NO. 8
Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited
Sgt. WA/G Douglas Midgley
No. R84186 Y Depot, R.C.A.F.
Halifax, N.S.
Doug Midgley is another Hespelerite in the R.C.A.F., having been born here 24 years ago. After living in Guelph for four years he returned to Hespeler where he attended Public and Continuation Schools.
On leaving school he worked with Hespeler Wagon and Sled Co. and with Hespeler Furniture Co. for about six months. Having a preference for the textile business he left the woodworking trade and started with D. W. & W. in 1935. His first experience was on floor work in the Cutting and Sewing and Finishing departments of the Knit Goods Section. After acquiring experience as a plate press operator in the Cloth Finishing department and as a cloth examiner in the Weave Room, he commenced weaving, learning first on the Dobcross four-box looms, and later on the Crompton & Knowles automatics. He proved his ability as a weaver and continued at this until he enlisted.
Fond of all kinds of sports, Doug was especially interested in lacrosse and baseball. For several years he was a member of local juvenile and junior teams.
He enlisted on January 2nd, 1941 with the Royal Canadian Air Force and graduated as a wireless aerial gunner last month, receiving his wings and the rank of sergeant. He previously had graduated from the Montreal wireless school and took his gunnery training at the Bombing & Gunnery School at Fingal.
Overseas Letter
Dear Boys:
We have received your letters about the cigarettes. It’s comforting to know that Jerry’s submarines missed those. From what little we hear we think he is missing more all the time. When things as far removed from munitions as cigarettes and the montly copies of this sheet find their way to you promptly and regulary you can bet the mainline is open and section gangs right on the job.
You have probably been wondering if any of our crowd were in the Hong King show. As far as we can discover none were but if there were any we’ll guarantee that the Japs found them just as indigestible as the rest of the garrison.
Here at the mill we are getting pretty well settled down to a steady run of material for you. It’s probaby not diplomatic to mention figures but there are might few snappy looking patterns in the looms these days. The woollen card room has almost forgotten what a civilian shade looks like. Speaking of looms there is another dozen of fast automatics due to arrive in a day or so to help keepy up the good work.
There are more and more girls working at night now and doing good jobs too, though a few of them have found it tough going, poor kids. And while we’re on the subject of girls you should see how some of the youngsters have grown up in two years. You would never recognise them. Thank goodness there are beginning to discard messy aprons and smocks in favour of overalls and bandannas. Cute as buttons too.
Everybody is putting away War Savings Certificates every week and things are tightening up a bit with sugar rationing here, gasoline ratinoing coming and new cars and tires gone for the duration. Ottawa starts on another Victory Loan drive shortly and according to advance informatoin is going to put the finger on every man, woman and new born child for a subscription according to his income. Well, we can’t kick–it all comes back with interest. Our lights burn all night and we haven’t any bomb craters–yet.
You fellows are so coy about pictures that we are just about out of material for the column on page 1. Please send them along. We promise not to pour on the oil, too much.
Irene Kendry, June Miller, Marjorie Fisher and Helen Schultz showing what four pretty girls will do just to amuse you.
Washrooms Open For Business
The month of January was signalised by the completion of two of three washroom towers which have received previous mention (D. W. & W. News, Aug., 1941). The third tower is well on the way to completion.
The structures are built or reinforced concrete and brick and finished inside the tiled walls and concrete floors. No effort has been spared to obtain the utmost in cleanliness, sanitation and appearance. Each tower is provideed with its own forced ventilation system and every room is heated with individual unit heaters, controlled by thermostat. The basement of each tower houses its own hot water generator and all water used is softened. Fixtures are substantial, all specially designed for the purpose and spotlessly clean. Women’s wash rooms are all furnished with individual wash basins, men’s wash rooms with large modern scrubbing sinks and had sprays.
Shower baths for both men and womeen have been installed at strategic locations in all towers so as to be most convenient for the number of persons occupied in the buildings to which they are attached (and if you think these haven’t made a hit look at the illustrations).
The first aid room will occupy new and larger quarters in an extension of the first floor of one tower making possible another increase in cafeteria space. The entire project has been designated and built to give fifty years genuine and economical service with all penny wise makeshifts eliminated.
Office staff, hitherto much favoured in the matter of modern conveniences, have been detected sidling surreptitiously into the new quarters set up for production departments.
