AUGUST, 1941
NO. 2
Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited
No. A28088
29/40 Batty., 11th Field Regt.
Royal Canadian Artillery
Canadian Army Overseas
Lloyd Beer was born in Hespeler twenty-three years ago and has been a Hespelerite ever since. He attended Hespeler public school and the Galt Collegiate Institute and Vocational School.
On leaving school he entered the Winding Department at D.W. & W. where he worked at night. Seven months later he joined the Weave Room staff as a floor man, and after some time on the floor he commenced weaving automations. For the length of time he had been weaving he was doing exceptionally well and allowed every sign of becoming a first-class weaver.
Lloyd was quite active in hockey and lacrosse circles and was also a good musician, having played for some time in a local orchestra.
He enlisted September 9th, 1939 with the 29/40 Btty., 11th Field Regt., R.C.A., Guelph, and is now overseas. He was married in December, 1939.
The uniform Lloyd is wearing was the style used before the new service uniform was issued.
Construction Work Starts On Washroom Towers
Concrete mixers have started work on two of three tower buildings to house modern toilets and wash rooms. Erection of first tower, located over the race-way, just east of the boiler house and against the finishing room wall, has progressed substantially beyond the foundation stage. The structures, built of reinforced concrete and brick, will replace the present out-of-date facilities and will add much to the convenience and comfort of everyone. Another tower will be located between the weave room elevator will be located between the weave room elevator tower and the lunchroom on the site of the present garage, while the third will be erected in the mill yard against the main building at the east end of the picker room.
Tiled walls, composition floors and modern ventilation will give (give) maximum cleanliness and bronze fittings will up-to-date fixtures will provide brightness and a good appearance. A popular spot at the end of hot summer days will be the shower room — yes, the girls will have one too.
Provision will be made to relocate the first aid room on the ground level in the new weave room tower by means of an addition, and the basement of the raceway tower will contain a centralized air compressor system of sufficient capacity to handle the need of the entire plant. It will also provide for future requirements of humidification. The entire installation will be completed late this fall.
New Boiler Installation Complete
Photograph above shows stoker and control panel of new Foster Wheeler Water Tube boiler, installation of which was completed last winter. This large single unit, capable of prudcing steam at 350 lbs. pressure at the rate of 2300 horse power, does the work which six boilers previously in operation were unable to handle. The increase in demand for heating and process steam caused by the large production of war order required a complete revision of steam plant starting with a boiler of the most modern type. Coal cars dump into a continuous conveyor system that weights the fuel, feeds it to the boiler, carries it through the combustion chamber and by an ingenious suction device removes the ash to a storage tank, ready for dumping into trucks.
Some idea may be given of the capacity of this boiler by noting the amount of coal and water required to keep it running. At full load in the winter time it consumes about a carload of coal every day and consumers about ten times as much water. That means forty fo fifty tons of coal and four hundred to five hundred tons of water each day.
All the water is pumped from the old head race by the machine shop where a concrete settling and purifying basin has been built and is treated in the water softening plant before delivery to the boiler.
A formidable array of pumps, blowers and compressors is required to feed and control the steam plant. In most cases arrangements are made to furnish power for the operation of auxiliary equipment by both steam and electricity so that failure of either service cannot paralyse the steam plant entirely.
Some 35 members of the Worsted Spinning Room enjoyed a picnic at Barber’s Beach on the evening of July 16th. After lunch a softball game got under way with Karl Krueger and Harry O’Krafka doing the master minding for the opposing teams. The final score was 26 to 6 in favour of Karl’s team. A boat ride and dancing completed the evening.
The Woollen Spinning Department held a picnic in Soper Park, Galt, on Thursday afternoon, July 17th. Games and swimming were enjoyed during the afternoon and supper was served about 5:30.
The girls from the payroll and the main floor offices enjoyed a hamburger fry (with plenty of onions) at Lakeview on Monday evening, July 21st.
The annual picnic of the Maintenance Department was half on Saturday afternoon, July 19th, at an unidentified picnic ground. Everyone had a good time and the boys all reported for work Monday morning except one.
Eskimos to Wear D. W. & W. Ski Cloth
Natives of Greenland are engaged in an important war industry — the mining of cryolite — so vital in the manufacture of aluminum for aeroplanes. For the rigorous climate of this rugged northland, warm durable clothing is essential, especially for the strenuous life of the miner. D. W. & W. “Ironskin” snowproof ski cloth was chosen to fill the bill. Last month we shipped twelve tons of this cloth in special wooden cases — iron bound — to withstand not only the rail and boat trip to Greenland, but the dragging over the ice when the cases arrived.
To the list of soldiers, sailors and airment wearing D. W. & W. fabrics can now be added Eskimo miners. They also serve.
Left to Right: Helen Jackson, Evelyn Franks, Dorothy Pearce, Karla Shykoski.
