JULY, 1941

NO. 1

Published at the Hespeler, Ontario Plant of Dominion Woollens and Worsteds, Limited


James Crane

PTE. JAMES F. CRANE (No. A27136)

11th Candian Field Ambulance
Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps
Canadian Army Overseas

Jimmy Crane was born at Stockeon-Trent, England, thirty-four years ago and came to Canada when nine years of age. Settling at Sydney Mines, N.S., he attended public and high schools. Ten years later he move to Guelph, Ont.

After a year he moved to Hespeler, married, and started his many years of service with D. W. & W. After three years in the Dyehouse and short period of employment elsewhere he joined the Woollen Card Room staff in 1931.

World War I saw his father and two uncles on active service and World War II was barely under way before Jimmy and his two brothers followed suit.


Local Service Men Demand News and Pictures From Home

This is a a letter to the dozens of lads whose letters from camps in Canada and overseas demand news from home.

“We are not strong on writing letters but will do the best we can and as often as we can. In fact we will do more. Just to make sure no one is forgotten we are publishing a paper — once a month. This first issue of “D.W. & W NEWS” is a letter from home that each one of you will get without asking. If you like it, write and tells us. If you don’t like it write anyway. We will publish anything that has your name on it. (In reason).

“We know absolutely nothing about publishing a newspaper. That will likely make it more interesting than most papers. At any rate it will be more sincere than most. Our news columns are full of real news — the only important news — new jobs, new brides, new babies and all about people you know and friends who don’t forget.

“We take the pictures ourselves and they are pretty good. Your pictures are going to be here too — if we can get them. Not many are on files so find yourself a photographer and send along a portrait. One will be printed every month and, so there will be no favorites, we will draw them out of a hat and print them as they come — from privates to brass hats.

“There are quite a few of you now. Army 43, Air Forces 20, Navy 0. Not many sailors, but then being limited to Puslinch Lake our sea-going tradition is apt to be a bit tarnished. By the time this reaches you more boys will have joined up for the duration. We will keep you posted every month. Elsewhere in this issue is a partial list with addresses and it will be continued in our next issue. If any corrections are needed, please send them in. 

“Have you lost someone’s address? We’ll try to find her for you. 

“Do you want someone’s picture? We’ll try that too. 

“Has someone forgotten to write you? We’ll remind them.

“We are writing to you.

“YOU write your MOTHER.”

Hair Nets Are Compulsory….But these get by

Neat isn’t it (aren’t they?)

Edit Berner and June Whorley

Fashionable hair nets. Edith Berner (left),  June Whorley (right)

Hespeler Oversubscribes Loan

Hespeler’s $90,000 objective in the 1941 Victory Load campaign was left far behind by the time subscription lists closed on June 21st, with total subscriptions of $131,000 — 145% of quota. This did not include subscriptions from persons or companies on the special list of those from whom large subscriptions were expected. When these were added the Hespeler total passed the $300,000 mark. The remarkable response to the loan vindicates the decision to refrain from canvassing people at work. Democracy in this case needed no compulsion and even while the campaign was at its height the sales of War Savings Certificates kept steadily on.

Jackson Brewster, one of Hespeler’s three Victory Loan Salesmen, topped the list of all salesmen in South Waterloo district and contributed greatly to the success of the Loan in Hespeler.

Hespeler is sending her dollars after her men. Both are needed to win. 

Men at Work

Left to Right: Tom Hodges, Ed. Nightingale

Left to right: Tom Hodges, Ed. Nightingale. Photo cut off – missing George McKeig, Ben Harvey

Work Council Urges Action To Adjust Time Shortages in Wollen Yarn Dept.

July meeting of Works Council produced requests for explaination of shutdowns in the Wollen Yarn department and short time for workers. It was stated that the department, particularly spinning, suffered from frequent unexpected shut-downs of short duration caused by shortage of empty bobbins and that operators were losing earning in consequence. It was admitted that the large variety of yarns required made it difficult to keep in step with the weave room but responsibility was placed definitely on the Production office to place orders so that the departments could keep in step and clear out batches as they were made.

Action was urged on several recommendations of Works Council which had not been attended to, particularly curtains in the weave room for protection from sun and guards for Universal winders. It was stated that the Maintenance department had more orders to fill than at any time in the plant’s history and that materials for many jobs now took months instead of days to procure. Immediate action was promised, however, on completion of weave room curtains.

Council was advised that due to an increasing tendency for persons to leave the employment of the Company without notice it was considered necessary to make a practice of treating all cases where employees left work without explanation in the same way as those who quite jobs permanently and to fill such positions at once. All concerned are asked to co-operate by giving reasonable notice when intending to leave the Company or when obliged to be absent.

Other Points covered by the Council were as follows:

Arranged for check up of firstaid equipment thoughout mill and addition to list of first aid men.

