Gladys Parker
We bring you this Fast Forward on the latest information we could find.
Photos / WWII Record:
NO. 7
Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited
A28089 Sgt. Wm. J. Stremble
29 40 Batty.—11th Army Field Regt.
Royal Canadian Artillery
Canadian Army Overseas
William Stremble was born in Hespeler thirty-six years ago. He attended Hespeler Public School and later took a night course in drafting at the Galt Collegiate Institute and Vocational School. On leaving school Bill joined D. W. & W. weave room staff as a sample weaver, but after a few years the urge to be a draftsman could no longer be suppressed with the result that he moved south of the border to Springfield, Mass.
In Springfield he continued his draftsman’s course and spent four years at this trade, working at the Westfield plant of the General Electric Company for a few years.
Returning to Hespeler in 1931 he again joined our weave room staff. He was exceptionally adept at weaving and when he left was one of our first-class automatic loom weavers.
He enlisted with the 29/40 Batty. 11th Army Field Regt., Royal Canadian Artillery at Guelph on September 9th, 1939 and has since been promoted from the rank of Gunner to Sergeant. He went overseas early in January 1940 and as far as we know is still in England. He was married on December 12th, 1939, his wife residing in Guelph.
20 Employees Successful in Recent First Aid Examinations
Word has just been received that twenty more D. W. & W. men have successfully passed the First Aid examination held recently in the local Town Hall under the auspices of the St. John Ambulance Association. This brings the total number of “first aiders” throughout the plant to fifty-nine.
The course is a very practical one. It requires six two-hour periods of instruction by a physician, usually held once weekly. Each meeting consists of lecture, discussion and actual practice. An oral and practical examination by another physician completes the course. Successful candidates are awarded individual certificates of the Association. The course deals with Structure and Functions of the Body, Fractures, Haemorrhage, Burns, Scalds, Poisons, Shock, Artificial Respiration, etc.
It may not be fully realized by all of us that the danger of septic infection is always present in every case of accidental injury when the skin is broken or punctured, and that every such injury, no matter how trivial it may appear to be, has serious potentialities and the possibility of fatal infection. A few moments of neglect can have this disastrous result. Hence the importance of having First Aid Kits and trained First Aid men and women distributed throughout the plant.
The files of the Workmen’s Compensation Board bear witness of the many lives that unquestionably have been saved from death by the prompt and efficient action of an intelligent “first aider.” The practical value of First Aid training was demonstrated in our own plant on June 21st, 1940, when a serious accident occurred in the Garnett Room. The capable manner in which a “first aider” applied a tourniquet was commented on and undoubtedly resulted in saving the injured employee’s life.
Nov. 23, 1941.
The Editor:
Although I’m late in writing I’m none the less grateful to you for the papers you have been sending me.
There isn’t much I can say to express my appreciation that would differ from the others for I guess we all feel the same way.
Secretly, what I like most is the pictures that include my home in them—if you should paint our house again—would you make the next edition in technicolour. Seriously I think it is swell, it keeps me in touch with the other fellows and brings a lot of laughs to see familiar faces again.
As other fellows have mentioned we are very busy over here and on our schemes we see a great deal of England. When on leave, we are treated like prodigal sons. I have seen a couple of air raids, but a few miles away and it is a very thrilling even if disastrous sight.
Again thanks very much for your swell paper and please keep it coming.
Cheerio—“Have a good Christmas”
A35344 Bdr. George Oliver Jr.
16th Field Batty., 12th Fd. Reg. R.C.A.,
Canadian Army Overseas.
Dec. 20, 1941.
The Editor:
I have received my third copy of your paper and find them very interesting, wish to thank you very sincerely for sending the paper to me. If this letter is published in your paper I want to say hello to all the boys overseas, and wish them the best of luck.
I also want to thank the D. W. & W. for sending the cigarettes, they sure come in handy.
Thanking you again, I remain
Lloyd F. Munch, Ord. Seaman,
Naval Barracks,
2462 Howard Ave., Windsor, Ont.
Somewhere in England
Nov. 7th, 1941.