230 Years on the Job
Left to Right: Louis Bucholtz (54 yrs.), Chris Linder (60 yrs.), Herman Matthies (36 yrs.), Herb Huether (39 yrs.), Dan Jiggins (41 yrs.).
Connell — Connell
St. Patrick’s rectory was the scene of a quiet wedding when Mrs. Nellie F. Connell of Hespeler became the bride of John J. Connell of Ottawa. They are to make their home in Ottawa.
Parsons — Cormier
A marriage of local interest was solemnized on Friday, July 4 at the Brunswick Street United Church parsonage, Halifax, N.S., when Miss Margaret Mary Cormier became the bride of Pte. Albert Parsons who is with the H.L.I. of C. (AF) now stationed in England.
Huether — Scott
A pretty wedding was solemnized at the Baptist Church on Saturday afternoon, July 19th, when Lillie Ann, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Scott, became the bride of Norman Huether, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Huether. After and informal reception at the chicopee tea rooms Mr. and mrs. Huether left on a wedding trip. They are making their home in Hespeler.
Lindhorst — Ziegler
The home of Rev. J.J. and Mrs. Lowe was the setting for a mid-summer marriage on Saturday afternoon, July 26th, when Miss Lois Lavina Ziegler, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ziegler, became the bride of Ronald Frederick Lindhorst, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lindhorst. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepherd. They are making their home in Hespeler.
Brown — Knack
St. James’ Anglican Church was the setting for the pretty August wedding on Saturday afternoon, August 2nd, when Edith Dorothy, second youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Knack, Beaverdale, became the bride of Lionel Robert Brown, sone of the late Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown. The rector, Rev. L. V. Pocock, performed the ceremony. After an informal reception at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown left on their wedding trip, a cruise in the Georgian Bay district. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will live in Hespeler.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wolfe have announced their engagement of their only daughter, Mary Louise to John James Black, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Black.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tyman have announced the engagement of their daughter, Helen, to Lawrence Obermeyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Obermeyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Urstadt announce the engagement of their only daughter, Thelma Vernice, to Martin Mooney of Montreal, son of Charles L. Mooney of Leamington and the late Mrs. Mooney.
Bert Brown has been off work for several weeks on account of a hand injury.
The Worsted Drawing Dept presented Mrs. Brown (nee Dorothy Knack) with an end table.
Bill O’Krafka, who underwent an operation at the Galt Hospital recently, has returned to work,
The Yarn Shipping Department presented Mrs. Lindhorst (nee Lois Ziegler) with a satin comforter.
John Chadwick, who was holidaying in Toronto, had the misfortune to fall and dislocate his shoulder.
The Woollen Carding Dept. presented Bert Brown, who marriage took place August 2nd, with a mantel clock.
Mrs. Normal Huether (nee Lillie Schott) was presented with a coffee table by the Burling and Mending Department.
Mrs. Renner (nee Adelaide McMaster) was presented with a set of vanity lamps and a bedroom chair by the office staff.
Ab. Hern is still convalescing at his home in Toronto. His injured arm has not responded to treatment as well as was expected.
Normal Huether, whose marriage took place on July 19th, was presented with a mirror by the Dyehouse office staff at a party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Kribs.
The Burling and Mending and Dry Finishing Departments presented Mrs. Davies (nee Kathleen “Mickie” Walker) with a gate-leg table in honour of her marriage which took place August 9th.
Those who have enlisted in the last month include Bert Jardine, Fred Jardine, Elwood Cosgrove, Kalmon Gerber and John Cain with the Army and Norman Reist, William Turner and William Lamb with the Air Force.
Enlistments going up!
Army …………49
Air Force ……23
Navy …………..0
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I wish to thank you for sending me your news bulletin which I have read very carefully both time I have received it.
Though it has only been my good fortune to get to know on or two of the boys the odd time I have been at the plant, still with every piece of cloth I get from youI sort and feel that though we are in different buildings and will different companies, that we are more or less one big outfit–if you did not make the cloth we could not make the suits and with your boys doing so well for us both for services and the nice cloth you are turning out. I am indeed very glad to read about all the many things that are happening in your organization.
Thanks again for sending this along and hope you will continue to do so.
Scott Clothing Co. Longueuil, Que.
I received with thanks your second copy of your proud paper and indeed it should grow as it is a welcome visitor to me. Although I’m fortunate to be in Canada, I’m sure the boys overseas will welcome any news from home, as it is most tiring this waiting for something to happen. Fellows, that is what will help to the war (your interest in the boys overseas) for it keeps up the morale which is deeply stressed in the Army. It will take lots of hardships, lots of waiting but in the end victory will be on our side. We in Camp Borden have a paper called the “Bullet” and when the next edition comes off the press I will send one to you, as it will give you a good idea of the vast amount of training, as well as all kinds of sport that takes place.
Wishing your paper every success in the world, I remain.
Sincerely yours,