Recieved report of Christmas Savings Club — $11,164 left in fund to date.

Received report of sale of War Savings Certificates. Entire plant 92% pledged to date. Members want to know what has delayed the other 8%.

Requested an investigation into earnings in worsted drawing department and were assured that a complete check up was already under way.

Received reports on progress of provding ventilation at finish perches, providing women’s dressing room in combing department, elimination of fumes from cloth carbonizer, continuous hot water supply for showers, cold drinking water in dyehouse.


Ab. Hern, Wollen Carding foreman has been off work for several weeks with a fractured arm, resulting from an accident in the Card Room.

Bernard Baker, Henry O’Krafka, Howard Armstrong, John Hodgson, Bernanrd Splawnyk, Alfred Scheffel, Jack Picken, Norman Huether Edwyn Meiers, Gordon Fisher John Coughlin and William Amos have been attending H. L. I. Camp in London for 18 days.

Two lives were taken by the water of Puslinch lake Saturday when Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Craine of Guelph drowned after their canoe upset near the big island. This marks the third drowning at the lake this year. Prior to this year the last drowing that can be recalled occurred 32 years ago.

Unemployment Insurance

The Unemployment Insurance Act started to operate on July 1st. A great deal of publicity has been given to its regulations and those affected are now fairly familiar with its requirements. In a very general way it can be said the the Insurance will keeps persons who are out of work on half pay until they find another job. This statement is a little too general possibly because the pay does not commence until after nine days unemployment and the amount depends on how much has been paid in premiums over the previous two years. The unemployment payments do not last indefinitely but depend on how many premiums have been paid in. It is possible however, to draw from the fund over three times the amount that you and your employers and the government have paid in for you. 

In any undertaking as tremendous as the Unemployment Insurance Plan difficulties are bound to arise that cannot be foreseen. At D. W. & W. they are not going to be very serious because Ed. Coffey has been working on the details for year and has fought for the most up-to-date machine accounting equipment in Canada until he is now prepared to guarantee that whatever difficulties occur will at least be less serious than any other concerns. He has visited many of the large plants in Ontario checking up on their plans and has adopted the best features of each. His method of handling premium payments and insurance books has been approved by the Unemployment Insurance Commission. It is simple and easy to understand but only because twelve months of prepartion made it possible.

Rush Drop Wire Job

Five youngsters wiring electric stop motion on automatic loom. Left to right: Betty Garside, Irene Kendry, Myrtle Einwechter, Jean Howlett, Geraldine Parr.



Irma Whitemore to Ted Hodges. Will reside in Hespeler.

Loretta McMaster to Howard Smith. Will reside in Preston.

Dorothy Sims to Doug Dolson. Will reside in Galt.

Linda Radke to Alex Braun. Will reside in Hespeler.


June 7th a daughter (Ruth Jean) to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Macnab.

June 17th a son (Jack Russell) to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wehner.

June  27th a son to Mr. and Mrs. Moran (nee Molly Scott). 

Helen Fisher was presented with a cheque by the office staff on June 20th when she left the employ of the company to be married. She will live in Ft. William.

A satin bedspread and matching pillow covers were presented by the Drawing Dept. to Marjorie Heighton who will marry Gordon Columbus on July 12th. 

Earl Jackson, Lloyd Munch, Fred Day Jr and Julius Molnar have bee called for 4 months’ training.

The Kinsmen Bingo and Carnival, which was well supported by the people of Hespeler and the surrounding district, was very successful. According to Jim Hunter (Talking Reporter) who has attended over 400 of these meetings, it was one of the best. One of the outstanding features was the presentation of several cheques to Jim Hunter for the Lord Mayo’s fund. Various departments from the mill made substantial contributions. A cheque for $25 was received from the girls of the Burling and Mending Dept. which is their third donation to this fund. Also from the Woollen Yarn Dept. a cheque for $40.15, the Hand Knitting Yarn Dep. $7.75 and from the office staff $23. Proceeds are being used for community and war services.

Combing Moves to New Quarters

Photo above shows one section of the new combing room on first floor of main building at Hespeler in space formerly occupied by top packing and storage. Gradual growth of commission combing business and our own requirements warranted the move from the previous very crowded location in the worsted drawing room. All combs and finishing gills are located in the same room except those used for coloured work. The installation includes equipment for temperature and humidity control which is absolutely essential to satisfactory combing.

Full length factory type window on both sides of room with new lighting equipment make one of the best lighted sections in the mill. The entire layout was designed by our own staff to combine as far as possible the requirements of efficient manufacturing and comfortable working conditions.

This equipment was for many years the only combing plant in Canada and laid the foundations of Canadian combing industry that is contributing greatly to the supply of material for Canada’s war effort.