The Editor:
Just a few lines to thank you for your paper which I am receiving regularly. You don’t know how much good they are doing to us over here. It sure is great to get the first-hand news from the “old mill”.
I am doing fine over here and having a good time. Tonight I am on guard duty and I am writing this in one of my “four hour off” periods. What a swell night too, a nice moon and searchlights sweeping the sky, it sure makes the blackout a lot more cheery.
Now friends I must sign off for this time, but I would like to express my thanks to one and all who make it possible for us to receive your paper. When I read it over I almost feel as though I am right back with you all again.
I suppose by the time you receive this it will be almost Christmas, so I’ll extend to one and all of the D. W. & W. a very merry Christmas and a happy new year with the best of everything that should go with it. So cheerio and good luck from
B83470 Gnr. Tommy Richardson,
No. 8 Army Field Reg. Signal Section,
R.C. A., C. A. S. F.,
Canadian Army Overseas.
7 of 1941 Members Re-elected for Current Year
Four new members were introduced by the chairman, Mr. Hutchings, at the first meeting of the 1942 council on January 5th, the other members being re-elected. A brief outline was made of matters discussed by Works Council at previous meetings for the benefit of the new members. Members were also informed that all members of the Works Council were considered members of the Safety Committee as well, and should be alert for accident hazards throughout the plant. In this connection report on accident record for 1941 was given as follows: Lost time accidents were 28 in 1941 as compared with 25 in 1940. Accidents involving medical aid only were 14 in 1941 against 7 in 1940, making the total accidents 42 for 1941 as compared with 32 in 1940.
Trustees in giving their report of the Christmas Fund for 1941 expressed satisfaction of the operation of the club. New council approved the re-appointment of the 1941 Trustees for the Christmas Fund in 1942.
Works Council was advised that the Company again wishes to give all possible assistance to employees in calculating income taxes for the year 1941. Mr. Coffey and Mr. Hutchings will be prepared to give any information needed on how to calculate the tax and how to make out income tax returns. In addition each employee will be supplied with a statement of his earnings for the year and the amount of National Defence Tax paid.
In order to complete our Employment Records which at present do not show employees’ education, training and experience prior to commencing work with D. W. & W., it was suggested that employees be asked to fill out a questionnaire that would supply this information. Council offered no objection to this suggestion. It was stated that lack of this information often prevents the selection of an employee, who may be qualified for a certain type of work, to fill a vacancy when it arises.
Unemployment Insurance was briefly discussed and it was decided that specific cases be reviewed at the next meeting.
Council was again asked to investigate delay in receipt of War Saving Certificates.
Received report that wash room tower for Cloth Finishing Departments, Machine Shop and Dyehouse was now completed and ready for use.
Council’s attention was drawn to muddy condition of millyard in mild weather; guarding of new parking lot at night; sanding of roadway from mill to highway; also inadequate heating of plant on Monday mornings.
Dec. 16, 1941.
D. W. & W.
Just a word or two to thank you for your gift of remembrance at Christmas, and I want to thank you for it very much, it certainly is appreciated. Also the D. W. & W. paper which I receive every month. I just received the fifth copy of it and certainly enjoy reading it, as it keeps you in touch with the things that are happening and going on around town. It brings back memories of the days when I worked there myself.
R89950 L.A.C. John H. Reid,
444 Nepean St., Ottawa.
First Local Girl Goes Active
Gladys Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Syd. Parker, reported for duty with the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force in Toronto on Monday, December 29th. In receiving this appointment Gladys is not only the first girl which we add to our D. W. & W. enlistments, but is the first Hespeler girl to enter the service. Gladys, who was a member of our Burling and Mending Department, was presented with a sum of money and a set of travelling bags by that department. In reporting for duty with the W. A. A. F., Gladys is to enter hospital work with the unit.
We join with the Burling and Mending Department in wishing Gladys every success in her new duties.
Pte. Lawrence Atchison,
R.C.A., 55th Field Battery,
Wolseley Barracks,
London, Ontario.
A64172 Pte. J.E. Cain,
452 Woodman Ave.,
London, Ontario.
