NO. 4

Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited


Edward Cakebread

A.C.1 Edward Cakebread.

(No. B84360)
No. 14 Secondary Flying Training School, Aylmer, Ontario.

Teddy Cakebread was born in Hespeler twenty-three years ago and liked the town so well he never moved away. He attended Hespeler Public School and later took High School studies at the local Continuation School.

On leaving school the entered D. W. & W. where he worked on night shift in the winding department for a short time. He then joined the cloth perchers’ staff as a helper and gained considerable experience in examining cloth. Later he learned to weave on the 92″ W-3 Automatic looms, and was one of our first-class weavers.

Teddy was an amateur musician and when younger possessed a very fine soprano voice, being considered outstanding as a boy soprano. He appeared as soloist many times and was a favorite in concert and church work in most of the surrounding towns and cities as well as Hespeler.

He enlisted with the Royal Canadian Air Force on January 18, 1941, and is at present attached to the Equipment Depot. He has passed the exams for the rank of Leading Air Craftsman, and hopes to become a pilot.

Sergeant Instructor Kenneth Parr Badly Injured in Flying Accident

Former Employee of Wet Finishing Department Has Foot Amputed After Plane Crash at Kitchener Airport

Sgt. Instructor Kenneth Parr was seriously injured as the result of an airplane crash at Kitchener airport on Tuesday morning, September 16th. L.A.C. Melville Hart of Toronto, a flying pupil of Sgt. Parr was killed in the same accident.

The two fliers were part of a group from No. 12 Elementary Flying Training School at Goderich who had flown to Kitchener airport on Tuesday morning as part of routine training. Nine planes made the trip and after a brief stop at the airport were taking off when the accident occurred. Instructor Parr and his pupil had just taken off from the airport, it was said, when the crash occurred, withing a few yards of the club hangar. L.A.C. Hart was dead and Instructor Parr was conscious but badly injured when other members of the flight reached the plane. He was rushed to the K.-W. hospital where he is receiving treament. One foot was so badly mangled that it had to be amputated Tuesday afternoon. He also sustained injuries to the other foot which may possibly require its amputation. He suffered numerous cuts and abrasions, but X-ray examination showed no internal injuries. He is reported to be improving but at the time of publication the fate of the other foot remains in doubt.

Yarn Conditioner Is Installed

H-W Yarn Conditioner

The H.-W. Yarn Conditioner shown in the above picture was installed two years ago and is another example of our effort to modernize plant and equipment.

Newly spun yarn is “wild”, it curls and snarls, making it difficult to handle, Originally we set the twist by placing the yarn in a tight compartment and subjecting it to live steam. However, in using the old fashioned steam box, due to the high temperature, the yarn is liable to become injured — a condition which shows up in the finished cloth.

All guess work and chance is taken out of this process by the new Conditioner, where the yarn is treated at a low temperature which is not injurious to the fibre. Temperature and humidity are automatically controlled. Two trucks of yarn weighing 850 lbs. can be processed at one time. A fan circulates moist air and assures even penetration of the yarn. A time clock stops the operation at the end of a predetermined period and the amount of heat, humidity and the time for the entire operation is automatically recorded on a chart.

Face Lifting Operation

Backyard construction

The Parker Family

Mr. and Mrs Sid. Parker and Jean, Grace, Ivy (Spencer), Ruth, Allen and Robert.

Mr. and Mrs Sid. Parker and Jean, Grace, Ivy (Spencer), Ruth, Allen and Robert. Including Gladys (not in picture) all but Mrs. Parker and the three smallest have spent from two to sixteen years with D. W. & W.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Beckman have announced the engagement of their only daughter, Helen Mary, to Clarence Howard Deemert, younged son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Deemert.

Soldiers’ Addresses

A103319 AC2 Jack A. Crawford, No. 10 S.F.T.S –R.C.A.F., Dauphin, Manitoba

A56612 Cpl. Arthur C. Rubery, “A” Company, No. 10 Basic Training Centre, Knollwood Park, Kitchener, Ontario

R84249 Norman C. Fleischman, No. 1 Wireless School, Montreal, P.Q.