Victory Loan Organization Started; Works Council Adopts Ottawa Plan
Works Council after an all day debate on February 2nd, adopted a government sponsored plan for setting up a permanent internal selling organization for Victory Bonds. Mr. R. V. Bullock of Victory Loan headquarters stated to Council that experience of previous loans showed that it was not possible for bond salesmen to call on more than a small portion of prospects. The present plan had been developed to give every employed person in Canada an opportunity to buy Victory bonds if he wished. No pressure or coersion to force sales was contemplated and the plan provided for employees setting up their own organization. Council obviously doubtful of the reaction to the plan debated most of the day and finally agreed unanimously on adoption after hearing that 40 out 44 plants in South Waterloo had already adopted the plan. Mr. Bullock emphasized the importance of D W. & W. to the South Waterloo campaign as it is by far the largest group in the district.
The plan breifly provides for employees to select from themselves a suitable number of bond salesmen for a day who can be provided with the necessary application forms and can deal very quickly with the applications received from his fellow employees. The plan is aimed at making the purchase of a Victory bond ridiculously easy.
In dealing with other matters Council recommended that bulletins be posted explaining Unemployment Insurance deductions as handled by D. W. & W.
Received monthly reports on Christmas Savings Club and War Savings Certificates showing that investment in both was about equal to approximately $600 per week each. Total in Christmas Saving Fund to date is $3,101.70. Ninety eight percent of employees continue to purchase War Savings Certificates. Recommended improvements in lunch room service, lights in parking lot, ventilation of yarn scouring.
D. W. & W. Enlistments
Army ……………..58
Air Force ………..35
Navy ……………….3
Letters from the Boys
I thought it may be of interest to you and I know it would be to me and I would appreciate it very much if you would insert an announcement in your D. W. & W. News that my wife and I celebrated our first married year on December 15th and also on that date we were presented with a baby daughter. I’m not much at wording such things so I’ll leave it to you. My wife’s name is Rose Marie Reynolds and my daughters Louise Christina. I would like to have it in D. W. & W. News so that I can keep it as a remembrance.
Thanking you, I remain,
Cpl. Ray Reynolds
No. 8 Army Field Reg. Signal Section,
R.C.A., C.A.S.F.
Canadian Army Overseas.
Keep up the good work on your paper and best wishes for the New Year.
Dec. 20, 1941.
D. W. & W.:
May I take this opportunity to thank you for the most welcome Christmas parcel that I recently received and also for your monthly issue of the mill paper.
I can readily understand the appreciation of the boys, who are not so fortunate to be as near home as I am, upon receiving such a gift as well as the paper.
Thanking you again, I remain
Yours sincerely,
R122999 AC2 Dalgleish G. L.,
No. 1 Squadron, C. Flight,
No. 6 I.T.S.
Church St. Toronto
Dec. 21, 1941
D. W. & W.:
Thank you so much for the cigarettes for Christmas. Although as yet I am not actually on “active” service, I did appreciate your gift and good wishes.
May I also take this opportunity of wishing you and all employees of D. W. & W. a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.
Yours sincerely,
AC@ Alf. Scheffel,
Card Room Foreman Albert Hern Retires
The Woollen Yarn Department presented A.E. (Ab) Hern with an easy chair on January 15th, to mark the occasion of his retirement from business. Ab has been foreman of the woollen card room since 1938 and prior to that held a similar position in the Company’s Auburn mill in Peterborough, now dismantled.
Ab has denied with some vigor that he inteds to sit in the easy chair for the rest of his life. He intends to do some consulting work for mills and machine builders to keep his hand in.
He is succeeded by A. E. (Gus) Johnson who has spent 39 years in the cardrooms of Hespeler and Auburn Mills.
No. 4 Service Flying Training School,
R.C.A.F., Saskatoon, Sask.
R84257 AC1 Gordon Connor,
Ucluelet, B.C.
A31356 Gnr. Frank Coulton,
100 Bty., 4th Lt. A.A. Reg.,
Canadian Army Overseas.
R117000 AC1 Davidson R.S.,
447 Jarvis St.,
Toronto, Ontario
A58085 Cpl.F. A. Day,
A8 C.A.C. (A) T.C.,
Wireless Wing
Camp Bordon, Ont.
R103382 AC2. Farnsworth H.G.,
Security Guard,
R.C.A.F. Station,
Dartmouth, N.S.