A56875 Pte. Dahmer R.G.,
H.L.I. of C.,
“D” Coy., 18 Pl.,
No. 10 Basic Training Centre,
Kitchener, Ontario.
Thomas Davis,
Stoker 1/c,
H.M.C.S. Skeena,
Halifax, N.S.
A58085 Tpr. F.A. Day,
A8 C.A.C. (A) T.C.,
Wireless Wing,
Camp Borden, Ontario.
R84249 AC1 Fleishman N.C.,
No. 1 Group Headquarters, No. 1 C.A.P.O.,
Canadian Army Overseas.
R89805 Corp. Fuller R.H.,
No. 1 B & G. School, R.C.A.F.,
Jarvis, Ontario.
A56-867 Pte. Howard Greaves,
“B” Coy., No. 6 Platoon,
H.L.I. of C.,
No. 10 Basic Training Centre,
Kitchener, Ontario.
34-144 Pte. A Hasted,
No. 1 Company V.G.C.,
Box 140,
New Toronto.
Robert S. Johnson,
H.M.C.S. Protector,
Sick Bay, Sydney, N.S.
Kenneth Kennedy,
Royal Canadian Artillery,
London, Ontario.
A520563 Pte. B. King,
No. 10 Basic Training Centre,
Kitchener, Ontario.
A56866 Pte. Heinz Kroeker,
5th Canadian Armored Division,
Infantry Holding Unit,
Camp Borden, Ontario.
A58191 Gnr. E. Meiers,
63rd 10th Fd. Regt.,
Camp Borden, Ont.
R84186 LAC. Midgley D.,
63rd 19th Fd. Regt., Camp Borden, Ont.
Fingal, Ontario.
Lloyd Munch,
Naval Barracks,
2462 Howard Ave.,
Windsor, Ontario.
Army……………………. 58
Air force ……….……… 35
Navy………..……………. 3
Isabel Lowe to Gordon Workman.
Velma Duncan to Paul Hastings. Will reside in Hespeler.
December 24th, a son, Allen, to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kohli.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pulbrook have announced the engagement of their third daughter, Anna Margaret, to A.C.1 William Ward Osborn of the R.C.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Osborn of Galt. The marriage to take place the latter part of January.
Jack Bracewell, who left the employ of the Company on December 13th to take a position in Hamilton, was presented with a ring on behalf of the office staff.
The Burling and Mending Department contributed $12.50 to the “Milk for Britain” Fund, also $3.00 for Christmas Cheer for British British Children.
Lloyd Beckman has received his honorable discharge from the R.C.A. unit with which he enlisted in 1939, and is now working in Toronto.
Fred Costello who underwent an emergency operation for appendicitis at the Galt Hospital on Friday, December 12th, is reported to be progressing favourably.
Those who have enlisted in the last month include Gladys Parker with the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force. Alfred Scheffel, Murray Seeley and Laidlaw Strachan with the Air Force and Lloyd Munch with the Navy.
We wish to express our appreciation to the Lab. Staff and those who assisted them in decorating the Lunch Room for the Christmas season.
Bob Amos has been successful in passing his intermediate November examinations of the General Accountants’ Association.
We appreciate comments from our men and women based in Canada and overseas. If you have anything to add, we encourage you to also leave a comment here. If you'd like to contact us privately, please write to our switchboard operator. Our Office will respond to your letter as time permits.
Our community invites you to share this with your community
I thought it may be of interest to you and I know it would be to me and I would appreciate it very much if you would insert an announcement in your D. W. & W. News that my wife and I celebrated our first married year on December 15th and also on that date we were presented with a baby daughter. I’m not much at wording such things so I’ll leave it to you. My wife’s name is Rose Marie Reynolds and my daughters Louise Christina. I would like to have it in D. W. & W. News so that I can keep it as a remembrance.
Thanking you, I remain,
Cpl. Ray Reynolds
No. 8 Army Field Reg. Signal Section,
R.C.A., C.A.S.F.
Canadian Army Overseas.
Keep up the good work on your paper and best wishes for the New Year.