Aug. 23rd. 1941
The Editor:
I don’t know who the editor of your paper D. W. & W News is, or to whom I am indebted for its arrival here, but I would like to express my appreciation of it. It has been very helpful in giving me the addresses of several of my old buddies who are now serving over here also, as well as being full of interesing bits of news about the plant, its improvements, and how things are going back there in general.
As your probably know I have joined an Anti-Aircraft battery and am stationed close to the east coast, and have already taken part in the bringing down of several enemy planes. I have sent Stan Jackson a piece of a German pilot’s uniform as a souvenir and have made myself a signet ring out of a Me 110, as well as several other pieces of metal which I intend sending home when the opportunithy allows.
Your paper is indeed a wonderful thought of someone, and I hope it is received by all the fellows and helps them along as it did me. Hoping to receive more of them soon, and wishing you every success in the operation of your plant, I remain,
Yours truly,
Aug. 22nd. 1941
The Editor:
I was very pleased to receive your first edition of D. W. & W. News and was struck very much with your efforts of supplying news to the boys over here and hope you have every success with your new venture. I was especially pleased to see a list of all enlisted men as there some I have trying to get the addresses for since I have been in England.
While I am writing I also wish to thank the many organizations which send us our parcels and although you may not receive our replying letters of thanks, I assure you there is nothing like a “parcel from home”.
I do quite a lot of amateur photography and I have many snaps of “sports days” schemes, scenery and so on, taken in England, so if you could use any of them I’ll be glad to send along a few.
Please also correct my address as the one you have has not been. used for over a year.
Thank you again for your “news” and wishing you every success.
B34634 L. Cpl. RAY REYNOLDS,
No. 8 Army Field Reg. Signal Section, R.C.A., C.A.S.F., Canadian Army Overseas.
(Editors Note: You bet we can used snapshot. Send us the negatives.)
Today, through your kindness, I received my third copy of your most interesting paper. It is great appreciated and more so when one is away from home.
Since I enjoy your paper down here, it can readily be imagined how much it is welcomed by the boys who are overseas.
To us on active service, your paper serves a double purpose, not only does it inform us of the many valuable improvements that are being undertaken, but also helps us to keep in contact with our friends.
Thank you once again for your kind consideration, I remain,
Yours truly,
A.C. 1 N. J. REIST