little time up in Wales, and it is very nice up there.
There isn’t much more I can say, but I would like to say hello to all the boys I used to work with and girls too, for that matter.
Well, I am afraid that will have to be all for this time, so once again thanks a million for the paper and cigarettes. All the best of luck to D. W. & W. and its employees.
Cheerio and keep smiling.
A35354 Gnr. John O’Krafka,
43rd Battery, R.C.A.,
12th Field Regiment, C.A.S.F.
Canadian Army Overseas.