Addresses of Men on Active Service

A11166 Pte. Fred Baker, “A” Company, Perth Regiment, C.A.S.F. Camp Borden, Ont.

Capt. N. A. Baird, Adjutant, The H. L. I. of Canada, C.A.S.F., Debert Military Camp, Debert, N. S.

Lieut. Chas. Barrett, H. L. I. of Canada, C.A.S.F., Debert Military Camp, Debert, N. S.

B6808 Gnr. L. J. Beckman, “A” Batty., R. C. A., T. C. Petawawa, Ont.

A28099 Gnr. Lloyd R. Beer, 29 / 40 Batty., 11th Field Regt., R. C. A., Canadian Army Overseas.

A37397 Pte. Alfred Berrington Jr., “B” Company, H. L. I. of C., Debert F. P. O., Debert, N. S.

R66499 AC1 Hector Bird, R. C. A. F. Recruiting Centre, North Bay, Ont.

A9119 Pte. Fred Bloomfield, 1st Div. Petrol Coy., R. C. A. S. C. Candian Army Overseas.

AC1 Edward Cakebread, R84360 No. 14 S. F. T. S., Aylmer, Ont.

AC2 Gordon Connor, R84257, R. C. A. F., No. 1 Wireless School, Montreal , P. Q.

A27136 Pte. James F. Crane, 11th Can. Field Ambulance, R. C. A. M. C., Canadian Army Oversears.

A28063 Gnr. Earl B. Davis, 11th Army Field Reg., 29th Batty., R. C. A., Candian Army Overseas.

A28090 Gnr. Wm. Donahue, 29 / 40 Field Batty., R. C. A., Canadian Army Overseas.

B84186 Driver Geo. Edmonds, 1st Corps Troops, Supply Col., R. C. A. S. C., Canadian Army Overseas.

A99441 Fte. H. M. Ekins, Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps, Canadian Army Overseas.

R89805 AC2 R. H. Fuller, No. 1 B. &G. School, R. C. A. F., Javis, Ont.

A28901 Gnr. Stanley Inder, 29 / 40th Field Batty., R. C. A., Canadian Army Overseas.

B34634 Sig. Ray Reynolds, 4th Army Field Reg. Sig., S. E. C. F., No. 4 Coy., First Corps, Sig., C. A. S. F. Canadian Army Overseas.

R84186, AC2 Douglas Midgley, No. 3 S. F. T. S., R. C. A. F. Kingston, Ont. Hut No. 9

B84070, D. M. Harold Morris, No. 1 Echelon, 1st Canadian Corps, Troop Supply Column, Canadian Army Overseas.

R89708, AC2 D. P. Morlock, No. 5 G. B. School, R. C. A. F., Dafoe, Sask.

A35325 Gnr. Alex McLaughlin, 16th Batty., 12 Fd. Reg., R. C. A., Sussex Camp, Sussex, N. B.

B85416 Dvr. Bruce McLaughlin, R. C. A. S. C. — C. A. S. F., Stanley Barracks, Toronto, Ont.

A17013 Pte. Kenneth McLaughlin, R. C. M. C., No. 1 Neurological Hospital, No. 1 Holding Unit, C. A. S. F., Canadian Army Overseas.

A35354 Gnr. John O’Krafka, 43rd Battery, R. C. A., 12th Field Regiment, C. A. S. F., Military Camp, Sussex, N. B. 

A35344 Bdr. George Oliver Jr., 16th Field Batty., 12th Fd. Reg., R. C. A., C. A. A. Sussex Camp, Sussex, N. B. 

R89844, AC2 R. E. Oliver, R. C. A. F., Mills Hall, O. A. C. Guelph, Ont.

R68367 Sgt. Pilot Kenneth Parr. No. 12 E. F. T. S., — R. C. A. F., Goderich, Ont.

R37433 Pte. Albert Parsons, H. L. I. of C. Military Camp, Debert Station, N. S. 

R78734 Sgt. Pilot roy Pinder, No. 12 E. F. T. S. — R. C. A. F., Goderich, Ont.

A37818 Pte. James Reid, “A” Coy., H. L. I. of C., A. A. Debert Military P. O., Debert, N. S.

R89950 Ac2 John Reid, Rockcliffe Military P. O., 306 R. C. A. F., Parliamentary Guard, Ottawa, Ont.

R89965, AC2 Ian Reid, No. 5 B. & G. School, R. C. A. F., Dafoe, Sask.

B83470 Gnr. Thos. Richardson, R. C. A Regtl. Sig. Wing, Military P. O. 302, Barriefield Camp, Kingston, Ont.

A28089 Bdr. Willam Stremble, 29 / 40 Field Battery, 11th Army Field Regulars, R. C. A., Canadian Army Overseas.

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