B37854 Ptd. Gehiere A. J., A. 11. I.A.T.C., H.Q. Coy., Camp Borden, Ontario

A50578 Pte. Kalmon J Gerber, Transport Div., Kent Regt., London, Ontario

R78844 H. J. Gibson, No. 2 Wireless Flying Squadron, No. 3, S.F.T.S., Calgary, Alta.

R75912 R. E. Hartick, R.C.A.F., No. 5 S.F.T.S., Brantford, Ontario

R4-144 Pte. A. Hasted, No. 1 Company, V.G.C., Gravenhurst, Ontario

Letters to the Editor

The Editor:

Many thanks for the paper which I received this morning. It brought back memories. I could almost feel myself walking past those green gates once more.

I read the paper from cover to cover. Best of all I liked the photos of the inside of the “Old Mill”. They were very clear and could be easily placed.

I found the reading very interesting and I believe the other boys will too.

We seem to be doing alright over here so far. There haven’t been any raids around this part for some time now, much the better, as for my part I like good night’s sleep.

I am looking forward to the next issue, hope it won’t be lost. In closing I wish to thank all the kind friends who are making this paper possible. It seems to mean more than just a paper.

Cheerio and thumbs up.

“One of the boys”

Letters to the Editor

Aug. 6, 1941

The Editor:

I guess I’m a little late in writing, but better late than never. I would have written sooner but things really happened fast from the time I joined up.

First of all I must thank you for the paper.

We had a nice trip across and the water was very calm, so fortunately for many of us we didn’t get sick. I wish I could tell more about the country and the trip but can not owing to military restrictions.



Aug. 18th, 1941

The Editor:

I wish to thank you for sending me your news bulletin which I have read very carefully both time I have received it.

Though it has only been my good fortune to get to know on or two of the boys the odd time I have been at the plant, still with every piece of cloth I get from youI sort and feel that though we are in different buildings and will different companies, that we are more or less one big outfit–if you did not make the cloth we could not make the suits and with your boys doing so well for us both for services and the nice cloth you are turning out. I am indeed very glad to read about all the many things that are happening in your organization.

Thanks again for sending this along and hope you will continue to do so.

Scott Clothing Co. Longueuil, Que.


Aug. 22, 1941

The Editor:

For the last two months I have received copies of the Dominion and Woollens & Worsteds News. As I am not sure to whom I should be grateful for this kindness I am writing to you to say that I am deeply appreciative.

For many years the courtesies which have been extended to me by the personnel in your plant have made it a pleasure to call on you.

Crompton & Knowles Loom Works, Worcestor, Mass.

Men at Work

Left to Right: Frank Cakebread, Morley Washburn, George Parsons, Gordon Hortop and Harry Fuller

Left to Right: Frank Cakebread, Morley Washburn, George Parsons, Gordon Hortop and Harry Fuller.


Aug. 23rd. 1941

The Editor:

I don’t know who the editor of your paper D. W. & W News is, or to whom I am indebted for its arrival here, but I would like to express my appreciation of it. It has been very helpful in giving me the addresses of several of my old buddies who are now serving over here also, as well as being full of interesing bits of news about the plant, its improvements, and how things are going back there in general.

As your probably know I have joined an Anti-Aircraft battery and am stationed close to the east coast, and have already taken part in the bringing down of several enemy planes. I have sent Stan Jackson a piece of a German pilot’s uniform as a souvenir and have made myself a signet ring out of a Me 110, as well as several other pieces of metal which I intend sending home when the opportunithy allows.