B85416 Dvr. Bruce McLaughlin,
R.C.A.S.C. — Troop Carrying Section,
5th C.A.D.,
Canadian Army Overseas.
A58191 Gnr. E. Meiers,
63rd 19th Fd. Regt.,
Camp Borden, Ont.
R131042 AC2. Pipher J.A.,
R.C.A.F. Detachment,
McGill University,
3506 University Street,
Montreal, P.Q.
H. L. I. of C., “A” Coy.,
Canadian Army Overseas.
R89950 AC2 John Reid,
444 Nepean St.,
Ottawa, Ontario.
B34634 L CPL. Ray Reynolds,
No. 8 Army Field Reg. Signal Section,
R.C.A., C.A.S.F.,
Canadian Army Overseas.
B83470 Gnr. Richardson T.P.,
81st Battery, H.Q.
14th Fld. Regt., R.C.A.
Canadian Army Overseas
A56621 Cpl. Rubery A. E.,
5th Canadian Armoured Division,
Infantry Holding Unit,
Camp Borden, Ont.
R145685 AC2 E.M. Turner,
No. 3 Squad. 1 Wing T.T.S.,
(E 89),
St. Thomas, Ont.
R114198 AC2. Wm F. Turner,
No. 2 S.F.T.S. Uplands,
Ottawa, Ontario.
A35338 Gnr. W. Walker,
43rd Batty., 12 Field Regiment,
Royal Canadian Artillery,
Canadian Army Overseas.
R131005 AC1 Wilson W.D.,
No. 8 S.F.T.S.,
Moncton, N.B.
Anna Pulbrok to William Osborne.
January 9th, a son, Paul, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hutchings.
January 15th, a daughter, Marilyn Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rendall.
January 22nd, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Arndt.
December 15th, a daugher, Louise Christina, to Cpl. and Mrs. Ray Reynolds
Mrs. Anna (Pulbrook) Osborne, whose marriage took place January 24th, was presented with a silver tea service on behalf of the office staff.
Jean Reid, who left the employ of the Company on Saturday, January 24th, to take a position in Preston, was presented with a set of travelling bags by the office staff.
Richard Oliver, victim of a serious accident some weeks ago which resulted in the loss of his left hand is now attending Business College at Galt.
On Monday evening Jan. 19th, the payroll department enjoyed a dinner party at the Iroquois Hotel in honor of Anna (Pulbrook) Osborne. During the evening she was presented with an electric iron.
Letters from the boys
I am writing a letter to you thanking you for the papers you send to me, the boys from Hespeler sure enjoy reading the paper. I also wish to thank you for the cigs, they are sure a life saver. Things are pretty quiet where we are stationed and I like it very much.
Here’s thanking you again for the papers and cigs.
Yours truly,
A11149 Pte. A. W. Zvaniga,
Perth Regt. (M)
Canadian Army Overseas.
D. W. & W.:
I get your paper each month and I have received your splendid gift of cigarettes. I have been expecting the paper each month, but the cigarettes took me quite by surprise. I appreciate these very much and I would like to show my thanks for your kindness.
I hope you all have a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year.
Sincerely yours,
A29591 Pte. H. B. Jardine,
Wolsley Barracks, R.C.O.C.
London, Ont.
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Here are just a few lines to thank you and everyone who is responsible for me receiving the D. W. & W. News. It is really very kind of you to think of us over here. Through your paper I have been able to get in touch with some of the boys from Hespeler who are over here, and it also keeps us informed of different happenings and changes around the plant and around the town itself. I would also like to thank D. W. & W. for the cigarettes which they sent me at Christmas time. They sure came in handy, let me tell you.
I have enjoyed myself very much so far in England, seeing a few places which I never expected to see. I spent one of my leaves around London, and another up in Bradford. I might say when I was in Bradford I had the pleasure of going through one of the Spinning Mills there. It sure was a a treat to see a worsted spinning room again and I may say that I can still put up the ends in the spinning frames. I have also spent a little time up in Wales, and it is very nice up there.
There isn’t much more I can say, but I would like to say hello to all the boys I used to work with and girls too, for that matter.
Well, I am afraid that will have to be all for this time, so once again thanks a million for the paper and cigarettes. All the best of luck to D. W. & W. and its employees.
Cheerio and keep smiling.
A35354 Gnr. John O’Krafka,
43rd Battery, R.C.A.,
12th Field Regiment, C.A.S.F.
Canadian Army Overseas.