Your paper is indeed a wonderful thought of someone, and I hope it is received by all the fellows and helps them along as it did me. Hoping to receive more of them soon, and wishing you every success in the operation of your plant, I remain,

Yours truly,


Aug. 22nd. 1941

The Editor:

I was very pleased to receive your first edition of D. W. & W. News and was struck very much with your efforts of supplying news to the boys over here and hope you have every success with your new venture. I was especially pleased to see a list of all enlisted men as there some I have trying to get the addresses for since I have been in England.

While I am writing I also wish to thank the many organizations which send us our parcels and although you may not receive our replying letters of thanks, I assure you there is nothing like a “parcel from home”.

I do quite a lot of amateur photography and I have many snaps of “sports days” schemes, scenery and so on, taken in England, so if you could use any of them I’ll be glad to send along a few.

Please also correct my address as the one you have has not been. used for over a year.

Thank you again for your “news” and wishing you every success.

B34634 L. Cpl. RAY REYNOLDS,

No. 8 Army Field Reg. Signal Section, R.C.A., C.A.S.F., Canadian Army Overseas.

(Editors Note: You bet we can used snapshot. Send us the negatives.)


The Burling and Mending Departmant presented Helen Beckman, bride-elect of this month, with a gate-leg table.

Mrs. Marjorie (Goyit) Rickert was presented with a set of pyrex cooking utensils by the Filling Winding Department.

The Cloth Wet Finishing Department presented Leonard Rickert, whose marriage took place on September 27th, with a tri-light lamp.

Those who have enlisted in the last month include Donald Wilson and Arnold Pipher with the Air Force and Kenneth Kennedy with the Army.

Don Wilson, who reported for duty with the R.C.A.F. at Torojnto, was presented with a pen and pencil set and a money belt bearing the crest of the Air Force on behalf of the cloth Shippping Department.

Doug Wilson has been honorably discharged from the Royal Canadian Air Force after spending some time in England and has now returned to work in the Worsted Spinning Department where he was formerly employed.

Jim Shaw received his wings as a pilot in the R.C.A.F, Monday, September 22nd, at the wings presentation ceremony at No. 5 Service Flying Training School at Brantford. He has since been awarded a pilot officer’s commission and has been stationed at Patricia Bay, B.C.

Miss May Wiltshire, who has been a member of the payroll department for the past 32 years and has now retired to make her home in Kitchener, was guest of honour Wednesday evening, September 10, when the members of the office staff enjoyed a dinner party at the Iroquois Hotel, Galt. On September 12 Miss Wiltshire was also presented with a radio on behalf of the entire plant.



Thelma Urstadt to Martin W. Mooney. Will reside in Montreal.

Hele Pipher to Edwin F. Furtney. Will reside in Toronto.

Helen Ehrhardt to Clarence Reidt. Will reside in Waterloo.

Magdalen Fischer to Pat Garibaldi. Will reside in Preston.

Marjorie Goyit to Leonard Rickert. Will reside in Hespeler.


September 5th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. E. Cosgrove (need Isabelle Oliver).

Smile for the Boys, Sisters

From smile to smile: Abigail Durnford, Queenie Hasted, Marie Kitchen, Peggy Newlove and Beatrice Johnson

From smile to smile: Abigail Durnford, Queenie Hasted, Marie Kitchen, Peggy Newlove and Beatrice Johnson

We would enjoy hearing your thoughts on our Newsletter.

We appreciate comments from our men and women based in Canada and overseas. If you have anything to add, we encourage you to also leave a comment here. If you'd like to contact us privately, please write to our switchboard operator. Our Office will respond to your letter as time permits.

1 Comment

  1. N. J. REIST

    Today, through your kindness, I received my third copy of your most interesting paper. It is great appreciated and more so when one is away from home.

    Since I enjoy your paper down here, it can readily be imagined how much it is welcomed by the boys who are overseas.

    To us on active service, your paper serves a double purpose, not only does it inform us of the many valuable improvements that are being undertaken, but also helps us to keep in contact with our friends.

    Thank you once again for your kind consideration, I remain,

    Yours truly,

    A.C. 1 N. J. REIST


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